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English-German Dictionary

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nematode larvae Nematodenlarven {pl}
nematode researchNematodenforschung {f}
nematode resistanceNematodenresistenz {f}
nematode speciesNematodenart {f}
nematode species Fadenwurmart {f}
nematode worm Nematodenwurm {m}
nematodes [Nematoda]Nematoden {pl}
nematodes [phylum Nematoda]Fadenwürmer {pl}
nematodes [phylum Nematoda]Rundwürmer {pl}
nematodontous peristomenematodontes Peristom {n}
nematologically nematologisch
nematologistNematologe {m}
nematologist [female] Nematologin {f}
nematologyNematologie {f}
nematozooid Nematozooid {n}
Nemean lion Nemëischer Löwe {m}
nemertean species Schnurwurmart {f}
nemertine Schnurwurm {m}
nemes [striped headcloth of pharaohs] Nemes-Kopftuch {n} [gestreiftes Kopftuch der Pharaonen]
nemesia [Nemesia hybrida]Elfenspiegel {m}
nemesis ausgleichende, strafende Gerechtigkeit {f}
nemesis Verderben {n}
nemesis Untergang {m}
nemesisAngstgegner {m}
nemesis gerechte Strafe {f}
nemesis Erzfeind {m}
Nemesis [Agatha Christie]Das Schicksal in Person
nemesis [arch enemy] ewiger Widersacher {m}
Nemesis [goddess of divine retribution and vengeance] Nemesis {f} [Göttin der Vergeltung und Gerechtigkeit]
nemesis [retributive justice]Nemesis {f} [Vergeltung, strafende Gerechtigkeit]
Nemetes [now sometimes also Nemeti]Nemeter {pl}
nemine contradicente einstimmig
nemoral nemoral
nemourids [family Nemouridae]Nemouridae {pl} [Familie der Steinfliegen, Plecoptera]
nemourids [family Nemouridae] Nemouriden {pl} [Familie der Steinfliegen, Plecoptera]
nenadkevichite [Na6-8(Nb,Ti)4 [(OH,O)2|Si4O12]2·8H2O]Nenadkevichit {m}
Nendo white-eye [Zosterops sanctaecrucis] Einfarb-Brillenvogel {m}
nene [Branta sandvicensis, syn.: Nesochen sandvicensis]Nenegans {f}
nene [Branta sandvicensis] Hawaiigans {f}
nene goose [Branta sandvicensis, syn.: Nesochen sandvicensis]Hawaiigans {f}
nene (goose) [Branta sandvicensis, syn.: Nesochen sandvicensis] Sandwichgans {f}
NenetsNenzisch {n}
Nenets nenzische Sprache {f}
Nenets Nenze {m}
Nenets [female] Nenzin {f}
Nenets languagesnenzische Sprachen {pl}
Nenets people Nenzen {pl}
nenuphar [Nymphaea alba] Weiße Seerose {f}
neo- neo- [auch Neo-]
Neo Soul [also: Neo-Soul]Neo-Soul {m}
neoabsolutism [also: Neoabsolutism]Neoabsolutismus {m} [bes. Kaisertum Österreich 1851–1867]
neo-absolutist neoabsolutistisch
neoadjuvant Neoadjuvant {m}
neoadjuvant therapy neoadjuvante Therapie {f}
neoallotype Neoallotypus {m}
neoallotype Neoallotyp {m}
Neo-Anabaptist Neutäufer {m}
Neoarchean Neoarchaikum {n}
neo-aristocratic neoaristokratisch [auch: neo-aristokratisch]
Neo-Aristotelianism [also: neo-Aristotelianism] Neuaristotelismus {m}
Neo-Aristotelians Neuaristoteliker {pl}
Neo-Assyrian neuassyrisch <neuass., neuassyr.>
neobehaviorism [Am.] Neobehaviorismus {m}
neobiota Neobiota {pl}
neoblast Neoblast {m}
NeocalvinismNeocalvinismus {m}
neo-Calvinism Neocalvinismus {m}
neocapitalism Neokapitalismus {m}
Neocatechumenal Way <NCW> [coll.: The Way]Neokatechumenaler Weg {m}
neoceratodontids [family Neoceratodontidae] Neoceratodontiden {pl}
neocerebellumNeozerebellum {n}
neocerebellumNeocerebellum {n}
neo-Chalcedonism Neuchalcedonismus {m}
neo-classical dance neoklassischer Tanz {m}
neoclassical economicsNeoklassik {f}
neoclassical school of economics Neoklassik {f} [neoklassische Ökonomie]
neo-classicismNeoklassizismus {m}
neoclassicismNeoklassizismus {m}
neoclassicist neoklassizistisch
neoclassicistNeoklassiker {m}
neoclassicist [in modern art etc.]Neuklassiker {m} [selten]
neocnidilide [C12H18O2] Neocnidilid {n}
neocognitron [hierarchical neural network]Neocognitron {n} [ein hierarchisches künstliches neuronales Netz]
neo-colonial neokolonial
neo-colonial neokolonialistisch
« negonegrneigneigNeilnemaneo-neo-neonNeopNeot »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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