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neutralisation [Br.]Neutralisierung {f}
neutralisation medium [Br.] Neutralisierungsmittel {n}
neutralised [Br.] ausgeschaltet [fig.]
neutralised [Br.]neutralisiert
neutralising [Br.] neutralisierend
neutralising antibody [Br.] neutralisierender Antikörper {m}
neutralising heat [Br.] Neutralisationswärme {f}
neutralism Neutralismus {m}
neutralistNeutralist {m}
neutralist Neutralitätspolitiker {m}
neutralistic neutralistisch
neutralists Neutralisten {pl}
neutralitiesNeutralitäten {pl}
neutralityNeutralität {f}
neutrality Unparteilichkeit {f}
Neutrality Acts [U.S., 1935-39] Neutralitätsgesetze {pl}
neutralization Neutralisierung {f}
neutralizationNeutralisation {f}
neutralization [fig.] Aufhebung {f} [Schwerkraft etc.]
neutralization assay Neutralisationstest {m}
neutralization solution Neutralisierungslösung {f}
neutralization stage Neutralisierungsstufe {f}
neutralization stageNeutralisationsstufe {f}
neutralization test <NT> Neutralisationstest {m} <NT>
neutralized kaltgestellt
neutralized neutralisiert
neutralizing kaltstellend [ugs.]
neutralizing antibody <NAb> neutralisierender Antikörper {m}
neutralizing capacitanceNeutralisationskapazität {f}
neutralizing heatNeutralisationswärme {f}
neutralizing resistance Neutralisationswiderstand {m}
neutralizing sponge [Am.] Fixierschwämmchen {n}
neutrally wertfrei
neutrino <ν> Neutrino {n} <ν>
neutrino astronomy Neutrinoastronomie {f}
neutrino beamNeutrinostrahl {m}
neutrino detector Neutrinodetektor {m}
neutrino fluxNeutrinofluss {m}
neutrino massNeutrinomasse {f}
neutrino oscillationNeutrinooszillation {f}
neutrino physics [treated as sg.] Neutrino-Physik {f} [Rsv.]
neutrino physics [treated as sg.] Neutrinophysik {f}
neutrino radiationNeutrinostrahlung {f}
neutrino telescopeNeutrinoteleskop {n}
neutrino wind Neutrinowind {m}
neutrinosNeutrinos {pl}
neutrocclusionNeutralokklusion {f}
neutrocytopenia Neutrozytopenie {f}
neutrocytosisNeutrophilie {f}
neutron Neutron {n}
neutron activation Neutronenaktivierung {f}
neutron activation analysis <NAA> Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse {f} <NAA>
neutron beamNeutronenstrahl {m}
neutron bombNeutronenbombe {f}
neutron bombardment Neutronenbeschuss {m}
neutron burst Neutronenausbruch {m}
neutron capture Neutroneneinfang {m}
neutron computed tomography <NCT> Neutronencomputertomografie {f} <NCT> [auch: Neutronen-Computertomografie]
neutron computed tomography <NCT> Neutronencomputertomographie {f} <NCT> [auch: Neutronen-Computertomographie]
neutron cross-section Neutronenwirkungsquerschnitt {m}
neutron cycleGenerationenfolge {f} der Neutronen
neutron cycle Neutronenzyklus {m}
neutron decay Neutronenzerfall {m}
neutron density Neutronendichte {f}
neutron detection Neutronendetektion {f}
neutron diffraction Neutronenbeugung {f}
neutron diffractionNeutronenstreuung {f}
neutron emission Neutronenemission {f}
neutron emissionNeutronenstrahlung {f}
neutron energyNeutronenenergie {f}
neutron escapeNeutronenentweichung {f}
neutron excessNeutronenüberschuss {m}
neutron flux Neutronenfluss {m}
neutron flux densityNeutronenflussdichte {f}
neutron generatorNeutronengenerator {m}
neutron generatorNeutronenerzeuger {m} [Neutronengenerator]
neutron imaging Neutron Imaging {n} [Bildgebung mit Hilfe von Neutronen]
neutron irradiation Neutronenbestrahlung {f}
neutron lethargy Neutronenlethargie {f}
neutron massNeutronenmasse {f}
neutron microscope Neutronenmikroskop {n}
neutron moderation Neutronenbremsung {f}
neutron moderationNeutronenmoderation {f} [Neutronenbremsung]
neutron moderation Neutronenmoderierung {f} [Neutronenbremsung]
neutron multiplication Neutronenmultiplikation {f}
neutron numberNeutronenzahl {f}
neutron optics [treated as sg.]Neutronenoptik {f}
neutron physics [treated as sg.]Neutronenphysik {f}
neutron radiation Neutronenstrahlung {f}
neutron radiography Neutronenradiographie {f}
neutron rayNeutronenstrahl {m}
neutron reactor Neutronenreaktor {m}
neutron reflection <NR> Neutronenreflexion {f} <NR>
neutron rest mass Neutronenruhemasse {f}
neutron scatteringNeutronenstreuung {f}
neutron source Neutronenquelle {f}
neutron spectrum Neutronenspektrum {n}
neutron star Neutronenstern {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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