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notching relay [IEC 60050] Beschleunigungsrelais {n} [IEC 60050]
notching tool Ausklinkwerkzeug {n}
notchleaf / notch-leaf willow [Salix retusa, syn.: S. kitaibeliana]Stutz-Weide / Stutzweide {f}
notchleaf / notch-leaf willow [Salix retusa, syn.: S. kitaibeliana] Stumpfblättrige Weide {f}
notchleaf / notch-leaf willow [Salix retusa, syn.: S. kitaibeliana] Netz-Weide / Netzweide {f}
notchleaf / notch-leaf willow [Salix retusa, syn.: S. kitaibeliana]Netzblättrige Weide {f}
notch-sensitive kerbempfindlich
notch-wing neb [Monochroa suffusella, syn.: Gelechia oblirella, Bryotropha peterseni] Wollgras-Palpenfalter {m}
notchy schartig
notchy [esp. of a motor vehicle gear mechanism] hakelig [schwergängig] [ruckelig]
NOT-circuit NICHT-Schaltung {f}
note Aktenvermerk {m}
note Anmerkung {f} <Anm.>
note Kommentar {m}
note Memorandum {n}
noteNote {f}
note Notiz {f}
note Vermerk {m}
noteZettel {m}
note schriftliche Mitteilung {f}
note [bond, loan note] Schuldverschreibung {f}
note [Br.]Banknote {f}
note [Br.] [banknote] Schein {m} [Geldschein]
note [characteristic element] Zeichen {n} [Hinweis auf etw.]
note [hints] Hinweistext {m}
note [message]Mitteilung {f}
note [sound] [also fig.] Ton {m} [auch fig.]
note box Zettelkasten {m}
note boxZettelbox {f}
note broker Wechselmakler {m}
note card [index card] Karteikarte {f}
note circulation Notenumlauf {m}
note compartment [Br.]Geldscheinfach {n}
note compartments [Br.] [cash register]Scheinfächer {pl} [Registrierkasse]
note discountingWechseldiskontierung {f}
note duration Tondauer {f}
note flag Notenfähnchen {n}
note flag Notenfahne {f}
note for the files Aktennotiz {f}
note for the files Aktenvermerk {m}
note head Notenkopf {m}
note issue Notenausgabe {f}
note of authorization Zulassungsbescheid {m}
note of credit Billigungsvermerk {m}
note of debt Schuldschein {m}
note of entry Eintragungsvermerk {m}
note of expensesSpesenabrechnung {f}
note of feesKostennote {f}
note of handSchuldschein {m}
note of interrogation Fragezeichen {n}
note of melancholy melancholischer Ton {m}
note of protestProtesturkunde {f}
note of redevelopmentSanierungsvermerk {m}
note of registration Vermerk {m} der Registrierung [selten] [Registrierungsvermerk]
note of registrationRegistrierungsvermerk {m}
note of sadness trauriger Ton {m}
note of thanks Zeichen {n} des Dankes
note of thanks kurzer Dankesbrief {m}
note of warning Zeichen {n} der Warnung
note on reallocationUmlegungsvermerk {m}
note pad Notizblock {m}
note payableEigenwechsel {m}
note payable Schuldwechsel {m}
note receivable Kundenwechsel {m}
note receivable Wechselforderung {f}
note sign <♪>Notenzeichen {n} <♪>
note tail Notenfahne {f}
note tailNotenfähnchen {n}
Note to self: ...Nicht vergessen: ... [auf einem Notizzettel]
note value Notenwert {m}
note verbale diplomatische Note {f}
note verbale Verbalnote {f}
note with a tailgeschwänzte Note {f}
(note) stem Notenhals {m}
notebook Kladde {f}
notebookNotizbuch {n}
note-book Notizbuch {n}
notebook Anmerkungsheft {n}
notebookHeft {n}
notebook Klapprechner {m} [ugs.]
notebook Notenbüchlein {n} [z. B. für Anna Magdalena Bach]
notebookHeftchen {n} [kleines Notizheft]
notebookMerkbuch {n}
notebook Notizheft {n}
notebook [Am.] Schönschreibheft {n} [mit Vordruck]
notebook [Am.]Schulheft {n}
notebook [Anna Magdalena Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach] Clavier-Büchlein {n} [Originaltitel]
notebook bagNotebook-Tasche {f}
notebook (computer)Notebook {n}
notebook (computer) Laptop {m} {n}
notebook entry [Am.]Hefteintrag {m}
notebook keyboard Laptop-Tastatur {f} [auch: Laptoptastatur]
notebook lidNotebook-Deckel {m}
notebooks Notizbücher {pl}
notebooksHefte {pl}
Noteboom Variation Noteboom-Variante {f}
Noteć (River) Netze {f}
notecard [index card] Karteikarte {f}
notecase Brieftasche {f}
noted notiert
« notonotsNottnotynotanotcnoteNothnothnotiNoti »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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