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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: northern
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German-English Dictionary: northern

northern {adj}
northern [Am.] [regional, e.g. U.S. Upper Midwest] [Esox lucius] [northern pike]
(Europäischer) Hecht {m}fishT
more northern {adj}
most northern {adj}
northern Alpine {adj}
northern Chinese {adj}
northern English {adj}
northern German {adj}
norddeutsch <nordd.>
northern Iraqi {adj}
Northern Irish {adj}
northern Israeli {adj}
Northern Italian {adj} [also: northern Italian]
northern Scandinavian {adj}
northern Spanish {adj} [also: Northern Spanish]
northern-based {adj}
mit Sitz im Norden
northern Afghanistan [also: Northern Afghanistan]
Nordafghanistan {n}geogr.
northern Alaska [also: Northern Alaska]
Nordalaska {n}geogr.
Northern Albania
Nordalbanien {n}geogr.
Northern Alliance
Nordallianz {f}
northern apse
Nordapsis {f}archi.
northern bank
Nordufer {n}
northern Bavaria [also: Northern Bavaria]
Nordbayern {n}geogr.
northern Blot
Northern Blot {m}biol.biotech.
Northern Bohemia
Nordböhmen {n}geogr.
northern border
Nordgrenze {f}
northern boundary
Nordgrenze {f}geogr.
northern bypass
Nordumgehung {f}traffic
Northern California
Nordkalifornien {n}geogr.
Northern Cape [South African province]
Nordkap {n} [südafrikanische Provinz]geogr.
northern China
Nordchina {n}geogr.
northern Chinese
Nordchinesisch {n}ling.
northern coast
Nordküste {f}geogr.
northern continents
Nordkontinente {pl}
northern corner
Nordecke {f}
Northern Cyprus
Nordzypern {n}geogr.
Northern Dimension <ND>
Nördliche Dimension {f} <ND>EUpol.
northern edge
Nordrand {m}
Northern Egypt [also: northern Egypt]
Nordägypten {n}geogr.
northern end
Nordende {n}
Northern England [also: northern England]
Nordengland {n}geogr.
Northern Estonia
Nordestland {n}geogr.
northern Etruria [also: Northern Etruria]
Nordetrurien {n} [auch: Nord-Etrurien]geogr.hist.
northern Eurasia
Nordeurasien {n}geogr.
Northern Europe
Nordeuropa {n}geogr.
northern face
Nordseite {f} [eines Berges]
Nordwand {f} [der nördliche Steilhang]climbinggeogr.
northern flank
Nordflanke {f}
northern foot [of a hill, mountain]
Nordfuß {m}geogr.
northern France [also: Northern France]
Nordfrankreich {n}geogr.
northern fringe
Nordrand {m}
northern front
Nordfront {f}
northern frontier
Nordgrenze {f}
northern föhn [also: northern foehn]
Nordföhn {m}geogr.meteo.
northern gate
Nordtor {n}
northern Gaul
Nordgallien {n}geogr.hist.
northern Germani [hist. jargon, rare]
Nordgermanen {pl}hist.spec.
northern Germany [also: Northern Germany]
Norddeutschland {n}geogr.
Northern Greece [also: northern Greece]
Nordgriechenland {n}geogr.
northern half
Nordhälfte {f}
northern hemisphere
Nordhemisphäre {f}geogr.
nördliche Halbkugel {f}geogr.
nördliche Hemisphäre {f}geogr.
Nordhalbkugel {f}astron.geogr.
northern horizon
Nordhorizont {m}
Northern hybridisation [Br.]
Northern-Hybridisierung {f}biotech.
Northern hybridization
Northern-Hybridisierung {f}biotech.
northern India
Nordindien {n}geogr.
northern Iran
Nordiran {m}geogr.
northern Iraq
Nordirak {m}geogr.
Northern Ireland
Nordirland {n}geogr.
Northern Irishman
Nordire {m}
Northern Irishmen
Nordiren {pl}
Northern Irishwoman
Nordirin {f}
northern Israel
Nordisrael {n}geogr.
northern Italy [also: Northern Italy]
Norditalien {n}geogr.
Oberitalien {n}geogr.
Northern Jutland
Nordjütland {n}geogr.
Northern Kosovo
Nordkosovo {n} [auch {m}]geogr.
Northern Kurdish
nördliches Kurdisch {n}ling.
Northern Kurdistan
Nordkurdistan {n}geogr.hist.pol.
northern latitudes
nördliche Breiten {pl}geogr.
Northern Latvia
Nordlettland {n}geogr.
Northern Lebanon
Nordlibanon {m}geogr.
northern legend
Legende {f} des Nordens
Northern Lights [also: northern lights] [aurora borealis]
Nordlichter {pl}meteo.
Northern Lights {pl} [also: northern lights] [aurora borealis]
Nordlicht {n}meteo.
Northern Lights {pl} [aurora borealis]
nördliches Polarlicht {n}meteo.
Northern Lithuania
Nordlitauen {n}geogr.
northern margin
Nordrand {m}geogr.geol.
northern neighbor [Am.]
Nachbar {m} im Norden
northern neighbour [Br.]
Nachbar {m} im Norden
northern part
Nordteil {m}
northern Poland
Nordpolen {n}geogr.
northern portal [of a cathedral, tunnel]
Nordportal {n}archi.
northern portion
nördlicher Teil {m}
nördlicher Abschnitt {m}
northern quarter
Nordviertel {n}
northern range [of a divided mountain range]
Nordkette {f}geogr.
Northern Realm
Reich {n} des Nordens
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