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English-German Dictionary

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neurocutaneous melanosisneurokutane Melanose {f}
neurocutaneous syndrome <NCS>neurokutanes Syndrom {n}
neuro-cutaneous syndrome <NCS>neurokutanes Syndrom {n}
neurocyte Neurozyt {m}
neurocytology Neurozytologie {f}
neurocytomaNeurozytom {n}
neurodegenerationNeurodegeneration {f}
neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation <NBIA> Neurodegeneration {f} mit Eisenablagerung im Gehirn
neurodegenerative disease <ND> neurodegenerative Erkrankung {f} <ND>
neurodegenerative disorder neurodegenerative Störung {f}
neurodegenerative disorder neurodegenerative Erkrankung {f}
neurodendriteNeurodendrit {m}
neurodermatitis Neurodermitis {f}
neurodermitic [rare] [male suffering from neurodermatitis]Neurodermitiker {m} [männliche Person, die an Neurodermitis leidet]
neurodevelopment Neuroentwicklung {f}
neurodiagnostics Neurodiagnostik {f}
neurodidactics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] Neurodidaktik {f}
neurodivergenceNeurodivergenz {f}
neurodiversity Neurodiversität {f}
neurodiversity movement Neurodiversitätsbewegung {f}
neuro-doping Neurodoping {n}
neurodynia [neuralgia]Neuralgie {f}
neuroeconomic neuroökonomisch
neuroeconomics Neuroökonomie {f}
neuroeconomist Neuroökonom {m}
neuroeconomists Neuroökonomen {pl}
neuroectodermal neuroektodermal
neuroectodermal [das Nervengewebe und Ektoderm betreffend]
neuroeffector Neuroeffektor {m}
neuroelectric hirnelektrisch
neuroendocrine cell neuroendokrine Zelle {f}
neuroendocrine cells neuroendokrine Zellen {pl}
neuroendocrine tumor <NET> [Am.] neuroendokriner Tumor {m} <NET>
neuroendocrine tumour <NET> [Br.] neuroendokriner Tumor {m} <NET>
neuroendocrinologyNeuroendokrinologie {f}
neuro-enhancement Neuro-Enhancement {n}
neuro-enhancementHirndoping {n} [ugs.]
neuroepithelial neuroepithelial
neuroepithelial cystneuroepitheliale Zyste {f}
neuroepithelium Neuroepithel {n}
neuroethics Neuroethik {f}
neuroethological neuroethologisch
neuroethology Neuroethologie {f}
neurofeedback <NFB> Neurofeedback {n} <NFB>
neurofibrilNeurofibrille {f}
neurofibrillar neurofibrillär
neurofibrillary neurofibrillär
neurofibrillary tangles {pl}neurofibrilläres Bündel {n}
neurofibromaNeurofibrom {n}
neurofibromatosis <NF>Neurofibromatose {f} <NF>
neurofibromatosis type I <NF1, NF-1> Neurofibromatose {f} Typ 1 <NF1, NF-1>
neurofibromatosis type I <NF-1> [formerly: von Recklinghausen disease] Neurofibromatose {f} Recklinghausen [Morbus Recklinghausen]
neurofibromatosis type II <NF II, NF2> Neurofibromatose {f} Typ II <NF II, NF2>
neurofibrositisNeurofibrositis {f}
neurofibrositisNervenfaserentzündung {f}
neurofilament Neurofilament {n}
neurofilaments Neurofilamente {pl}
neuroforamina Neuroformina {pl}
neurogastroenterologist Neurogastroenterologe {m}
neurogastroenterologyNeurogastroenterologie {f}
neurogenesis Neurogenese {f}
neurogenetic neurogenetisch
neurogenetical [rare] neurogenetisch
neurogenetics [treated as sg.] Neurogenetik {f}
neurogenic neurogen
neurogenic claudication <NC> neurogene Klaudikation {f}
neurogenic detrusor overactivity <NDO> neurogene Detrusorüberaktivität {f} <NDÜ>
neurogenic hypertension Entzügelungshochdruck {m}
neurogenic hypertensionneurogene Hypertension {f}
neurogenic hypertensionneurogener Hochdruck {m}
neurogenic painneurogener Schmerz {m}
neurogenic pain syndrome neurogenes Schmerzsyndrom {n}
neurogenic shockneurogener Schock {m}
neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome <NTOS, neurogenic TOS> neurogenes Thoracic-outlet-Syndrom {n} <NTOS, neurogenes TOS>
neurogenous hypertension [rare] [neurogenic hypertension] neurogene Hypertonie {f}
neuroglia Gliazelle {f}
neuroglia Neuroglia {f}
neuroglial cell [glial cell] Gliazelle {f}
neuroglobin Neuroglobin {n}
neuroglycopenia <NG>Neuroglykopenie {f} <NG>
neurohaemal organ [Br.]Neurohämalorgan {n}
neurohemal organ [Am.] Neurohämalorgan {n}
neurohistology Neurohistologie {f}
neurohormonal neurohormonell
neurohormone Neurohormon {n}
neurohormones Neurohormone {pl}
neurohypophysis Neurohypophyse {f}
neuroimagingNeuroimaging {n}
neuroimaging [Bildgebung des zentralen Nervensystems]
neuroimmunologic neuroimmunologisch
neuroimmunological neuroimmunologisch
neuroimmunological diseaseneuroimmunologische Krankheit {f}
neuroimmunological disorder neuroimmunologische Erkrankung {f}
neuroimmunology Neuroimmunologie {f}
« nettnetwnetwnetwneurneurneurneurneurneutneut »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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