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English-German Dictionary

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neural progenitor cell <NPC>neurale Vorläuferzelle {f}
neural stem cell neurale Stammzelle {f}
neural stimuli sensorische Reize {pl}
neural stimuli Nervenreize {pl}
neural stimuli neuronale Reize {pl}
neural stimuliHörreize {pl}
neural stimuliSehreize {pl}
neural stimuliGeruchsreize {pl}
neural stimuli Geschmacksreize {pl}
neural stimuli Berührungsreize {pl}
neural system Nervensystem {n}
neural therapyNeuraltherapie {f}
neural tissue Nervengewebe {n}
neural tissue neurales Gewebe {n}
neural tube <NT> [Tubus neuralis]Neuralrohr {n} <NR>
neuralgia Neuralgie {f}
neuralgiaNervenschmerz {m}
neuralgia {sg}Nervenschmerzen {pl}
neuralgiac [rare]Neuralgiker {m}
neuralgic shoulder amyotrophyneuralgische Schulteramyotrophie {f}
neuralgiform [neuralgiformis] neuralgiform
neuralgiform [neuralgiformis] neuralgieartig
neuraminic acid Neuraminsäure {f}
neuraminidaseNeuraminidase {f}
neuraminidase inhibitorNeuraminidasehemmer {m}
neuraminidase inhibitorNeuraminidase-Hemmer {m} [auch: Neuraminidasehemmer]
neuraminidase inhibitor <NI>Neuraminidase-Inhibitor {m} <NI> [auch: Neuroaminidaseinhibitor]
neuraminidases Neuraminidasen {pl}
neurapraxia Neurapraxie {f}
neurasthenia Neurasthenie {f}
neurasthenia Nervenschwäche {f}
neurasthenic nervenschwach
neurasthenic neurasthenisch
neurasthenic Neurastheniker {m}
neurasthenic [female]Neurasthenikerin {f}
neuraxonNeuraxon {n}
neuraxoneNeuraxon {n}
neurectodermNeurektoderm {n}
neurectomyNeurektomie {f}
neurectomy Nervenresektion {f}
neurilemma Neurilemma {n}
neurilemmoma Neurilemmom {n}
neurilemomaNeurilemom {n}
neurine Neurin {n}
neurinoma Neurinom {n}
neurite Neurit {m}
neuritic Nerven {pl}
neuritides Neuritiden {pl}
neuritisNervenentzündung {f}
neuritis Neuritis {f}
neuritisesNeuritiden {pl}
neuroacanthocytosis <NAC> Neuroakanthozytose {f} <NAC>
neuroamine Neuroamin {n}
neuroaminesNeuroamine {pl}
neuroanatomical neuroanatomisch
neuroanatomically neuroanatomisch
neuroanatomistNeuroanatom {m}
neuroanatomist [female]Neuroanatomin {f}
neuroanatomyNeuroanatomie {f}
neuroanthropology Neuroanthropologie {f}
neuroarchitectureNeuroarchitektur {f}
neuroathleticsNeuroathletik {f}
neuroaxonal dystrophy <NAD>neuroaxonale Dystrophie {f} <NAD>
neuroaxonal dystrophy <NAD>Seitelberger-Syndrom {n} [veraltet] [neuroaxonale Dystrophie]
neurobehavioral [Am.] verhaltensneurologisch
neurobehavioural [Br.] verhaltensneurologisch
neurobiochemical neurobiochemisch
neurobiochemistryNeurobiochemie {f}
neurobiofeedback <NBF> Neurobiofeedback {n} <NBF>
neurobiologic neurobiologisch
neurobiological neurobiologisch
neurobiologist Neurobiologe {m}
neurobiologist [female] Neurobiologin {f}
neurobiology Neurobiologie {f}
neurobionics Neurobionik {f}
neurobiotaxis Neurobiotaxis {f}
neuroblastNeuroblast {m}
neuroblastoma <NB>Neuroblastom {n}
neuroblastoma cell Neuroblastomzelle {f}
neuroblastoma cell lineNeuroblastoma-Zelllinie {f}
neuroblastoma studyNeuroblastomstudie {f}
neuroblastsNeuroblasten {pl}
neuroborreliosis Neuroborreliose {f}
neurobrucellosis Neurobrucellose {f}
neurobrucellosisNeurobruzellose {f}
neurocele Neurocoel {n}
neurochemical neurochemisch
neurochemically neurochemisch
neurochemist Neurochemiker {m}
neurochemist [female] Neurochemikerin {f}
neurochemistry Neurochemie {f}
neurochord Neurochord {n}
neurocirculatory asthenia neurozirkulatorische Asthenie {f}
« netwnetsnet-netwnetwneurneurneurneurneurNeus »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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