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English-German Dictionary

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native of Salzburg(gebürtiger) Salzburger {m}
native of Salzburg [female] (gebürtige) Salzburgerin {f}
native of Stockholm (gebürtiger) Stockholmer {m}
native of Stockholm [female] (gebürtige) Stockholmerin {f}
native of Stuttgart (gebürtiger) Stuttgarter {m}
native of Stuttgart [female] (gebürtige) Stuttgarterin {f}
native of Valais [female] (gebürtige) Walliserin {f}
native of Zurich (gebürtiger) Züricher {m} [Zürcher]
native of Zurich(gebürtiger) Zürcher {m}
native of Zurich [female]Züricherin {f}
native of Zurich [female] Zürcherin {f}
native oils native Öle {pl}
native Pacific oyster [Ostrea lurida, syn.: O. lurida expansa, O. lurida laticaudata, O. lurida rufoides, Ostreola conchaphila, Monoeciostrea vancouverensis]Pazifische Plattauster {f}
native pear [Dacryodes edulis, syn.: canarium edule]Afrikanische Pflaume {f}
native pear [Dacryodes edulis, syn.: canarium edule] Saphubaum {m} [auch Safou]
native pepper [Tasmannia lanceolata, syn.: T. aromatica, Austrodrimys lanceolata, Drimys aromatica, D. lanceolata, Winterania lanceolata] Australischer Pfeffer {m}
native pepper [Tasmannia lanceolata, syn.: T. aromatica, Austrodrimys lanceolata, Drimys aromatica, D. lanceolata, Winterania lanceolata] Tasmanischer Pfeffer {m}
native pepper [Tasmannia lanceolata, syn.: T. aromatica, Austrodrimys lanceolata, Drimys aromatica, D. lanceolata, Winterania lanceolata] Bergpfeffer {m}
native place Heimatort {m}
native plantseinheimische Pflanzen {pl}
native population Urbevölkerung {f}
native population Stammbevölkerung {f}
native proteinnatives Protein {n}
native proteins native Proteine {pl}
native region Heimatregion {f}
native religion [Am.] [in a North American context: American Indian, Native American] indianische Religion {f}
native rocknatürlicher Fels {m}
native rosella [Hibiscus tiliaceus]Lindenblättriger Eibisch {m}
native scan nativer Scan {m}
native silver gediegenes Silber {n}
native soilHeimaterde {f}
native soilheimatliche Scholle {f} [veraltet]
native soil Heimatboden {m}
Native Son [Richard Wright] Native Son
native speakerMuttersprachler {m}
native speakerNative Speaker {m} [Person mit muttersprachlicher Kompetenz]
native speakerMuttersprachiger {m} [schweiz.]
native speaker [female] Muttersprachlerin {f}
native speaker [female] Muttersprachige {f} [schweiz.]
native speaker competencemuttersprachliche Kompetenz {f}
native speaker level Muttersprachlerniveau {n}
native speakers Muttersprachler {pl}
native speakers Muttersprachige {pl} [schweiz.]
native species heimische Art {f}
native species {pl} heimische Arten {pl}
native (species of) bird heimische Vogelart {f}
native state nativer Zustand {m}
native state [entity of the British Indian Empire] (indischer) Fürstenstaat {m}
native structure native Struktur {f}
native to Northern Europe [postpos.]in Nordeuropa heimisch
native tobacco [Nicotiana rustica, syn.: N. pavonii, N. texana]Bauern-Tabak / Bauerntabak {m}
native tobacco [Nicotiana rustica, syn.: N. pavonii, N. texana]Rundblatt-Tabak / Rundblatttabak {m}
native tobacco [Nicotiana suaveolens, syn.: N. eastii, N. exigua]Süßduftender Australischer Tabak {m}
native tobacco [Nicotiana suaveolens, syn.: N. eastii, N. exigua] Wohlriechender Tabak {m}
native tobacco [Nicotiana suaveolens, syn.: N. eastii, N. exigua] Australischer Dufttabak {m}
native tobacco [Nicotiana suaveolens, syn.: N. eastii, N. exigua]Australischer Dufttabak {m}jipijeh
native tongueMuttersprache {f}
native tongueHeimatsprache {f}
native town Geburtsstadt {f}
native town Heimatstadt {f}
native tree speciesstandortgerechte Baumart {f}
native tribe Eingeborenenstamm {m}
native tribeseingeborene Stämme {pl}
native trout [Galaxias maculatus]Fleckengalaxie {f}
native urine <NU> Nativurin {m}
native urine <NU> Erststrahlurin {m}
native urine <NU>nativer Urin {m}
native vessel natives Gefäß {n}
native village Eingeborenendorf {n}
native villageHeimatdorf {n}
native village Geburtsdorf {n} [selten]
native village einheimisches Dorf {n}
native villages Heimatdörfer {pl}
[native of Canton Solothurn in Switzerland] Solothurner {m}
(native) hollyhock tree [Hibiscus splendens, syn.: Abelmoschus splendens]Australischer Hibiskus {m}
native-bornim Lande Geborener {m}
native-born citizengebürtiger Staatsbürger {m} [Staatsbürger von Geburt an]
native-language [attr.] muttersprachlich
nativenessUrsprünglichkeit {f}
nativeness Natürlichkeit {f}
nativesUreinwohner {pl}
natives [short: native speakers] Muttersprachler {pl}
natives of Hamburg [female] (gebürtige) Hamburgerinnen {pl}
nativismNativismus {m}
nativism [epistemology]Nativismus {m} [Epistemologie]
nativist nativistisch
nativist Nativist {m}
nativities Geburten {pl}
nativityGeburt {f}
nativity Herkunft {f}
nativity figures set Krippenfigurenset {n}
nativity figurine Krippenfigur {f}
Nativity of Our Lady [September 8th] Kleiner Frauentag {m} [Mariä Geburt]
nativity play Krippenspiel {n}
nativity play Weihnachtskrippenspiel {n}
nativity scene Geburtsszene {f}
nativity scene [Am.] Krippenspiel {n}
« NatiNatiNatinatiNatinatinatinatunatunatunatu »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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