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natural diffidencegewohnte Zurückhaltung {f}
natural disaster Naturkatastrophe {f}
natural disaster Unwetterkatastrophe {f}
natural disaster katastrophales Naturereignis {n}
natural disastersNaturkatastrophen {pl}
natural dispositionAnlage {f} [natürliche Veranlagung]
natural disposition [temperament] Naturell {n} [geh.]
natural doctrine [of the human body, of man, the state, etc.]Naturlehre {f} [des menschlichen Körpers, des Menschen, des Staates, etc.]
natural draft cooling tower [Am.]Kühlturm {m} mit natürlicher Belüftung
natural draft cooling tower [Am.] natürlich belüfteter Kühlturm {m}
natural draft cooling tower [Am.] selbstventilierender Kühlturm {m}
natural draught cooling tower [Br.] Kühlturm {m} mit natürlicher Belüftung
natural draught cooling tower [Br.] natürlich belüfteter Kühlturm {m}
natural draught cooling tower [Br.] selbstventilierender Kühlturm {m}
natural dyestuff Naturfarbstoff {m}
natural economy Naturwirtschaft {f}
natural element Naturelement {n}
natural end [natural purpose] Naturzweck {m}
natural enemiesnatürliche Feinde {pl}
natural enemiesFressfeinde {pl}
natural enemy natürlicher Feind {m}
natural environment natürliche Umgebung {f}
natural environment natürlicher Lebensraum {m}
natural environmentNaturraum {m}
natural eventNaturereignis {n}
natural event Naturgeschehen {n}
natural extract Naturextrakt {m}
natural father leiblicher Vater {m}
natural fiber [Am.] Naturfaser {f}
natural fibre [Br.]Naturfaser {f}
natural fibre-reinforced plastic [Br.]naturfaserverstärkter Kunststoff {m} <NFK>
natural fields natürliche Felder {pl}
natural flavor [Am.] Naturaroma {n}
natural flavor [Am.]Naturgeschmack {m}
natural flavoring [Am.]Naturaroma {n}
natural flavour [Br.]Naturaroma {n}
natural flavouring [Br.] Naturaroma {n}
natural fleckerl Rechtsfleckerl {n}
natural food Naturkost {f}
natural food {sg} naturbelassene Lebensmittel {pl}
Natural Foods Store [Am.]Bioladen {m}
natural force Naturgewalt {f}
natural forces Naturkräfte {pl}
natural forest Naturwald {m}
natural form Naturform {f}
natural frequency Eigenfrequenz {f}
natural frequencyEigenschwingung {f}
natural frequency range Eigenfrequenzbereich {m}
natural gas Erdgas {n}
natural gas Naturgas {n}
natural gas carErdgasauto {n}
natural gas compressor station Erdgasverdichterstation {f}
natural gas consumptionErdgasverbrauch {m}
natural gas deposit Erdgaslagerstätte {f}
natural gas deposits {pl}Erdgasvorkommen {n}
natural gas field Erdgasfeld {n}
natural gas fieldNaturgasfeld {n}
natural gas filling stationErdgastankstelle {f}
natural gas grid Erdgasnetz {n}
natural gas imports Erdgasimporte {pl}
natural gas industry Erdgasindustrie {f}
natural gas installation [natural gas facility]Erdgasanlage {f}
natural gas liquids <NGL>Erdgasflüssigkeiten {pl}
natural gas liquids <NGLs> mitgeförderte Flüssigkeiten {pl}
natural gas pipeline Erdgaspipeline {f}
natural gas pipeline Erdgasrohrleitung {f}
natural gas pipeline Erdgasleitung {f}
natural gas priceErdgaspreis {m}
natural gas prices Erdgaspreise {pl}
natural gas producer Erdgasproduzent {m}
natural gas production Erdgasförderung {f}
natural gas production Erdgasproduktion {f}
natural gas productionErdgasgewinnung {f}
natural gas production Naturgasförderung {f}
natural gas production Naturgasproduktion {f}
natural gas project Erdgasprojekt {n}
natural gas refueling station [Am.]Erdgastankstelle {f}
natural gas refuelling station [Br.]Erdgastankstelle {f}
natural gas shortage Erdgasverknappung {f}
natural gas storage facility [mostly underground]Erdgasspeicher {m} [meist unterirdisch]
natural gas vehicle <NGV>Erdgasfahrzeug {n}
natural gas-powered erdgasbetrieben
natural genius Naturgenie {n}
natural grassNaturrasen {pl}
natural ground gewachsener Boden {m}
natural gut string Naturdarmsaite {f}
natural habitat natürlicher Lebensraum {m}
natural hair [of brushes]Naturborste {f} [z. B. bei Staubpinsel, Kosmetikpinsel]
natural halocarbon natürlicher halogenierter Kohlenwasserstoff {m}
natural harbor [Am.] Naturhafen {m}
natural harbour [Br.]natürlicher Hafen {m}
natural harbour [Br.] Naturhafen {m}
natural harmonicnatürlicher Flageolettton {m}
natural harmonics [guitar technique]natürliche Flageoletts {pl} [Gitarre-Technik]
natural hazard Naturgefahr {f}
natural hazardsElementarrisiken {pl}
natural hazards Elementargefahren {pl}
natural healingNaturheilkunde {f}
natural health professionalHeilpraktiker {m}
natural health professional [female] Heilpraktikerin {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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