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Norwegian krill [Meganyctiphanes norvegica, syn.: M. calmani, Euphausia intermedia, Nyctiphanes norvegicus, Thysanopoda norvegica]Nordischer Krill {m}
Norwegian krone <NOK, kr> Norwegische Krone {f} <NOK, kr>
Norwegian kroner {pl} norwegische Kronen {pl}
Norwegian Labour Party [Br.] Norwegische Arbeiterpartei {f}
Norwegian lemming [Lemmus lemmus] Berglemming {m}
Norwegian lyonsia [Lyonsia norwegica, syn.: L. striata, Amphidesma corbuloides, Mya nitida, M. norwegica, M. pellucida, M. striata, Myatella montagui, Pandora aequivalvis, Tellina coruscans]Norwegische Schnabelmuschel {f}
Norwegian milkvetch / milk vetch [Astragalus norvegicus, syn.: A. alpinus subsp. arcticus, A. giganteus, A. lapponicus, Tragacantha lapponica] Nordischer Tragant {m}
Norwegian milkvetch / milk vetch [Astragalus norvegicus, syn.: A. alpinus subsp. arcticus, A. giganteus, A. lapponicus, Tragacantha lapponica] Norwegen-Tragant {m}
Norwegian omelette Norwegisches Omelett {n} [Omelette surprise]
Norwegian omelette Norwegische Omelette {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst fachspr.] [Omelette surprise]
Norwegian puffin dog (Norwegischer) Lundehund {m}
Norwegian puffin dog Norwegischer Vogelhund {m}
Norwegian rat [Rattus norvegicus] Wanderratte {f}
Norwegian roller Sternwalze {f} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
Norwegian sandwort [Arenaria norvegica]Norwegisches Sandkraut {n}
Norwegian scabies [Scabies norvegica] Borkenkrätze {f}
Norwegian Sea Europäisches Nordmeer {n}
Norwegian SeaNorwegische See {f}
Norwegian shelf norwegischer Sockel {m}
Norwegian shipworm [Nototeredo norvagica] [saltwater clam] Nordischer Schiffsbohrwurm {m} [Meeresmuschel]
Norwegian shipworm [Nototeredo norvagica] [saltwater clam] Norwegischer Bohrwurm {m} [Meeresmuschel]
Norwegian shipworm [Nototeredo norvagica] [saltwater clam]Nordische Schiffsbohrmuschel {f}
Norwegian skate [Dipturus nidarosiensis]Schwarzbäuchiger Glattrochen {m}
Norwegian star (pattern) [selburose]Selburose {f}
Norwegian sweater Norwegerpullover {m}
Norwegian timmia (moss) [Timmia norvegica]Norwegisches Grobzahnmoos {n}
Norwegian topknot [Phrynorhombus norvegicus, syn.: Zeugopterus norvegicus] Zwergbutt {m}
Norwegian trench Norwegische Rinne {f}
Norwegian wasp [Vespula norvegica, syn.: Dolichovespula norvegica, D. norvegicoides, Vespa norvegica]Norwegische Wespe {f}
Norwegian whitlow-grass / whitlowgrass [Draba norvegica] Norwegisches Felsenblümchen {n}
Norwegian whitlow-grass / whitlowgrass [Draba norvegica]Norweger Felsenblümchen {n}
Norwegian Wood [novel: Haruki Murakami; film: Tran Anh Hung] Naokos Lächeln
(Norwegian) lundehund (Norwegischer) Lundehund {m}
(Norwegian) lundehundNorwegischer Vogelhund {m}
Norwegian-Finnish border norwegisch-finnische Grenze {f}
Norwegian-Russian bordernorwegisch-russische Grenze {f}
Norwegians Norweger {pl}
Norwegians [female]Norwegerinnen {pl}
Norwegian-speaking norwegischsprachig
Norwegian-Swedish border norwegisch-schwedische Grenze {f}
nor'-wester [wind] Nordwest {m}
Norwich [England]Norwich {n}
Norwich terrierNorwich Terrier {m}
no-scalpel vasectomy <NSV>No-Scalpel-Vasektomie {f} <NSV> [messerloses Verfahren der Vasektomie]
noscapine [also: narcotine] [C22H23NO7] Noscapin {n} [auch: Narcotin, α-Gnoscopin, Methoxyhydrastin]
no-score draw [football]torloses Unentschieden {n}
nose Bug {m} [Flugzeug]
nose Bukett {n} [Wein]
nose Vordeck {n}
nose Nase {f} [Hobelgriff]
noseBlume {f} [eines Weines]
nose Sporn {m} [an Wasserturbine]
nose [attr.]Nasen-
nose [Nasus] Nase {f}
nose and ear hair trimmer Nasen- und Ohrenhaarschneider {m}
nose and ear hair trimmerNasen- und Ohrenschneider {m} [Haarschneider]
nose and ear (hair) trimmer Nasen- und Ohrentrimmer {m} [Haarschneider]
nose and groove [also: groove and nose]Nase und Nut [auch: Nut und Nase]
nose and throat region [coll.] [nasopharyngeal space]Nasen-Rachen-Raum {m} <NRR>
nose balloon Nasenballon {m}
nose bearingTatzlager {n}
nose bearing Tatzenlager {n} [Tatzlager]
nose bleed Nasenbluten {n}
nose bleed [Achillea millefolium, also A. magna] [(common) yarrow](Gemeine) Schafgarbe {f}
nose bleeding Nasenbluten {n}
nose blockadeNasenatmungsbehinderung {f}
nose blowing [from a cold, hay fever, or allergies] Nasenschnäuzen {n}
nose bone Nasenbein {n}
nose breatherNasenatmer {m}
nose bridge Steg {m} [Brille]
nose bridgeNasenwurzel {f}
nose bridge [spectacles]Nasensteg {m} [Brille]
nose bump Nasenhubbel {m} [ugs.] [Knubbel / Hubbel auf der Nase]
nose cancer Nasenkrebs {m}
nose candy [sl.] [cocaine] Schnee {m} [ugs.] [Kokain]
nose clip Nasenklammer {f} [Schwimmen]
nose clip [swimming] Nasenklemme {f} [Schwimmen]
nose cone Spitze {f} [Nasenkegel von Flugkörper, Rakete]
nose cone Raketenspitze {f}
nose correction Nasenkorrektur {f}
nose count [coll.] [census] Volkszählung {f}
nose coupling Bugkupplung {f}
nose dive Sturzflug {m}
nose dive (during braking) Bremstauchen {n}
nose drops Nasentropfen {pl}
nose fin Nasen-Finne {f}
nose flute Nasenflöte {f}
nose gear [landing gear] Bugfahrwerk {n}
nose gunner Bugschütze {m}
nose haemorrhage [Br.]Nasenbluten {n}
nose hair [single hair] Nasenhaar {n}
nose hair trimmerNasenhaartrimmer {m}
nose hair trimmer Nasenhaarschneider {m}
nose hemorrhage [Am.] Nasenbluten {n}
nose hold [pain hold in martial arts]Nasenhebel {m} [Schmerzgriff, Kampftechnik]
nose jewellery [esp. Br.] Nasenschmuck {m}
nose jewelry [Am.] Nasenschmuck {m}
nose job [coll.] Nasenkorrektur {f}
nose kissNasenkuss {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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