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nameplate Namensschildchen {n}
nameplateTürschild {n}
nameplate Typenschild {n}
nameplate Kennschild {n}
nameplateLeistungsschild {n}
nameplate Nennschild {n} [selten]
nameplateFabrikschild {n} [i. S. v. Typenschild o. Ä.]
nameplate [newspaper] Zeitungsname {m} [Zeitungskopf]
nameplate [on business premises]Firmenschild {n}
nameplate [small] Türschildchen {n}
names Namen {pl}
Names like x and y were mentioned.Namen wie x und y sind gefallen.
names of dishes Speisennamen {pl}
names of foods Lebensmittelnamen {pl}
names of godsGötternamen {pl}
names of the days of the weekWochentagsnamen {pl}
names of (the) weekdays Wochentagsnamen {pl}
namesake Namensvetter {m}
namesake Namenspatron {m}
namesake [female] Namenscousine {f} [selten]
namesake [female]Namensvetterin {f}
namesake [female] Namenspatronin {f}
namesake [female] Namensbase {f} [veraltet]
namesakes Namensvettern {pl}
namespace Namensraum {m}
namespace node Namensraumknoten {m}
namespacesNamensräume {pl}
name-title added entry zweiteilige Nebeneintragung {f}
name-title referencezweiteilige Verweisung {f}
Namib coral-tree / coral tree [Erythrina decora]Namibischer Korallenbaum {m}
Namib Desert Namib {f}
Namib Desert horse Wüstenpferd {n}
Namib Desert horse Namibisches Wildpferd {n}
Namib Desert horse Namib-Pferd {n}
Namib (desert)Namib {f} [Wüste]
Namib long-eared bat [Laephotis namibensis]Namibia-Langohrfledermaus {f}
Namib round-eared elephant shrew [Macroscelides flavicaudatus, syn.: Macroscelides proboscideus flavicaudatus] Namib-Kurzohrrüsselspringer {m}
Namib round-eared elephant shrew [Macroscelides flavicaudatus, syn.: Macroscelides proboscideus flavicaudatus]Namib-Rundohr-Elefantenspitzmaus {f}
Namib round-eared sengi [Macroscelides flavicaudatus, syn.: Macroscelides proboscideus flavicaudatus] Namib-Kurzohrrüsselspringer {m}
Namib round-eared sengi [Macroscelides flavicaudatus, syn.: Macroscelides proboscideus flavicaudatus] Namib-Rundohr-Elefantenspitzmaus {f}
NamibiaNamibien {n} [veraltet]
Namibia <.na> Namibia {n}
Namibia Rugby Union Namibischer Rugby-Verband {m}
Namibian namibisch
NamibianNamibier {m}
Namibian [female] Namibierin {f}
Namibian Black German <NBG> Küchendeutsch {n} [Namibia]
Namibian cheetah [Acinonyx jubatus jubatus]Südafrikanischer Gepard {m}
Namibian dollar <NAD, N$> Namibia-Dollar {m} <NAD, N$>
Namibian giraffe [Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis] Angola-Giraffe / Angolagiraffe {f}
Namibian long-eared bat [Laephotis namibensis]Namibia-Langohrfledermaus {f}
Namibian War of Independence [1966 - 1988] Namibischer Befreiungskampf {m}
NamibiansNamibier {pl}
Namibians [female]Namibierinnen {pl}
namibite [Cu(BiO)2VO4OH] Namibit {m}
namingBenennung {f}
naming Nominierung {f}
naming Namensgebung {f}
namingNennung {f}
naming benennend
naming Namengebung {f}
naming Benamsung {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
namingBenennen {n}
naming Benamung {f} [selten] [Benennung, Namensgebung]
naming agencyNamensagentur {f}
naming and shamingöffentliches Bloßstellen {n}
naming and shamingAnprangern {n}
naming conventionNamenskonvention {f}
naming conventionBenennungsregel {f}
naming laws {pl} [naming newborns, changing surname etc.]Namensrecht {n}
naming namesNamensnennung {f}
naming of streets Straßenbenennung {f}
naming policy Namensregelung {f}
naming rights Namensrechte {pl}
naming schemeBenennungsschema {n}
Namuchi [also: Namasu] Namuchi {m}
Namuli apalis [Apalis lynesi, syn.: Apalis thoracica lynesi] Namuli-Feinsänger {m}
Namur Namur {n}
namuwite [(Zn,Cu)4(SO4)(OH)6·4H2O]Namuwit {m}
nan [Br.] [coll.] Oma {f} [ugs.]
nan (bread) [Indian cuisine] indisches Fladenbrot {n}
Nan Madol Nan Madol {n}
nan sha shen [Adenophora triphylla, syn.: A. kurilensis, A. kurilensis f. albiflora, A. tetraphylla, A. triphylla var. kurilensis]Kurilen-Schellenblume {f}
nan sha shen [Adenophora triphylla, syn.: A. kurilensis, A. kurilensis f. albiflora, A. tetraphylla, A. triphylla var. kurilensis]Dreiblättrige Schellenblume {f}
NanaNana {f}
na-na [baby talk] Omama {f} [Babysprache]
nana [coll.]Oma {f} [ugs.]
Nana Buluku [also: Nanan-bouclou] Nana Buluku {f} [auch: Nana Burukuru, Nana Buruku, Nana Bukuu]
Nanas [sculptures] [Niki de Saint Phalle]Nanas {pl} [Plastiken] [Niki de Saint Phalle]
nance [coll.] [effeminate or homosexual man] [pej.] Tunte {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
nancies [coll.] [effeminate or homosexual men] [pej.]Tunten {pl} [ugs.] [pej.]
NancyNancy {n}
Nancy Nanzig {n} [veraltet]
Nancy [Vaccaria hispanica, syn.: V. oxyodonta, V. parviflora, V. pyramidata, V. segetalis, V. vulgaris, Gypsophila vaccaria, Saponaria vaccaria] (Gemeines) Kuhkraut {n}
Nancy [Vaccaria hispanica, syn.: V. oxyodonta, V. parviflora, V. pyramidata, V. segetalis, V. vulgaris, Gypsophila vaccaria, Saponaria vaccaria]Saat-Kuhnelke / Saatkuhnelke {f}
Nancy [Vaccaria hispanica, syn.: V. oxyodonta, V. parviflora, V. pyramidata, V. segetalis, V. vulgaris, Gypsophila vaccaria, Saponaria vaccaria] Saat-Kuhkraut / Saatkuhkraut {n}
Nancy [Vaccaria hispanica, syn.: V. oxyodonta, V. parviflora, V. pyramidata, V. segetalis, V. vulgaris, Gypsophila vaccaria, Saponaria vaccaria]Saat-Kuhkraut / Saatkuhkraut {n}kuckuck
nancy (boy) [coll.] [effeminate or homosexual man] [pej.]Tunte {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
nancy (boy) [coll.] [effeminate or homosexual man] [pej.]Schwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
« nailNaitnakenaksnamenameNancnanonapanappnarc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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