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nuclear scientist [female]Nuklearwissenschaftlerin {f}
nuclear semioticsAtomsemiotik {f}
nuclear sharingnukleare Teilhabe {f}
nuclear shell model Kernschalenmodell {n}
nuclear shelter Atombunker {m}
nuclear shelterAtomschutzbunker {m}
nuclear shipAtomschiff {n}
nuclear size Kerngröße {f}
nuclear skeletonKernskelett {n}
nuclear skeletonNukleoskelett {n}
nuclear smuggling Atomschmuggel {m}
nuclear spin Kernspin {m}
nuclear spin precession <NSP> Kernspinpräzession {f}
nuclear spin tomographyKernspintomographie {f}
nuclear spin tomography Magnetresonanztomographie {f} <MRT>
nuclear spyAtomspion {m}
nuclear stability [e.g. of a system]nukleare Stabilität {f} [z. B. eines Systems]
nuclear star cluster <NSC> Nuclear Star Cluster {m} {n} <NSC>
nuclear state Atomstaat {m}
nuclear stockpile Atomarsenal {n}
nuclear strategicnuklearstrategisch
nuclear strategy Nuklearstrategie {f}
nuclear strike Nuklearschlag {m}
nuclear strikeAtomangriff {m}
nuclear strike Atomschlag {m}
nuclear structure Kernstruktur {f}
nuclear structureKernaufbau {m}
nuclear sub [Br.] Bar {f}
nuclear sub [sl.] [rhyming slang for pub] [Br.]Pub {n}
nuclear submarine Atom-U-Boot {n}
nuclear swelling Kernschwellung {f}
nuclear symmetry energy Kernsymmetrie-Energie {f}
nuclear target Atomziel {n}
nuclear technology Kerntechnik {f}
nuclear technology Nukleartechnik {f}
nuclear technology Atomkerntechnik {f}
nuclear technology Nukleartechnologie {f}
nuclear technologyAtomtechnologie {f}
Nuclear Terror [US title] [Alistair MacLean] Rendezvous mit dem Tod
nuclear testAtomtest {m}
nuclear testNukleartest {m}
nuclear testAtomversuch {m}
nuclear theory Kerntheorie {f}
nuclear threat nukleare Bedrohung {f}
nuclear threat atomare Bedrohung {f}
nuclear threshold nukleare Schwelle {f}
nuclear track microscope Kernspurmessmikroskop {n}
nuclear transformationKernumwandlung {f}
nuclear transmutation nukleare Transmutation {f}
nuclear umbrella Atomschirm {m}
nuclear umbrella Nuklearschirm {m}
nuclear umbrella nuklearer Schutzschirm {m}
nuclear vesselvon Atomkraft angetriebenes Schiff {n}
nuclear volume <NV> Kernvolumen {n}
nuclear warAtomkrieg {m}
nuclear warNuklearkrieg {m}
nuclear warfareatomare Kriegsführung {f}
nuclear warfare Atomkrieg {m}
nuclear warfare Atomkriegsführung {f}
nuclear warhead Atomsprengkopf {m}
nuclear warheadNuklearsprengkopf {m}
nuclear warhead nuklearer Gefechtskopf {m}
nuclear warhead Atomgefechtskopf {m}
nuclear warheadsAtomsprengköpfe {pl}
nuclear warningNuklearwarnung {f}
nuclear warning systemAtomwarnsystem {n}
nuclear wasteAtommüll {m}
nuclear wasteNuklearabfall {m}
nuclear waste {sg} radioaktive Abfälle {pl}
nuclear waste disposal Atommülllagerung {f}
nuclear waste disposal site Atommülldeponie {f} [ugs.]
nuclear waste disposal site Atommülllager {n}
nuclear waste dump Atommüllkippe {f}
nuclear waste managementnukleare Entsorgung {f}
nuclear waste management Entsorgung {f} nuklearer Abfälle
nuclear waste shipment ordinanceatomrechtliche Abfallverbringungsverordnung {f} <AtAV>
nuclear watchdog [coll.]Atomaufsichtsbehörde {f}
nuclear weapon Atomwaffe {f}
nuclear weapon Kernwaffe {f}
nuclear weapon Nuklearwaffe {f}
nuclear weapon Atomsprengkörper {m}
nuclear weapon stockpile Atomwaffenarsenal {n} [Vorrat]
nuclear weaponry {sg}Atomwaffen {pl}
nuclear weaponry production Atomwaffenherstellung {f}
nuclear weaponry production Atomwaffenproduktion {f}
nuclear weaponry stockpile Atomwaffenarsenal {n} [Vorrat]
nuclear weapons Atomwaffen {pl}
nuclear weaponsKernwaffen {pl}
nuclear weapons allocationAtomwaffenzuteilung {f}
nuclear weapons material Kernwaffenmaterial {n}
nuclear weapons production Atomwaffenproduktion {f}
nuclear weapons production Atomwaffenherstellung {f}
nuclear weapons program [Am.] Atomwaffenprogramm {n}
nuclear weapons program [Am.]Kernwaffenprogramm {n}
nuclear weapons program [Am.] Nuklearwaffenprogramm {n}
nuclear weapons stateAtommacht {f}
nuclear weapons stockpileAtomwaffenarsenal {n} [Vorrat]
nuclear weapons test Atomwaffentest {m}
nuclear weapons testKernwaffentest {m}
(nuclear weapons) non-proliferation treatyAtomwaffensperrvertrag {m}
« nowhN-ranuchnuclnuclnuclnuclnuclnuclnudinull »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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