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naked debenture ungesicherte Obligation {f}
naked egoism unverhüllter Egoismus {m}
naked eye bloßes Auge {n}
naked figureNacktfigur {f} [Akt]
naked fireoffenes Feuer {n}
naked flame offene Flamme {f}
naked flame freibrennende Flamme {f}
naked from the waist up [postpos.] oberkörperfrei
naked goby [Gobiosoma bosc]Nackte Grundel {f}
Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult [Peter Segal]Die nackte Kanone 33⅓
Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised. [Job 1:21; NIV]Ich bin nackt von meiner Mutter Leibe gekommen, nackt werde ich wieder dahinfahren. Der HERR hat's gegeben, der HERR hat's genommen; der Name des HERRN sei gelobt. [Hiob 1,21; Luther]
naked ladies {pl} [Colchicum autumnale] [meadow saffron]Herbst-Zeitlose {f} [auch: Herbstzeitlose]
naked ladies {pl} [treated as sg.] [Am.] [Amaryllis belladonna] [amarillo] Belladonnalilie / Belladonna-Lilie {f}
naked ladies {pl} [treated as sg.] [Am.] [Amaryllis belladonna] [amarillo] Echte Amaryllis {f}
naked lady [Am.] [Amaryllis belladonna] [amarillo] Belladonna-Lilie {f}
naked lady [Amaryllis belladonna] Belladonnalilie {f}
naked lady [Amaryllis belladonna] Echte Amaryllis {f}
naked lady [Colchicum autumnale] Herbstzeitlose {f}
naked lady [Colchicum autumnale] [also: naked ladies]Herbsttulpe {f} [selten] [veraltet] [Herbstzeitlose]
naked lady [Euphorbia tirucalli, syn.: E. rhipsaloides, E. viminalis] Latex-Wolfsmilch {f}
naked lady [Euphorbia tirucalli, syn.: E. rhipsaloides, E. viminalis]Tirucalli-Wolfsmilch {f}
naked lady [Euphorbia tirucalli]Bleistiftstrauch {m}
naked lady [Euphorbia tirucalli] Milchbusch {m}
naked lady [Euphorbia tirucalli] Gummihecke {f}
naked (lady) lily [genus Amaryllis]Belladonnenlilie / Belladonnalilie {f}
naked light offenes Licht {n}
naked light offene Flamme {f}
naked little monkey [coll.]Nackedei {m} [ugs.] [nacktes Kind]
naked little thing [coll.]kleiner Nackedei {m} [ugs.] [nacktes Kind]
naked man Nackter {m}
naked man orchid [Orchis italica] Italienisches Knabenkraut {n}
naked minnow [Phoxinellus alepidotus, syn.: Paraphoxinus alepidotus]Schuppenlose Elritze {f}
naked mole rat [Heterocephalus glaber] Molratte {f} [selten für: Nacktmull]
naked mole-rat / mole rat [Heterocephalus glaber] Nacktmull {m}
naked neck (chicken)Nackthalshuhn {n}
naked oat [Avena nuda, syn.: Avena sativa var. nuda]Nackt-Hafer {m}
naked optionNacktoption {f}
naked option ungedeckte Option {f}
naked optionungesicherte Option {f}
naked option strategiesungesicherte Optionsstrategie {f}
naked option writer Verkäufer {m} ungedeckter Optionen
naked option writing Verkauf {m} ungedeckter Optionen
naked people Nackte {pl}
naked positionungedeckte Position {f}
naked positionungesicherte Position {f}
naked roomkahler Raum {m}
naked saleLeerverkauf {m} einer Option
naked sales Leerverkäufe {pl} [ohne Deckung]
naked sea butterfly [Clione limacina] Seeengel / See-Engel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
naked seednackter Samen {m}
naked seed plants [Gymnospermae] [also: naked-seed plants] nacktsamige Pflanzen {pl}
