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near victory Beinahe-Sieg {m}
near visionNahsehen {n}
near vision (acuity)Nahvisus {m}
near visual acuity <NVA>Nahvisus {m}
near waterin der Nähe von Wasser
(near) addition <ADD, add> [ophthalmology] Nahzusatz {m}
near-accident Beinaheunfall {m}
near-balancebeinahe ausgeglichen
near-balance Beinahe-Ausgeglichenheit {f}
near-bankruptcy Beinahebankrott {m}
near-bed [rivers etc.] sohlnah
near-black fast schwarz
near-borehole space sondennaher Raum {m}
nearby nah
nearbynahe bei
nearby nahegelegen
nearbynahe gelegen
nearbyin der Nähe
nearby benachbart
nearby neben [+Dat.] [nahe]
nearby nahgelegen
nearby dichtebei [ugs.] [nordd.] [selten]
nearbynaheliegend [Rsv.] [nah]
Nearby are ... In der Nähe liegen ...
nearby city Nachbarstadt {f}
nearby places nahegelegene Orte {pl}
nearby town Nachbarort {m}
nearby village nahegelegenes Dorf {n}
nearby village Nachbarort {m}
nearby village Nachbardorf {n}
nearby village nahe gelegenes Dorf {n}
nearby villagesNachbardörfer {pl}
(nearby) recreational area Naherholungsgebiet {n}
near-capacity crowd fast ausverkauftes Haus {n}
near-close near-front rounded vowel [also: near-high near-front rounded vowel]gerundeter zentralisierter fast geschlossener Vorderzungenvokal {m}
near-close near-front unrounded vowel [also: near-high near-front unrounded vowel] ungerundeter zentralisierter fast geschlossener Vorderzungenvokal {m}
near-collision Beinahezusammenstoß {m}
near-complete fast vollständig
near-constant nahezu konstant
near-continuousfast ununterbrochen
Nearctic nearktisch
Nearctic brown lemming [Lemmus trimucronatus] Brauner Lemming {m}
Nearctic collared lemming [Dicrostonyx groenlandicus, syn.: D. kilangmiutak, D. rubricatus, Arvicola rubricatus]Nördlicher Halsbandlemming {m}
Nearctic region nearktische Region {f}
Nearctic (region) Nearktis {f}
Nearctic white-winged crossbill [Loxia leucoptera]Bindenkreuzschnabel {m}
near-deathNahtod {m}
near-death experience <NDE> Nahtoderfahrung {f}
near-death experience <NDE>Nahtoderlebnis {n} [auch: Nahtod-Erlebnis] <NTE>
near-death studiesNahtodstudien {pl}
near-deity gottähnliche Person {f}
near-derelict halb verfallen
near-Earth [also: near-earth] [attr.] erdnah
near-Earth asteroid <NEA> erdnaher Asteroid {m}
near-Earth object <NEO> erdnahes Objekt {n}
neared sich genähert
near-end cross talk <NEXT> [also near-end cross-talk]Nahübersprechen {n} [Querdämpfung]
near-end cross talk <NEXT> [also: near-end cross-talk] Nahnebensprechen {n} [Querdämpfung]
Nearer, My God, to Thee [Sarah Fuller Flower Adams] Näher, mein Gott, zu Dir [Übs. Erhard Fr. Wunderlich]
nearer the timezeitnah
nearer the timezeugs zeitnah
nearest nächstgelegen
nearest am nächsten
nearest nächstliegend
nearest hospital nächstes Krankenhaus {n}
nearest lower nächstniedriger
nearest neighbour [Br.]nächster Nachbar {m}
nearest relativenächster Verwandter {m}
nearest to nächst [+Dat.] [geh.] [selten] [unmittelbar an / bei]
nearest to the sun [postpos.] sonnennächste
near-extinctionBeinaheauslöschung {f}
near-faultless fast fehlerfrei
near-field [attr.] Nahfeld-
near-field diffraction Beugung {f} im Nahfeld
near-field light source Nahfeldlichtquelle {f}
near-ground [attr.] bodennah
nearingsich annähernd
near-instant (fast) augenblicklich
near-instant nahezu augenblicklich
near-instantlypraktisch sofort
near-letter quality <NLQ> korrespondenzfähige Schriftqualität {f} [bei Nadeldruckern]
nearly beinahe
nearly fast
nearly nahezu
nearly ungefähr
nearly schier [fast]
nearly förmlich [beinahe, so gut wie]
nearly beinah [ugs.]
nearly alwaysfast immer
nearly done fast fertig
nearly finishednahezu fertig
nearly free electron modelModell {n} der quasifreien Elektronen
Nearly Headless Nick [Harry Potter] Fast Kopfloser Nick {m}
nearly impossiblenahezu unmöglich
nearly natural naturnah
« navenaviNaziNduknearnearnearneatneceneckneck »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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