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nymph Puppe {f}
nymph [literary] [a beautiful young woman] [dichterisch für eine anmutige junge Frau, Schönheit]
nymph bat [Myotis alcathoe] Nymphenfledermaus {f}
nymph stageNymphenstadium {n}
nymphaea {pl} Nymphäen {pl}
(Nymphaea) colorata [Nymphaea colorata]Bunte Seerose {f}
(Nymphaea) colorata [Nymphaea colorata] Blaue Nil-Seerose {f}
nymphaeum Nymphäum {n}
Nymphenburg Palace [Munich]Schloss {n} Nymphenburg
Nymphenburg porcelainNymphenburger Porzellan {n}
nymphet Nymphchen {n} [ugs.]
nymphet Kindfrau {f} [frühreif]
nymphette [spv.] [an attractive and sexually mature young girl] Nymphchen {n} [Lolita]
nymphish nymphenhaft
nymphlike nymphenhaft
nympho [Am.] [sl.]geile Tussi {f} [ugs.] [mannstolle Frau, Mädchen]
nympho [coll.]Nymphomanin {f}
nympholepsykrankhafte Besessenheit {f}
nympholepsykrankhafter Drang {m} nach Unerreichbarem
nympholept überspannter Idealist {m}
nympholeptic besessen
nymphomaniaNymphomanie {f}
nymphomaniaMannstollheit {f} [ugs.]
nymphomania Liebestollheit {f} [bei Frauen]
nymphomaniac Nymphomanin {f}
nymphomaniac nymphomanisch
nymphomaniac Erotomanin {f}
nymphomaniac nymphoman
nymphomaniacal nymphomanisch
nymphomaniacal nymphoman
nymphophiliaNymphophilie {f}
nymphoplasty Schamlippenkorrektur {f} [Labia minora]
nymphoplasty [reduction of the labia minora] Schamlippenverkleinerung {f} [Labia minora]
nymphos [Am.] [sl.] geile Tussis {pl} [ugs.] [mannstolle Frauen, Mädchen]
nymphos [Am.] [sl.] geile Tussen {pl} [ugs.] [mannstolle Frauen, Mädchen]
nymphotomyNymphotomie {f}
NynorskNynorsk {n}
Nyo languagesNyo-Sprachen {pl}
NYPD BlueNew York Cops – NYPD Blue
Nyquist criterion Nyquistkriterium {n}
Nyquist frequency Nyquist-Frequenz {f}
Nyquist plot Nyquist-Plot {m}
Nyquist rateNyquist-Rate {f}
Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem Nyquist-Shannonsches Abtasttheorem {n} [alt]
Nyquist-Shannon sampling theoremNyquist-Shannon'sches Abtasttheorem {n}
nystagmic nystagmisch
nystagmogramNystagmogramm {n}
nystagmogram Nystagmusaufzeichnung {f} [Nystagmogramm]
nystagmographNystagmograph {m}
nystagmography Nystagmographie {f}
nystagmography Nystagmografie {f}
nystagmographyNystagmusaufzeichnung {f} [Nystagmographie]
nystagmus Nystagmus {m} [Augenzittern]
nystagmus Augenzittern {n}
nystagmus spectacles {pl} [one pair] [esp. Br.] Nystagmusbrille {f}
nystagmus test Nystagmustest {m}
nystatin [C47H75NO17] Nystatin {n}
Nysten's ruleNysten-Regel {f}
Nysten's ruleNysten'sche Regel {f}
Nysten's rule nystensche Regel {f}
Nysten's ruleNystensche Regel {f} [alt]
NyxNyx {f}
NZers [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.]Neuseeländer {pl}
« nuttnutrnutrnutrnuttnympO[asoakdoaktOAPhoath »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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