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« backPage 41 for words starting with N in the English-German dictionarynext page »
naturist villageFKK-Dorf {n}
naturist zoneFKK-Bereich {m} [selten {n}]
naturopath Naturheilkundiger {m}
naturopath Naturheilkundler {m}
naturopathNaturheiler {m}
naturopathNaturheilpraktiker {m}
naturopath Physiater {m} [Naturheilarzt]
naturopath [female] Naturheilkundlerin {f}
naturopath [female] Naturheilärztin {f}
naturopathic naturheilkundlich
naturopathic physician Naturheilarzt {m}
naturopathic practiceNaturheilpraxis {f}
naturopathic practitioner Naturheilpraktiker {m}
naturopathic treatment Naturheilverfahren {n}
naturopathyNaturheilkunde {f}
Naude's rubble goby [Trimma naudei]Naudes Zwerggrundel {f}
Nauga [short for: Naugahyde ®] [artificial leather]Kunstleder {n}
Naugahyde ® [American brand of artificial leather]Kunstleder {n}
naugehyde liverwort [Ptilidium pulcherrimum]Schönes Federchenmoos {n}
naugehyde liverwort [Ptilidium pulcherrimum] Zierliches Federchen-Lebermoos {n}
naugehyde liverwort [Ptilidium pulcherrimum] Schönes Wollmoos {n}
naught nichts
naught [Am.] Null {f}
naught [archaic] [literary] [ruin]Verderben {n}
naughtier unartiger
naughtily unartig
naughtinessUngezogenheit {f}
naughtiness Unanständigkeit {f}
naughtiness Unart {f}
naughtiness Ungehörigkeit {f}
naughtsNullen {pl}
naughty böse [ungezogen]
naughty unartig
naughty bösartig
naughty unanständig
naughty neckisch [Spielchen]
naughty kremsch [böse] [regional]
naughty [brazen] dreist
naughty [of children] ungezogen
naughty bits [coll.] [hum.]unartige Teile {pl} [selten] [veraltet] [prüde] [Genitalien]
naughty bits [hum.] [genitals] obszöne Körperteile {pl} [hum.] [Genitalien oder Brüste] [selten]
naughty boyfrecher Junge {m}
naughty boy ungezogener Junge {m}
naughty childrenunartige Kinder {pl}
naughty little beggar [coll.]kleiner Schelm {m}
naughty little chit [old-fashioned] [disapproving] ungezogene kleine Göre {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
naughty step stille Treppe {f}
naughty trick böser Streich {m}
Nauheim brooch Nauheimer Fibel {f}
naujakasite [Na6(Fe,Mn)Al4Si8O26] Naujakasit {m}
Naukluft Mountains {pl} Naukluftgebirge {n}
naumachiaNaumachie {f}
naumannite Naumannit {m}
Naumann's thrush [Turdus naumanni]Naumanndrossel {f}
Naumburg MasterNaumburger Meister {m}
naupathiaSeekrankheit {f}
naupathiaNaupathie {f}
naupliar eye Naupliusauge {n}
naupliar stage Nauplius-Stadium {n}
NaupliusNauplios {m}
nauplius larva Naupliuslarve {f}
naur [Pseudois nayaur] Bharal {m}
naur [Pseudois nayaur]Nahur {m} [Blauschaf]
naur [Pseudois nayaur] [blue sheep] Blauschaf {n} [Bharal]
Nauru <.nr>Nauru {n}
Nauru reed warbler [Acrocephalus rehsei, syn.: Calamoherpe rehsei] Nauru-Rohrsänger {m}
Nauruan Nauruisch {n}
NauruanNauruer {m}
Nauruan [female] Nauruerin {f}
Nauruan Tribal War [1878-1888]Nauruischer Stammeskrieg {m}
Nauruans Nauruer {pl}
nauseaÜbelkeit {f}
nauseaBrechreiz {m}
nausea Übelsein {n}
nausea Nausea {f}
nausea and vomiting <N/V, NV> [nomenclature]Übelkeit und Erbrechen <ÜE> [Nomenklatur]
nauseated angeekelt
nauseated voller Abscheu
nauseated angewidert
nauseated verabscheut
nauseatic [rare] [chiefly archaic] anwidernd
nauseating verabscheuend
nauseating ekelerregend
nauseating Ekel erregend
nauseating widerlich
nauseating Übelkeit erregend
nauseatingly ekelnd
nauseous ekelerregend
nauseous ekelhaft
nauseous widerlich
« natunatunatunatunatunatunausnavanavenaviNazi »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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