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needlecord Nadelcord {m}
needlecraft [needlework]Handarbeit {f} [Nadelarbeit]
needled [sewn] genäht
needled feltNadelfilz {m}
needlefish {pl} [family Belonidae]Beloniden {pl} [Hornhechte]
needlefish {pl} [family Belonidae] Hornhechte {pl}
needle-free nadellos
needle-free injection nadellose Injektion {f}
needlegrass [genus Nassella family Poaceae] Nadelgras {n}
needlegun scalerNadelentroster {m}
needlegun (scaler) Nadelpistole {f}
needleleaf forest Nadelwald {m}
needleleaf forest Nadelholzwald {m}
needle-leaved forest Nadelwald {m}
needle-leaved forest Nadelholzwald {m}
needle-like nadelförmig
needlelike nadelförmig
needle-lockZündnadelschloss {n}
Needleman-Wunsch algorithm <NWA>Needleman-Wunsch-Algorithmus {m} <NWA>
Needleman-Wunsch alignment Needleman-Wunsch-Alinierung {f}
Needleman-Wunsch distance <NWD>Needleman-Wunsch-Distanz {f} <NWD>
needle-moving [fig.] [rare]ausschlaggebend
needlenose gar [Lepisosteus osseus] Gemeiner Knochenhecht {m}
needlenose gar [Lepisosteus osseus]Langschnauzen-Knochenhecht {m}
needle-nose pliers {pl} [one pair] Nadelzange {f}
needle-nose pliers {pl} [one pair]Spitzzange {f}
needlepoint Nadelspitze {f}
needlepoint Gobelinstickerei {f}
needlepoint [needle-lace] Tapisserie {f}
needle-point file Nadelfeile {f}
needlepoint ivy [Hedera helix] Efeu {m} [auch {n}]
needlepoint ivy [Hedera helix] Grabefeu {m} [auch {n}]
needlepoint ivy [Hedera helix] Wintergrün {n} [Efeu]
needlepoint lace Nadelspitze {f} [bes. im Unterschied zur Klöppelspitze]
needle-prick injury <NPI>Nadelstichverletzung {f} <NSV, NSTV>
needler Peiniger {m} [Piesacker]
needle-roller bearingNadellager {n}
needleroot orchid [Dendrophylax porrectus, syn.: Harrisella porrecta]Jingle-Bell-Orchidee {f}
needles Nadeln {pl}
needles {pl} [sl.]Spritzbesteck {n} [für Drogen]
needles {pl} [sl.]Besteck {n} [ugs.] [Spritzbesteck für Drogen]
needle-sharp photographsgestochen scharfe Fotos {pl}
needle-shortening pine gall midge [Thecodiplosis brachyntera]Kiefernnadelscheiden-Gallmücke / Kiefernnadelscheidengallmücke {f}
needlespine coralgoby / coral goby [Gobiodon acicularis] Schwarze Korallengrundel {f}
needless nutzlos
needless überflüssig
needless nicht erforderlich
needless problems unnötige Probleme {pl}
needless to say unnötig zu erwähnen (, dass)
needless to say natürlich [selbstverständlich]
Needless to say, ... Selbstverständlich ...
needlessly unnötig
needlessly complicatedunnötig kompliziert
needlessness Überflüssigkeit {f}
needlessness Bedürfnislosigkeit {f}
needlestick Nadelstich {m}
needlestick injury <NI> Nadelstichverletzung {f} <NSV, NSTV>
needle-tailed swift [Hirundapus caudacutus] Stachelschwanzsegler {m}
needletooth [Chauliodus sloani]Sloans Viperfisch {m}
needle-tooth moray [Uropterygius macrocephalus] Nadelzahnmuräne / Nadelzahn-Muräne {f}
needlewoman Näherin {f}
needleworkHandarbeit {f}
needleworkHandarbeiten {n}
needleworkNäharbeit {f}
needlework Nadelarbeit {f}
needlework book Handarbeitsheft {n}
needlework teacher [female]Handarbeitslehrerin {f}
(needlework) sampler [embroidery]Stickmustertuch {n}
needleworker Näher {m}
needlingStichelei {f}
needling Gefrotzel {n} [ugs.]
needling Vernadelung {f}
needling Nadelung {f}
need-orientated [esp. Br.] bedarfsorientiert [bedürfnisorientiert]
needs Bedürfnisse {pl}
needs Anforderungen {pl}
needs Erfordernisse {pl}
needsNotwendigkeiten {pl}
needs {pl} Bedarf {m}
needs {pl}Bedürfnis {n}
needs [must needs, needs must] notwendigerweise
needs assessmentBedarfsanalyse {f}
needs assessment Bedarfserhebung {f}
needs assessmentBedarfsprüfung {f}
needs assessment [assessment of needs] Bedarfseinschätzung {f}
Needs must when the devil drives.Was sein muss, muss sein.
Needs must when the devil drives.Not kennt kein Gebot.
needs of (the) adultsErwachsenenbedürfnisse {pl}
needs satisfaction Bedürfnisbefriedigung {f}
« necknecrnecrneedneedneedneedneganeganeganegl »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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