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English-German Dictionary

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Negros Occidental West-Negros {f}
Negros Oriental Ost-Negros {n}
Negros pipefish [Doryrhamphus negrosensis]Fahnenschwanz-Seenadel {f}
Negros shrew [Crocidura negrina]Negros-Spitzmaus {f}
Negro's sign [also: Negro sign] Negro-Zeichen {n} [Zahnradphänomen]
Negros striped babbler [Stachyris nigrorum]Negrostimalie {f}
Negros tree babbler [Stachyris nigrorum] Negrostimalie {f}
Negros white-throated jungle flycatcher [Rhinomyias albigularis, syn.: Vauriella albigularis]Negrosdschungelschnäpper {m}
negundo maple [Acer negundo, syn.: Negundo aceroides, N. fraxinifolia] [box elder] Eschenahorn / Eschen-Ahorn {m}
negusNegus {m} [Glühwein, der sich aus Portwein, Muskatnuss, Zucker und Zitrone zusammensetzt]
negus Punsch {m} [Glühwein, fachspr. Negus]
Negus [king of Ethiopia] Negus {m} [König von Äthiopien]
Neguse Negest [King of Kings] [Ethiopia] Neguse {m} Negest [König der Könige] [Äthiopien]
negusesNegusse {pl}
Nehemiah Nehemia
Nehrkorn's flowerpecker [Dicaeum nehrkorni]Nehrkornmistelfresser {m} [auch: Nehrkorn-Mistelfresser]
neigh Wiehern {n}
neigh Gewieher {n} [eines Pferdes]
neighbor [Am.]Nachbar {m}
neighbor [Am.]Anrainer {m}
neighbor [Am.]der Nächste {m}
neighbor [Am.] [person walking, sitting, etc. beside one] Nebenmann {m}
neighbor [female] [Am.] Nachbarin {f}
neighbor [female] [Am.] Anrainerin {f}
neighbor cell [Am.]Nachbarzelle {f}
Neighbor J. Jones [Disney] Nachbar Berger
Neighbor J. Jones [Disney] Nachbar Brösecke
Neighbor J. Jones [Disney] Nachbar Knoll
Neighbor J. Jones [Disney]Nachbar Nickel
Neighbor J. Jones [Disney] Nachbar Schurigl
Neighbor J. Jones [Disney]Nachbar Zorngiebel
Neighbor Jones [Disney]Nachbar Nickel
neighbor method [Am.] Nachbarschaftsverfahren {n}
neighbor note [Am.] Nebennote {f} [Heinrich Schenker]
neighbor organ [Am.]Nachbarorgan {n}
neighborhood [Am.] Nachbarschaft {f}
neighborhood [Am.] Nahbereich {m} [unmittelbare Nachbarschaft]
neighborhood [Am.]Viertel {n} [Wohngegend]
neighborhood [Am.] Kiez {m} [nordostd., bes. berlin.]
neighborhood [Am.]Wohngegend {f}
neighborhood [Am.] Umgebung {f} [in der Topologie]
neighborhood [Am.] Veedel {n} [in Köln: Stadtviertel]
neighborhood [Am.] Wohnumgebung {f}
neighborhood [Am.]Grätzel {n} [ostösterr.] [Wohnviertel, Häuserblock]
neighborhood [Am.] [attr.]Nachbarschafts-
neighborhood [Am.] [of a city or town]Stadtteil {m}
neighborhood [Am.] [vicinity] Nähe {f}
neighborhood bar [Am.] Nachbarschaftsbar {f}
neighborhood base [Am.] Umgebungsbasis {f}
neighborhood boy [Am.]Junge {m} aus der Nachbarschaft
neighborhood boy [Am.] Nachbarsjunge {m}
neighborhood children [Am.] Kinder {pl} aus der Nachbarschaft
neighborhood conditions [Am.] Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse {pl}
neighborhood development project [Am.] Stadtteilentwicklungsprojekt {n}
neighborhood dispute [Am.] Nachbarschaftsstreit {m}
neighborhood disputes [Am.]Nachbarschaftsstreitigkeiten {pl}
neighborhood effects [Am.] externe Effekte {pl} [Auswirkungen]
neighborhood filter [Am.]Umgebungsfilter {m}
neighborhood in the periphery [Am.] Randviertel {n}
neighborhood kids [Am.] [coll.] Nachbarkinder {pl}
neighborhood kids [Am.] [coll.] Nachbarskinder {pl}
neighborhood kids [Am.] [coll.]Nachbarschaftskinder {pl}
neighborhood legend [Am.] Gerücht {n}
neighborhood management [Am.] Quartiersmanagement {n}
neighborhood market [Am.]Stadtteilmarkt {m}
neighborhood of stately mansions [Am.] Villengegend {f}
neighborhood operator [Am.] Nachbarschaftsoperator {m}
neighborhood row [Am.] [dispute] Nachbarschaftsstreit {m}
neighborhood school [Am.] Nachbarschaftsschule {f}
neighborhood system [Am.] Umgebungssystem {n}
neighborhood watch [Am.] Nachbarschaftswache {f}
neighborhood watch group [Am.]freiwillige Bürgerwehr {f}
neighborhoods [Am.] Nachbarschaften {pl}
neighborhoods [Am.]Kieze {pl} [nordostd., bes. berlin.]
neighborhoods in the periphery [Am.]Randviertel {pl}
neighboring [Am.] benachbart
neighboring [Am.]Nachbar-
neighboring [Am.]angrenzend
neighboring [Am.] nachbarlich [benachbart]
neighboring [Am.] nah
neighboring [Am.] umliegend [nah (gelegen)]
neighboring alkane chains [Am.] benachbarte Alkanketten {pl}
neighboring apartment [Am.]Nachbarwohnung {f}
neighboring atoms [Am.]Nachbaratome {pl}
neighboring bed [Am.] Nachbarbett {n}
neighboring building [Am.]Nachbargebäude {n}
neighboring cabin [Am.]Nachbarhütte {f}
neighboring cell [Am.]Nachbarzelle {f}
neighboring cells [Am.] Nachbarzellen {pl}
neighboring city [Am.] Nachbarstadt {f}
neighboring colonies [Am.]Nachbarkolonien {pl}
neighboring community [Am.] Nachbargemeinde {f}
neighboring countries [Am.]Nachbarländer {pl}
neighboring country [Am.]Nachbarland {n}
neighboring country [Am.]Nachbarstaat {m}
neighboring county [Am.]Nachbarlandkreis {m}
neighboring county [Am.] Nachbarbezirk {m} [Verwaltungsbezirk]
neighboring cysteine residues [Am.] benachbarte Cysteinreste {pl}
neighboring discipline [Am.] Nachbardisziplin {f}
neighboring district [Am.] Nachbarbezirk {m} [Stadtbezirk]
« neganeganeganeglnegoNegrneigneigNeitnemaneoc »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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