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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 93 for words starting with N in the English-German dictionarynext page »
neurootologist [female] Neurootologin {f}
neurootology Neurootologie {f}
neuropaediatrician [Br.] Neuropädiater {m}
neuropaediatrics [Br.] [treated as sg.] Neuropädiatrie {f}
neuroparalysis Nervenlähmung {f}
neuropathNervenkranker {m}
neuropath [female]Nervenkranke {f}
neuropathic neuropathisch
neuropathic arthropathy [Athropathia neuropathica] neuropathische Arthropathie {f}
neuropathic arthropathy <NA> [Arthropathia neuropathica] neurogene Arthropathie {f}
neuropathic arthropathy <NA> [Arthropathia neuropathica] Charcot-Gelenk {n}
neuropathic disorder neuropathische Störung {f}
neuropathic pain Nervenschmerz {m}
neuropathic pain {sg} <NPP> neuropathische Schmerzen {pl} <NPS>
neuropathic pain <NPP>neuropathischer Schmerz {m} <NPS>
neuropathic tremor neuropathischer Tremor {m}
neuropathically neuropathisch
neuropathologically neuropathologisch
neuropathologist Neuropathologe {m}
neuropathologist [female] Neuropathologin {f}
neuropathology Neuropathologie {f}
neuropathophysiologyNeuropathophysiologie {f}
neuropathyNeuropathie {f}
neuropedagogics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] [dated] [neuropedagogy] Neuropädagogik {f}
neuro-pedagogy Neuropädagogik {f}
neuropediatrician [Am.] Neuropädiater {m}
neuropediatrics [Am.] [pediatric neurology] Neuropädiatrie {f} [Kinderneurologie]
neuropeptide YNeuropeptid Y {n}
neuropeptidesNeuropeptide {pl}
neuropharmacologyNeuropharmakologie {f}
neurophenomenology Neurophänomenologie {f}
neurophilosophical neurophilosophisch
neurophilosophy Neurophilosophie {f}
neurophysiological neurophysiologisch
neurophysiological activity neurophysiologische Aktivität {f}
neurophysiological monitoringneurophysiologisches Monitoring {n}
neurophysiologically neurophysiologisch
neurophysiologist Neurophysiologe {m}
neurophysiologist [female] Neurophysiologin {f}
neurophysiology Neurophysiologie {f}
neuropilNeuropil {n}
neuropil Neuropilem {n}
neuroplasmNeuroplasma {n}
neuroplasmic neuroplasmatisch
neuroplasticity Neuroplastizität {f}
neuroplasticity <NP>neuronale Plastizität {f} <NP>
neuroplasty Neuroplastik {f}
neuroplasty Nervenplastik {f}
neuroplexus Nervengeflecht {n}
neuropod Neuropod {n}
neuropodNeuropodium {n}
neuropodiaNeuropodien {pl}
neuropodial neuropodial
neuropodium Neuropodium {n}
neuropodiumNeuropod {n}
neuropore Neuroporus {m}
neuroprostheses <NPs> Neuroprothesen {pl}
neuroprosthesisNeuroprothese {f}
neuroprosthetics [treated as sg.] Neuroprothetik {f}
neuroprotectionNeuroprotektion {f}
neuroprotective neuroprotektiv
neuropsychiatry Neuropsychiatrie {f}
neuropsychologically neuropsychologisch
neuropsychologist Neuropsychologe {m}
neuropsychologist [female]Neuropsychologin {f}
neuropsychology Neuropsychologie {f}
neuropsychopharmacologically neuropsychopharmakologisch
neuropsychopharmacology Neuropsychopharmakologie {f}
Neuroptera fauna Neuropterenfauna {f}
Neuroptera faunaNetzflüglerfauna {f}
Neuroptera larva Neuropterenlarve {f}
Neuroptera larva Netzflüglerlarve {f}
Neuroptera species Neuropterenart {f}
Neuroptera species Netzflüglerart {f}
neuropteran Neuroptere {f}
neuropteranNetzflügler {m}
neuropteran faunaNeuropterenfauna {f}
neuropteran fauna Netzflüglerfauna {f}
neuropteran larva Neuropterenlarve {f} [fachspr.]
neuropteran larva Netzflüglerlarve {f}
neuropteran speciesNeuropterenart {f} [fachspr.]
neuropteran species Netzflüglerart {f}
neuroradiologic neuroradiologisch
neuroradiological neuroradiologisch
neuroradiology Neuroradiologie {f}
neuroregulation Neuroregulation {f}
neuroretinaNeuroretina {f}
neuroretinal neuroretinal
neuroretinitisNeuroretinitis {f}
neurorrhaphyNeurorrhaphie {f}
neurorrhaphy Nervennaht {f}
« netwnetwneurneurneurneurneurneutneutneutNeve »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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