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nosewash Nasenspülung {f}
nosewheelBugrad {n}
nosey [coll.] [pej.] neugierig
nosey parker [Br.] [coll.] Schnüffler {m} [ugs.] [neugierige Person]
noseyness [coll.] Neugierde {f}
Nosferatu the VampyreNosferatu: Phantom der Nacht [Werner Herzog]
Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror Nosferatu: Eine Symphonie des Grauens [Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau]
nosh {sg} [Br.]Fressalien {pl} [ugs.]
nosh [Am.] [coll.] leichte Mahlzeit {f}
nosh [Am.] [coll.] kleine Mahlzeit {f}
nosh [Am.] [coll.]Snack {m}
nosh [Am.] [coll.] Häppchen {n} [für zwischendurch]
nosh [Br.] [coll.]Essen {n}
nosh [Br.] [coll.]Imbiss {m}
nosh [Br.] [sl.] Futter {n} [ugs.] [Essen]
no-sheet detector Fehlbogenkontrolle {f} [Druckmaschine]
no-show Nichtantritt {m} [einer Reise]
no-show Nichtanreisen {n} [Hotel]
no-showNo-show {m} [Person, die eine Reservierung nicht wahrnimmt]
no-showNichtanreise {f}
no-show [person] [jemand, der eine Reservierung nicht in Anspruch nimmt oder zu einem Termin nicht erscheint]
nosh-up [Br.] [coll.]Fresserei {f} [ugs.] [meist pej.]
nosh-up [Br.] [sl.] Schmaus {m}
nosier [coll.] neugieriger
nosiest [coll.] neugierigste
nosily neugierig
nosiness [coll.]Neugierde {f}
nosiness [coll.] Neugier {f}
nosing Ausladung {f}
nosingMitnehmer {m} [Türriegel]
nosing glass [cf. snifter]Nosing-Glas {n}
no-smoking / non-smoking compartment [train] Abteil {n} für Nichtraucher
no-smoking policyNichtraucherpolitik {f}
no-smoking ruleRauchverbot {n}
nosoacusis [hearing loss due to disease, as opposed to aging] Nosoakusis {f}
nosocomial des Krankenhauses
nosocomial nosokomial
nosocomial infection nosokomiale Infektion {f}
nosocomial infection im Krankenhaus erworbene Infektion {f}
nosocomial infection Krankenhausinfektion {f}
nosocomial infection Spitalinfektion {f} [schweiz.] [österr.] [im Krankenhaus erworbene Infektion]
nosocomial infection <NI> Nosokomialinfektion {f} <NI>
nosode Nosode {f}
nosodendrid [family Nosodendridae] [wounded-tree beetle] Saftkäfer {m}
nosodendrid beetles [family Nosodendridae] [wounded-tree beetles]Saftkäfer {pl}
nosodesNosoden {pl}
nosographic nosographisch
nosography Nosographie {f}
nosologic nosologisch
nosological entity nosologische Entität {f}
nosologically nosologisch
nosology Nosologie {f} [Krankheitslehre]
nosologyKrankheitslehre {f}
nosophobia Nosophobie {f}
nosophobic nosophob
no-spy agreement No-Spy-Abkommen {n}
Nossidium pilosellum [species of featherwing beetles]Ovaler Zwergkäfer {m}
Nossob (River) [also: Nosob, Nossop]Nossob {m}
nostalgia Heimwehgefühl {n}
nostalgia Nostalgie {f}
nostalgia Sehnsucht {f} nach Vergangenheit
[nostalgia for the supposed delights of the GDR] Ostalgie {f} [ugs.]
nostalgic nostalgisch
nostalgic wehmütig
nostalgic Nostalgiker {m}
nostalgic [yearning]voll Sehnsucht
[nostalgic Swiss abroad longing to return home]Heimwehschweizer {pl} [schweiz.] [Schweizer, die Heimweh haben]
nostalgically wehmütig
nostalgist Nostalgiker {m}
nostalgist [female] Nostalgikerin {f}
no-step shower [level access shower] bodengleiche Dusche {f}
nostophobia Nostophobie {f}
Nostratic nostratisch
nostrification [rare] Nostrifikation {f} [österr.]
nostrification [rare] Nostrifizierung {f} [österr.]
nostril Nasenloch {n}
nostril Nasenöffnung {f}
nostril Nüster {f}
nostril hair {sg} Nasenhaare {pl}
nostril hair extension Nasenhaarverlängerung {f}
nostril hair trimmer Nasenhaartrimmer {m}
nostril hair trimmer Nasenhaarschneider {m}
nostril injury [horses, other odd-toed ungulates] Nüsternverletzung {f}
nostril piercing Nostril-Piercing {n}
nostrils Nasenlöcher {pl}
nostrilsNüstern {pl}
nostro account Nostroguthaben {n}
nostro account Nostrokonto {n}
nostro account statementNostrokontenabrechnung {f}
nostro balance Nostroguthaben {n}
nostro commitment Nostroverpflichtung {f}
nostro liability Nostroverpflichtung {f}
nostro reconciliation Nostroabgleichung {f}
nostro reconciliation statementNostrokontenabrechnung {f}
nostro securities Nostropapiere {pl}
nostro securities Nostrowertpapiere {pl}
nostro transactionNostro-Geschäft {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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