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negative lightning Negativblitz {m}
negative listNegativliste {f}
negative logic negative Logik {f}
negative measuresnegative Maßnahmen {pl}
negative model (of behavior) [Am.] Negativvorbild {n}
Negative Nancy [Am.] [sl.]Pessimist {m}
Negative Nellie [Am.] [sl.]Pessimist {m}
Negative Nelly [Am.] [sl.]Pessimist {m}
negative number negative Zahl {f}
negative offset negativer Versatz {m}
negative offsetNacheilung {f}
negative offset steering Lenkgeometrie {f} mit negativem Lenkrollradius
negative opinion negative Meinung {f}
negative partial charge <δ−>negative Teilladung {f} <δ−>
negative pathMinuspfad {m}
negative placebo effect [nocebo effect]negativer Placebo-Effekt {m} [Nocebo-Effekt]
negative pledge Negativerklärung {f}
negative pole negativer Pol {m}
negative poleMinuspol {m}
negative potential Minuspotential {n}
negative predictive value <NPV> negativer Vorhersagewert {m} <NVW>
negative predictive value <NPV>negativer prädiktiver Wert {m} <NPW>
negative predictive value <NPV>Segreganz {f} [negativer Vorhersagewert]
negative pressure Gegendruck {m}
negative pressure Unterdruck {m}
negative pressure ventilator <NPV> [iron lung]eiserne Lunge {f}
negative pressure wave [shock wave, lithotripsy] Zugwelle {f} [Stoßwelle, Lithotripsie]
negative pronoun Negativpronomen {n}
negative proof Negativbeweis {m}
negative pulse Negativimpuls {m}
negative recordNegativrekord {m}
negative reply ablehnende Antwort {f}
negative reply Absage {f}
negative reply negative Antwort {f}
negative replyVerneinung {f}
negative report Fehlanzeige {f}
negative resistance characteristicfallende Widerstandscharakteristik {f}
negative resistance deviceBauelement {n} mit negativem Widerstand
negative responseablehnende Antwort {f}
negative result negatives Ergebnis {n}
negative resultnegativer Befund {m}
negative rotation Linksdrehung {f}
negative selection Negativselektion {f}
negative selection negative Selektion {f}
negative selection Negativauslese {f}
negative selection Gegenauslese {f} [Negativauslese]
negative sentiments negative Einstellungen {pl}
negative sequence impedance Gegenimpedanz {f} [des Gegensystems]
negative side effects Schattenseiten {pl}
negative signMinuszeichen {n}
negative signnegatives Zeichen {n}
negative skin friction negative Mantelreibung {f}
negative spaceNegativraum {m}
negative spin-off Auswuchs {m} [negativ]
negative spiral Negativspirale {f}
negative spreadnegative Streuung {f}
negative stage Filmbühne {f} [in Vergrößerungsgerät]
negative stress negativer Stress {m} [Dysstress]
negative symptomsNegativsymptome {pl}
negative taxNegativsteuer {f}
negative temperature coefficient <NTC> thermistor Heißleiter {m}
negative temperature coefficient thermistors <NTC thermistors> NTC-Widerstände {pl}
negative terminalMinuspol {m}
negative thinkerNegativdenker {m}
negative trade balance negative Handelsbilanz {f}
negative trade balancepassive Handelsbilanz {f}
negative triad [Beck's cognitive triad]negative Triade {f} [kognitive Triade (nach Beck)]
negative utopia Negativutopie {f}
negative valuenegativer Wert {m}
negative views negative Ansichten {pl}
negative virtue negative Tugend {f}
negative virtue Untugend {f}
negative voltageMinusspannung {f}
negative vote Neinstimme {f}
negative wireMinusdraht {m}
negative yield curvenegative Ertragskurve {f}
[negative item on credit report] negativer Schufa-Eintrag {m}
negatively affecting the health (care) system schädlich für das Gesundheitssystem
negatively biased negativ vorgespannt
negatively chargednegativ geladen
negatively charged ionnegativ geladenes Ion {n}
negatively charged ions negativ geladene Ionen {pl}
negatively charged molecule negativ geladenes Molekül {n}
negatively charged moleculesnegativ geladene Moleküle {pl}
negatively correlated negativ korreliert
negatively skewedlinksschief
negatively skewed [left-skewed]rechtssteil [linksschief]
negativenessErfolglosigkeit {f}
negativeness negative Beschaffenheit {f}
negative-phase-sequence impedance Gegenimpedanz {f} [des Gegensystems]
negative-pressure wound therapy <NPWT>Vakuumwundtherapie {f} [auch: Vakuum-Wundtherapie]
negative-pressure wound therapy <NPWT>Vakuumtherapie {f} [Vakuumwundtherapie]
negatives Negative {pl}
negatives [muscle work, bodybuilding] Negativsätze {pl} [Muskeldehnungsübungen, Bodybuilding]
negativing verneinend
negativism Negativität {f}
« needneedneedneedneganeganeganeglnegoNegrneig »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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