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English-German Dictionary

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neighboring domain [Am.] Nachbardomäne {f}
neighboring family [Am.] Nachbarfamilie {f}
neighboring galaxy [Am.] Nachbargalaxie {f}
neighboring garden [Am.] Nachbargarten {m}
neighboring group [Am.] Nachbargruppe {f}
neighboring helices [Am.] benachbarte Spiralen {pl}
neighboring house [Am.] Nachbarhaus {n}
neighboring island [Am.]Nachbarinsel {f}
neighboring locality [Am.]Nachbarort {m}
neighboring lot [Am.] Nachbargrundstück {n}
neighboring municipality [Am.]Nachbargemeinde {f}
neighboring neuron [Am.]Nachbarneuron {n} [auch: Nachbar-Neuron]
neighboring nome [Am.]Nachbargau {m} [im alten Ägypten]
neighboring office [Am.]Nachbarbüro {n}
neighboring organ [Am.] Nachbarorgan {n}
neighboring people [Am.] Nachbarvolk {n}
neighboring pixel [Am.] Nachbarpixel {n}
neighboring pixel [Am.] Nachbarbildpunkt {m}
neighboring planet [Am.]Nachbarplanet {m}
neighboring plot [Am.] Nachbargrundstück {n}
neighboring property [Am.] Anrainergrundstück {n}
neighboring property [Am.]Nachbargrundstück {n}
neighboring property [Am.] Nachbargrundstück {n}jipijeh
neighboring province [Am.] Nachbarprovinz {f}
neighboring region [Am.] Nachbarregion {f}
neighboring right [Am.]Leistungsschutzrecht {n}
neighboring rights [Am.] Leistungsschutzrechte {pl}
neighboring risk [Am.]Nachbarschaftsrisiko {n}
neighboring rock [Am.] Nachbargestein {n}
neighboring stand [Am.] [stall]Nachbarstand {m} [Marktstand etc.]
neighboring star [Am.] Nachbarstern {m}
neighboring state [Am.] Anliegerstaat {m}
neighboring state [Am.]Nachbarstaat {m}
neighboring states [Am.] Nachbarstaaten {pl}
neighboring states [Am.]Anrainerstaaten {pl}
neighboring table [Am.]Nebentisch {m} [Nachbartisch]
neighboring tissue [Am.] Nachbargewebe {n}
neighboring tooth [Am.] Nachbarzahn {m}
neighboring town [Am.] Nachbargemeinde {f}
neighboring town [Am.]Nachbarstadt {f}
neighboring tribe [Am.] Nachbarstamm {m}
neighboring village [Am.] Nachbardorf {n}
neighboring village [Am.]Nachbarort {m} [Dorf]
neighboring villages [Am.] Nachbardörfer {pl}
neighboring voxel [Am.] Nachbarvoxel {n}
neighborite [NaMgF3] Neighborit {m}
neighborliness [Am.]gutnachbarliches Verhalten {n}
neighborliness [Am.] Nachbarschaft {f} [gutnachbarliches Verhalten]
neighborly [Am.]gutnachbarlich
neighborly [Am.] nachbarlich
neighborly [Am.]nachbarschaftlich
neighborly help [Am.] Nachbarschaftshilfe {f}
neighborly people [Am.] gute Nachbarn {pl}
neighborly relations [Am.] Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen {pl}
neighbors [Am.] Nachbarn {pl}
neighbors [Am.] Nachbarsleute {pl}
neighbors [Am.] Nachbarschaft {f} [Nachbarn]
neighbor's garden [Am.] Nachbars Garten {m}
neighbor's roof [Am.] Nachbardach {n}
neighborship [Am.]Nachbarschaft {f}
neighbour [Br.] Nachbar {m}
neighbour [Br.]Anlieger {m}
neighbour [Br.]Anrainer {m}
neighbour [Br.] der Nächste {m}
neighbour [Br.] [person walking, sitting etc. beside one]Nebenmann {m}
neighbour [female] [Br.] Nachbarin {f}
neighbour [female] [Br.] Anrainerin {f}
neighbour (at table) [Br.] Tischnachbar {m}
neighbour (at table) [female] [Br.] Tischnachbarin {f}
neighbour cell [Br.] Nachbarzelle {f}
neighbour in the next bed [Br.]Bettnachbar {m}
neighbour method [Br.] Nachbarschaftsverfahren {n}
neighbour note [Br.] Nebennote {f} [Heinrich Schenker]
neighbour organ [Br.] Nachbarorgan {n}
neighbourhood [Br.]Nachbarschaft {f}
neighbourhood [Br.] Umgebung {f}
neighbourhood [Br.] Kiez {m} [nordostd., bes. berlin.]
neighbourhood [Br.] Veedel {n} [in Köln: Stadtviertel]
neighbourhood [Br.] Grätzel {n} [österr.]
neighbourhood [Br.] Wohnumgebung {f}
neighbourhood [Br.] [area surrounding a particular place] Nahbereich {m} [unmittelbare Nachbarschaft]
neighbourhood [Br.] [attr.]Nachbarschafts-
neighbourhood [Br.] [district within a town or city]Viertel {n} [Wohngegend]
neighbourhood [Br.] [of a city or town]Stadtteil {m}
neighbourhood [Br.] [residential district] Wohngegend {f}
neighbourhood [Br.] [vicinity] Nähe {f}
neighbourhood bar [Br.] Nachbarschaftsbar {f}
neighbourhood base [Br.] Umgebungsbasis {f}
neighbourhood dispute [Br.] Nachbarschaftsstreit {m}
neighbourhood disputes [Br.]Nachbarschaftsstreitigkeiten {pl}
neighbourhood filter [Br.]Umgebungsfilter {m}
neighbourhood management [Br.]Quartiersmanagement {n}
neighbourhood market [Br.]Stadtteilmarkt {m}
neighbourhood shopping centre [Br.] nachbarschaftliches Ladenzentrum {n}
neighbourhood watch [Br.] Nachbarschaftswache {f}
neighbourhoods [Br.] Nachbarschaften {pl}
neighbourhoods [Br.] Stadtteile {pl}
neighbouring [Br.]angrenzend
neighbouring [Br.] benachbart
neighbouring [Br.] nah
« neganeganeglnegoNegrneigneigNeitnemaneocneol »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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