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neurosarcoidosis <NS> Neurosarkoidose {f}
neuroschistosomiasis Neuroschistosomiasis {f}
neuroscience Neurowissenschaft {f} [auch: Neuro-Wissenschaft]
neuroscience {sg}Neurowissenschaften {pl}
neuroscientific neurowissenschaftlich
neuroscientist Neurowissenschaftler {m}
neuroscientist [female]Neurowissenschaftlerin {f}
neurosecretion [process]Neurosekretion {f}
neurosecretory cellneurosekretorische Zelle {f}
neurosecretory cells neurosekretorische Zellen {pl}
neurosensory neurosensorisch
neurosensory cellneurosensorische Zelle {f}
neuroses {pl} Neurosen {pl}
neurosisNeurose {f}
neurostimulatorNeurostimulator {m}
neurosurgeon Neurochirurg {m}
neurosurgeon [female] Neurochirurgin {f}
neurosurgery Neurochirurgie {f}
neurosurgery Nervenchirurgie {f}
neurosurgical neurochirurgisch
neurosurgically neurochirurgisch
neurosyphilisNeurosyphilis {f}
neurosyphilis Neurolues {f}
neurotechnology Neurotechnologie {f}
neurotendinous neurotendinös
neurotensin Neurotensin {n}
neurotheology Neurotheologie {f}
neurotherapyNeurotherapie {f} [Neurofeedback]
neurotic neurotisch
neuroticNeurotiker {m}
neurotic [female] Neurotikerin {f}
neurotic (patient) an einer Neurose Leidender {m}
neurotic personality disorder neurotische Persönlichkeitsstörung {f}
neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders [F40-F48] neurotische, Belastungs- und somatoforme Störungen {pl}
neurotically neurotisch
neuroticismNeurotizismus {m}
neuroticism scores Neurotizismuswerte {pl}
neurotics Neurotiker {pl}
neurotigenic neurotigen
neurotmesis Neurotmesis {f}
neurotomy Neurotomie {f}
neurotoxicdas Nervensystem schädigend
neurotoxic protein neurotoxisches Protein {n}
neurotoxic proteins neurotoxische Proteine {pl}
neurotoxic shellfish poisoning <NSP> neurotoxische Schalentiervergiftung {f} <NSP>
neurotoxicityNeurotoxizität {f}
neurotoxicosis Neurotoxikose {f}
neurotoxinNervengift {n}
neurotoxin Neurotoxin {n}
neurotoxin proteinNeurotoxinprotein {n}
neurotransmission Neurotransmission {f}
neurotransmitterNeurotransmitter {m}
neurotransmitter Botenstoff {m} des Nervensystems
neurotransmitter receptor Neurotransmitterrezeptor {m} [auch: Neurotransmitter-Rezeptor]
neurotransmitter release Neurotransmitterfreisetzung {f}
neurotransmitter releaseNeurotransmitterausschüttung {f}
neurotransmitter reuptake Neurotransmitter-Wiederaufnahme {f}
neurotransmitter systemNeurotransmittersystem {n} [auch: Neurotransmitter-System]
neurotransmitter systems Neurotransmittersysteme {pl} [auch: Neurotransmitter-Systeme]
neurotransmitter transporterNeurotransmittertransporter {m} [auch: Neurotransmitter-Transporter]
neurotransmitter vesicle Neurotransmittervesikel {n}
neurotroch Neurotroch {m}
neurotrophic neurotroph
neurotropic neurotrop
neurotropismNeurotropismus {m}
neurotropyNeurotropie {f}
neurotubuleNeurotubulus {m}
neurotypical <NT> neurotypisch <NT>
neurovaccineNeurovakzine {f}
neurovascular neurovaskulär
neurovascular bundleGefäßnervenbündel {n}
neurovascular bundleneurovaskuläres Bündel {n}
neurovascular bundle Gefäßnervenstrang {m}
neurovascular pathway Gefäßnervenstraße {f}
neurovascularly [in a neurovascular way] neurovaskulär
neurovesicleNeurovesikel {n}
neurovirulence test <NVT>Neurovirulenztest {m} <NVT>
neurovisceral neuroviszeral
neurulationNeurulation {f}
Neuschwanstein Castle Schloss {n} Neuschwanstein
Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National Park Nationalpark {m} Neusiedler See - Seewinkel
NeussNeuss {n}
neustädtelite [Bi2Fe(Fe,Co)2 [(O,OH)|OH|AsO4]2]Neustädtelit {m}
neuston Neuston {n}
Neustrelitz PalaceSchloss {n} Neustrelitz
Neustria Neustrien {n}
neuter Neutrum {n}
neuter weder männlich noch weiblich
neuter gender sächliches Geschlecht {n}
neutering kastrierend
neutering [for males]Kastration {f} [bei Männchen]
neutering of catsKatzenkastration {f}
« netwneurneurneurneurneurneutneutneutNevenew[ »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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