naked shellear [Cromeria nilotica] Nackter Ohrenfisch {m}
naked short call ungedeckter Short Call {m}
naked short sellingungedeckter Leerverkauf {m}
naked singularitynackte Singularität {f}
naked spiteunverhüllte Schadenfreude {f}
naked stonewort [Chara denudata] Nackte Armleuchteralge {f}
naked strategiesungedeckte Strategien {pl}
naked sucker-mouth catfish {pl} [family Astroblepidae] [in general]Kletterwelse {pl}
naked sucker-mouth catfishes [family Astroblepidae] [with reference to the species of the family]Kletterwelse {pl}
naked sword blankes Schwert {n}
naked tetra [Am.] [Gymnocharacinus bergii, syn.: G. bergi] Patagonischer Messingsalmler {m}
naked tree kahler Baum {m}
naked truthnackte Wahrheit {f}
naked wall kahle Wand {f}
naked warrant ungedeckter Optionsschein {m}
naked woman Nackte {f}
[naked adult or child, male or female] Nackedei {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [männlich und weiblich]
(naked) flag-moss / flag moss [Discelium nudum] Nacktes Zweischenkelmoos {n}
naked-back knifefishes / knifefish [family Gymnotidae] Messeraale {pl}
naked-backed bats [family Mormoopidae]Schnurrbartfledermäuse {pl}
naked-backed bats [family Mormoopidae] Kinnblatt-Fledermäuse {pl}
naked-eared deer mouse [Peromyscus gymnotis] Nacktohr-Hirschmaus {f}
naked-eared deermouse [Peromyscus gymnotis, syn.: P. allophylus] Nacktohr-Hirschmaus {f}
naked-faced barbet [Gymnobucco calvus] Glatzenbartvogel {m}
naked-faced spiderhunter [Arachnothera clarae] Nacktwangen-Spinnenjäger {m}
naked-flowering crocus [Crocus nudiflorus, syn.: C. hybernus var. pyrenaeus, C. pyrenaeus]Pyrenäen-Herbst-Krokus {m}
nakedheads [family Alepocephalidae]Schwarzköpfe {pl}
nakedly nackt
nakedly nackend [veraltet, noch regional]
nakedness Blöße {f}
nakedness Nacktheit {f}
naked-nosed shrew tenrec [Microgale gymnorhyncha] Nacktnasen-Kleintenrek {m}
naked-nosed shrew tenrec [Microgale gymnorhyncha] Nacktnasen-Kleintanrek {m}
naked-seeded nacktsamig
naked-stalked globe-daisy [Globularia nudicaulis]Nacktstängelige Kugelblume {f} [alt: Nacktstengelige Kugelblume]
naked-stalked globe-daisy [Globularia nudicaulis] Schaft-Kugelblume {f}
naked-stalked speedwell [dated] [Veronica aphylla]Blattloser Ehrenpreis {m}
naked-tail shrew [Crocidura littoralis] Nacktschwanzspitzmaus {f}
naked-tailed armadillo [Cabassous unicinctus] [rare] [southern naked-tailed armadillo] Nacktschwanzgürteltier {n}
naked-tailed armadillos [genus Cabassous]Nacktschwanzgürteltiere {pl}
naked-tailed armadillos [genus Dasypus]Langnasengürteltiere {pl}
naked-tailed armadillos [genus Dasypus]Weichgürteltiere {pl}
nakedweed [Chondrilla juncea, syn.: C. graminea] Großer Krümling {m}
nakedweed [Chondrilla juncea] Großer Knorpellattich {m}
nakedweed [Chondrilla juncea]Binsen-Knorpellattich {m}
nakersNakers {pl} [mittelalt. Trommeln]
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Autonome Republik {f} Nachitschewan
NakhodkaNachodka {n}
Nakhon Si Thammarat RangeNakhon-Si-Thammarat-Bergkette {f}
« n[lenadinagynailNairnakenaksnamenameNancnano »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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