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English-German Dictionary

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neolinustatin [C17H29NO11] Neolinustatin {n}
Neolithic jungsteinzeitlich
Neolithic Age Jungsteinzeit {f}
Neolithic (Age) Neolithikum {n}
Neolithic period Neolithikum {n}
Neolithic (Period) Jungsteinzeit {f}
Neolithic Revolution Neolithische Revolution {f}
Neolithic transition Neolithisierung {f}
Neolithics [people living in the Neolithic Age] Neolithiker {pl}
neolithisation [Br.]Neolithisierung {f}
neolithization Neolithisierung {f}
neolocality Neolokalität {f}
neologian [18th-cent. rationalist theologian]Neologe {m}
neologians [18th-cent. rationalist theologians] Neologen {pl}
neological neologisch
neologismneugebildetes Wort {n}
neologism sprachliche Neubildung {f}
neologism Neuwort {n}
neologism Wortneubildung {f}
neologism Wortschöpfung {f}
neologismWortneuschöpfung {f}
neologism <neol.> Neologismus {m} <Neol.>
[neologism invented by German Turks for German-Turkish]deukisch [ugs.] [deutsch-türkisch]
neology Neologie {f}
Neo-Lutheranism Neuluthertum {n}
neo-magical neomagisch
neo-Malthusian neomalthusianisch
neo-Marxian Neomarxist {m}
neo-Marxian neomarxistisch
neo-Marxian [female]Neomarxistin {f}
neo-Marxism Neomarxismus {m}
neo-MarxistNeomarxist {m}
neo-Marxist neomarxistisch
neo-Marxist [female] Neomarxistin {f}
neo-modern age Neo-Moderne {f}
neomorphic neomorph
neomycetes Neomyceten {pl}
neomycin [C23H46N6O13] Neomycin {n}
neomythic neumythisch
neo-mythologism Neomythologismus {m} [auch: Neo-Mythologismus]
neon <Ne> Neon {n} <Ne>
neon advertisingNeonwerbung {f} [Leuchtwerbung]
neon (advertising) sign Lichtreklame {f}
neon atom Neonatom {n}
neon (blue) goby [Elacatinus oceanops, syn.: Gobiosoma oceanops](Karibische) Neongrundel {f}
neon blue-eye [Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis] Blaurücken-Blauauge {n}
neon color [Am.] Neonfarbe {f} [grell leuchtende Farbe]
neon damselfish [Pomacentrus coelistis] Neon-Demoiselle {f}
neon day gecko [Phelsuma klemmeri]Blauer Bambus-Taggecko {m}
neon day gecko [Phelsuma klemmeri] Blauer Bambusgecko {m}
neon dottyback [Pseudochromis aldabraensis]Aldabra-Zwergbarsch {m}
neon flying squid [Ommastrephes bartramii]Fliegender Kalmar {m}
neon gas Neongas {n}
neon goby [Stiphodon semoni]Kobaltblaue Neongrundel {f}
neon greenNeongrün {n}
neon isotopeNeonisotop {n} [auch: Neon-Isotop]
neon lampNeonröhre {f}
neon lamp Glimmlampe {f}
neon light Neonlicht {n}
neon light [lamp] Neonlampe {f}
neon pygmy goby [Eviota pellucida]Pellucida-Zwerggrundel {f}
neon sign Leuchtreklame {f}
neon sign Neonleuchtzeichen {n}
neon sign Leuchtschrift {f}
neon sign Neonreklame {f}
neon sign Leuchtschild {n}
neon stick [light stick] Neonstab {m} [Leuchtstab]
neon tetra [Paracheirodon innesi] Neonsalmler {m}
neon tetra [Paracheirodon innesi]Neontetra {m}
neon tetra [Paracheirodon innesi]Neonfisch {m}
neon tubeNeonröhre {f}
neonatal [short for neonatal ward] [medical jargon] Neo {f} [ugs.] [Neugeborenenstation]
neonatal [short for neonatal ward] [medical jargon]Neugeborenenabteilung {f}
neonatal acne [Acne neonatorum]Neugeborenenakne {f}
neonatal asphyxiaNeugeborenenasphyxie {f}
neonatal (disseminated) listeriosis [ICD-10] Neugeborenenlisteriose {f} (disseminiert) [ICD-10]
neonatal gynaecomastia [Br.] Neugeborenengynäkomastie {f}
neonatal gynecomastia [Am.]Neugeborenengynäkomastie {f}
neonatal haemochromatosis <NHC> [Br.] neonatale Hämochromatose {f} <NHC>
neonatal hearing screening <NHS> Neugeborenen-Hörscreening {n}
neonatal hemochromatosis <NHC> [Am.] neonatale Hämochromatose {f} <NHC>
neonatal intensive care unit <NICU> [NICU: sometimes pronounced "Nickyou"] Neugeborenenintensivstation {f}
neonatal intensive care unit <NICU> [NICU: sometimes pronounced "Nickyou"] Neonatalintensivstation {f}
neonatal intensive care unit <NICU> [NICU: sometimes pronounced "Nickyou"]neonatale Intensivstation {f}
neonatal isoerythrolysis <NI> neonatale Isoerythrolyse {f}
neonatal jaundice Neugeborenengelbsucht {f}
neonatal lineneonatale Linie {f}
neonatal lupus <NL> Neugeborenenlupus {m} [neonataler Lupus erythematodes]
neonatal mortalityNeugeborenensterblichkeit {f}
neonatal mortalityFrühsterblichkeit {f} [Neugeborenensterblichkeit]
neonatal nurse Säuglingskrankenschwester {f} [österr.] [sonst veraltend]
neonatal period {sg} erste Lebenstage {pl}
neonatal reflex Primitivreflex {m} [frühkindlicher Reflex]
neonatal reflex frühkindlicher Reflex {m}
neonatal reflexNeugeborenenreflex {m}
« neigneigNeitnemaneocneolneonNeopneoxnephnepo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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