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near disaster Beinahekatastrophe {f}
Near East Nahost
Near EastNaher Osten {m}
Near EastVorderer Orient {m}
Near East policyNahostpolitik {f}
Near East viper [Montivipera xanthina, syn.: Vipera xanthina] Türkische Bergotter {f}
Near East viper [Montivipera xanthina, syn.: Vipera xanthina]Kleinasiatische Bergotter {f}
Near Eastern mittelöstlich
Near Easternnahöstlich
Near Eastern vorderasiatisch
Near Easternvorderorientalisch
Near Eastern studies [treated as sg. or pl.]Orientalistik {f}
Near Eastern wildcat [Felis silvestris lybica] Falbkatze {f}
Near Eastern wildcat [Felis silvestris lybica] Afrikanische Wildkatze {f}
near end crosstalk <NEXT>Nahübersprechen {n} [Querdämpfung]
near end crosstalk <NEXT>Nahnebensprechen {n} [Querdämpfung]
near enough [Br.] [coll.]nahezu
Near enough is not good enough. Knapp daneben ist auch vorbei.
near environmentnahe Umwelt {f} [Kunden, Lieferanten und direkte Konkurrenten]
near fieldNahfeld {n}
near field communication <NFC> Nahfeldkommunikation {f} <NFC>
near field communication <NFC> Nahfeld-Kommunikation {f} <NFC> [Rsv.]
near field scanning {sg} <NFS> Nahfeldmessungen {pl}
near freezing point nahe dem Gefrierpunkt
near friendnaher Freund {m}
near friendvertrauter Freund {m}
near future nahe Zukunft {f}
near future unmittelbare Zukunft {f}
near gale [7 Bft]steifer Wind {m} [7 Bft]
near horseHandpferd {n}
near incidentBeinahe-Vorkommnis {n}
near incidentBeinahevorkommnis {n}
near infrared spectroscopy <NIRS>Nahinfrarotspektroskopie {f} <NIRS> [auch: Nah-Infrarotspektroskopie]
near limit Vordertiefe {f}
near me in meiner Nähe
near measuring circle Messkreis Nähe {m}
near missBeinahezusammenstoß {m}
near miss Fastzusammenstoß {m}
near missBeinaheunfall {m}
near miss Beinahekollision {f}
near miss Beinahe-Schaden {m} [Patientensicherheit]
near miss Beinahe-Unfall {m}
near miss Beinahefehler {m} [auch: Beinahe-Fehler]
near miss Beinaheschaden {m} [auch: Beinahe-Schaden]
near missesBeinahezusammenstöße {pl}
near neighbour [Br.] naher Nachbar {m}
near on impossible [chiefly pred.] nahezu unmöglich
near our housein der Nähe unseres Hauses
near point Nahpunkt {m}
near post [football]kurzer Pfosten {m}
near real-timeNahe-Echtzeit {f}
near real-time nahe Echtzeit [fast in Echtzeit]
near relationnaher Verwandter {m}
near relations nahe Verwandte {pl}
near relative naher Verwandter {m}
near rhyme unreiner Reim {m}
near side diesseitig [Ufer]
near side post [football]kurzer Pfosten {m}
near (side) post [football] naher Pfosten {m} [kurzer Pfosten eines Tors]
near sound field akustisches Nahfeld {n}
near the [prep+art] beim [bei dem]
near the [prep+art] am [an dem]
near the Alps in Alpennähe
near the beach in Strandnähe
near the beachstrandnah
near the beginninganfangs
near the bordernahe der Grenze
near the border in Grenznähe
near the border [postpos.] grenznah
near the coast in Küstennähe
near the coast [postpos.] küstennah
near the college [Am.]in Uninähe [ugs.]
near the end gegen Ende
near the equator in Äquatornähe
near the equator [postpos.]äquatornah
near the ground in Bodennähe
near the ground [postpos.] bodennah
near the harbor [Am.]in Hafennähe
near the harbour [Br.]in Hafennähe
near the heart [postpos.]herznah
near the knuckle [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] grenzwertig [ugs.] [Verhalten, Äußerung etc.]
near the mark [postpos.] nahe dran
near the medullain Marknähe (liegend)
near the million annähernd 1 Million
near the port in Hafennähe
near the seain Meeresnähe
near the shore in Ufernähe
near the spinewirbelsäulennah
near the sunin Sonnennähe
near the sun [postpos.]sonnennah
near the surface [postpos.] oberflächennah
near the uni [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.] in Uninähe [ugs.]
near the university in Uninähe [ugs.]
near to homeheimatnah
near to perfect so gut wie vollkommen
near to tearsden Tränen nahe
near to the centre [postpos.] [Br.] zentrumsnah
near to the wall in Wandnähe
near (to)in der Nähe von
near (to) the buildinggebäudenah
« navanavenaviNaziNduknearnearnearneatneceneck »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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