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English-German Dictionary

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[one who is conned or duped] [female]Gelackmeierte {f} [ugs.]
[one who looks the other way rather than intervening when others are in trouble] Wegseher {m}
[one-week school holidays in February in Austria]Energieferien {pl} [österr.] [veraltet]
(one) day rentalTagesmiete {f}
(one) dollar Ein-Dollar-
(one) hundred and fiftyhundertfünfzig
(one) hundred and fifty einhundertfünfzig
(one) hundred (and) twenty-eighth note [Am.]Hundertachtundzwanzigstelnote {f}
(one) hundred thousandthHunderttausendstel {n}
(one) hundred thousandth <100000th> hunderttausendste
(one) hundred-year-old [attr.] hundertjährig
(one) slice of a banana Bananenscheibe {f}
one-act opera Einaktoper {f}
one-act play Einakter {m}
one-acter Einakter {m}
one-address Einadress-
one-address instruction Einadressbefehl {m}
one-aisled church Saalkirche {f}
one-and-a-half deck bus <1½-deck bus>Eineinhalbdecker {m} <1 ½-Decker> [Omnibus]
one-and-a-half decker (bus) <1½-decker bus> Anderthalbdecker {m} <1 ½-Decker> [Omnibus]
one-and-a-half decker (bus) <1½-decker bus>Eineinhalbdecker {m} <1 ½-Decker> [Omnibus]
one-and-a-half storey [Br.]anderthalbgeschossig
one-and-a-half yearanderthalbjährig
one-and-a-half-hour [also: one and a half hour] anderthalbstündig
one-armed bandit [coll.]Münzspielautomat {m}
one-armed bandit [coll.]Spielautomat {m}
one-armed bandit [coll.] einarmiger Bandit {m} [ugs.]
one-armed manEinarmiger {m}
one-armed personEinarmiger {m}
one-banana problem [coll.]einfach zu lösendes Problem {n}
one-banded ground snake [Atractus univittatus]Einzelstreifige Spindelnatter {f}
one-banded spindle snake [Atractus univittatus] Einzelstreifige Spindelnatter {f}
onebar anemonefish [Amphiprion frenatus] [tomato clownfish] Weißbinden-Glühkohlen-Anemonenfisch {m}
onebar anemonefish [Amphiprion frenatus] [tomato clownfish] Roter Anemonenfisch {m}
one-barrel carburetor [Am.] Einfachvergaser {m}
one-bed room Einzelzimmer {n}
one-bed room <1br>Einbettzimmer {n} <EBZ>
one-bedroom flat [esp Br.] Zweizimmerappartement {n}
one-bedroom flat [esp. Br.] Zweizimmerwohnung {f}
one-billionth the size of ...milliardenfach kleiner als ...
one-blotch grouper [Epinephelus melanostigma]Rückenfleck-Wabenbarsch {m}
one-board computer Einplatinenrechner {m}
one-body plough [Br.]Einscharpflug {m}
one-book accounting [single-entry accounting]Einheitsbuchführung {f}
one-buttoned einknopfig [Anzug, Schuh]
one-cent coinEin-Cent-Stück {n}
one-cent coin <1-cent coin> Eincentmünze {f} <1-Cent-Münze>
one-cent coin <1-cent coin> Eincentstück {n} <1-Cent-Stück>
one-cent pieceEincentstück {n} <1-Cent-Stück>
one-cent piece Ein-Cent-Stück {n} <1-Cent-Stück>
one-cent piece <1-cent piece> Eincentmünze {f} <1-Cent-Münze>
one-channel einkanalig
one-channel distributionMonodistribution {f}
one-child policy [China] Ein-Kind-Politik {f}
one-China policyEin-China-Politik {f}
one-chip microcomputerEinchipmikrocomputer {m}
one-chip system Einchipsystem {n}
one-class [attr.] [hospital] klassenlos [Krankenhaus]
one-class primary school [Br.] einklassige Volksschule {f}
one-class schoolEinklassenschule {f}
one-click attack Cross-Site-Request-Forgery {f} <CSRF, XSRF>
one-club man [Br.] [Fußballer, der nie den Verein gewechselt hat]
one-coat [e.g. one-coat paint job] einschichtig
one-colored becard [Pachyramphus homochrous] [Am.]Einfarbbekarde {f}
one-coloured becard [Pachyramphus homochrous] [Br.] Einfarbbekarde {f}
one-component adhesive Einkomponentenkleber {m}
one-component epoxy resin Einkomponentenepoxidharz {n}
one-component paint Einkomponentenfarbe {f}
one-component resin Einkomponentenharz {n}
one-crop agricultureMonokultur {f}
one-cycle control <OCC>Einzyklussteuerung {f}
one-day [attr.]eintägig
one-day course Tageskurs {m} [eintägiger Kurs]
one-day courseeintägiger Kurs {m}
one-day excursionTagesausflug {m}
one-day internship Tagespraktikum {n}
one-day leave Tagesurlaub {m}
one-day race Eintagesrennen {n}
one-day trip Eintagesreise {f}
one-day trip Tagesreise {f}
one-day visitors Tagesbesucher {pl}
one-decision stock sehr lange gehaltene Aktie {f}
one-design classEinheitsklasse {f}
one-digit [attr.] einstellig
one-digit adderEinbitaddierer {m}
one-dimensional <1D>eindimensional <1D>
One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society Der eindimensionale Mensch. Studien zur Ideologie der fortgeschrittenen Industriegesellschaft [Herbert Marcuse]
one-dimensionality Eindimensionalität {f}
one-dimensionally eindimensional
one-disc machine Einscheibenmaschine {f} [Parkettpflege]
one-dollar shopEin-Dollar-Shop {m} <1-Dollar-Shop>
one-dollar shop Ein-Dollar-Laden {m} <1-Dollar-Laden>
one-eighth ein Achtel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
one-eighty180-Grad-Drehung {f}
one-eighty (turn) [also fig.] [coll.]180-Grad-Wendung {f} [auch fig.]
one-electron approximation Einelektronennäherung {f}
« OnceoncoOneconeloneponewone-oneione-one'one- »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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