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Nasrids Nasriden {pl}
Nassau Nassau {n}
Nassau [attr.] nassauisch
Nassau grouper [Epinephelus striatus] Nassau-Zackenbarsch {m}
Nassau Memorandum / memorandumNassauer Denkschrift {f} [Karl Frhr. von Stein]
nastier garstiger
nasties [nastic movements]Nastien {pl}
nasties [nasty things] ekelhafte Sachen {pl}
nastiest garstigste
nastily garstig
nastily schmutzig
nastilyin garstiger Weise
nastiness Garstigkeit {f}
nastiness [malice] Gemeinheit {f}
nastiness [malice]Bosheit {f}
nastiness [malice] Gehässigkeit {f}
nastiness [offensiveness] Anstößigkeit {f}
nastiness [to sb.]gemeines Benehmen {n} [gegenüber jdm.]
nastiness [to sb.] scheußliches Benehmen {n} [gegenüber jdm.]
nastiness [unpleasantness or objectionableness] Abscheulichkeit {f}
nastiness [unpleasantness] Scheußlichkeit {f}
nastiness [unpleasantness] Ekelhaftigkeit {f}
nastrophite [Na(Sr,Ba)(PO4)·9H2O] Nastrophit {m}
nasturtium [genus Tropaeolum]Kapuzinerkresse {f}
nasturtium [Tropaeolum majus]Kapuzinerkresse {f}
nasturtium [Tropaeolum majus] Kapuziner {m} [Kapuzinerkresse]
nasturtium bauhinia [Bauhinia galpinii]Rote Bauhinie {f}
nasturtium family {sg} [family Tropaeolaceae]Kapuzinerkressengewächse {pl}
nasty ekelig
nasty fies [ugs.]
nasty garstig
nasty hässlich
nasty scheußlich
nasty ekelerregend
nasty gemein
nasty übel
nasty widerwärtig
nastyhündisch [gemein]
nasty haarig [fig.]
nastyschiach [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.]
nastydegoutant [geh.]
nasty [coll.] [person]Ekel {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
nasty [coll.] [unpleasant thing]Scheußlichkeit {f}
nasty [nastic movement] Nastie {f}
nasty [person]boshaft
nasty [very bad, unpleasant]böse [schlecht, schlimm, übel]
nasty accident scheußlicher Unfall {m}
nasty affair garstige Angelegenheit {f}
nasty bang schrecklicher Knall {m}
nasty bit of workDreckschleuder {f} [ugs.]
nasty boy frecher Junge {m}
nasty business widerliches Geschäft {n}
nasty characterboshafter Charakter {m}
nasty coldgarstige Kälte {f}
nasty coldHundekälte {f} [ugs.]
nasty comment fieser Kommentar {m} [ugs.]
nasty cough hartnäckiger Husten {m}
nasty crimeabscheuliches Verbrechen {n}
nasty customerunangenehmer Kerl {m}
nasty ditchgarstiger Graben {m} [nach G. E. Lessing]
nasty dream böser Traum {m}
nasty fellow abgebrühter Kerl {m}
nasty girlhässliches Mädchen {n}
nasty habit abstoßende Angewohnheit {f}
nasty habit üble Gewohnheit {f}
nasty habitüble Angewohnheit {f}
Nasty Habits [Michael Lindsay-Hogg]Eine beispiellose Affäre
nasty little man [keen on harming others]Wadelbeißer {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.]
nasty little runt widerlicher kleiner Wicht {m} [ugs.]
nasty little runt [pej.] [person] [cf. poison dwarf] Giftzwerg {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
nasty look böser Blick {m}
nasty matter böse Angelegenheit {f}
nasty moodgereizte Laune {f}
nasty offer unverschämtes Angebot {n}
nasty patty [SpongeBob SquarePants] Killerburger {m} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
nasty personwiderliche Person {f}
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.]widerliche Person {f}
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.] (übler) Patron {m} [ugs. für: übler Kerl]
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [fig.] gscherter Hammel {m} [fig.] [pej.] [bayer.]
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [idiom]linke Socke {f} [ugs.] [fig.] [pej.]
nasty piece of work [coll.] übler Kerl {m} [ugs.]
nasty piece of work [coll.] [fig.] [person]Ekelpaket {n} [ugs.] [fig.] [Person]
nasty piece of work [coll.] [malicious person] Dreckschleuder {f} [ugs.]
nasty piece of work [esp. Br.] [coll.] [very unpleasant or mean person] fieser Kerl {m} [ugs.]
nasty remark hässliche Bemerkung {f}
nasty remark häßliche Bemerkung {f} [alt]
nasty shock schrecklicher Schock {m}
nasty situationunangenehme Lage {f}
nasty smellabstoßender Geruch {m}
nasty storyekelhafte Geschichte {f}
nasty surface of ice tückische Eisfläche {f}
nasty taste widerlicher Geschmack {m}
« narrnarrnarrnasanasaNasrnastNathnatinatinati »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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