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English-German Dictionary

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operator Maschinenarbeiter {m}
operator Maschinenbediener {m}
operatorMaschinist {m}
operator Führer {m}
operator Unternehmer {m}
operator Veranstalter {m}
operator raffinierter Kerl {m}
operatorGauner {m}
operatorFahrer {m} [Anlagen-, Systemführer]
operator Administrator {m}
operator Börsenspekulant {m}
operator Vermittlung {f}
operator [electrical circuit and load breaker] Antrieb {m} [elektrischer Leistungs- und Lasttrennschalter]
operator [female]Operatorin {f}
operator [female] [in a laboratory] Laborantin {f}
operator [female] [telephone / switchboard operator] Telefonistin {f}
operator [female] [telephone operator] Telephonistin {f} [alt]
operator [in a laboratory]Laborant {m}
operator [operating a particular machine] Bedienungsperson {f} [z. B. einer Maschine]
operator [surgical operator]Operateur {m}
operator [switchboard operator]Fräulein {n} vom Amt [veraltet]
operator [telephone / switchboard operator] Telefonist {m}
operator actionBedienungsmaßnahme {f}
operator activityArbeitsbereitschaft {f}
operator business Betreibergeschäft {n}
operator command Bedienerbefehl {m}
operator (company) Betreiberfirma {f}
operator control [i. e. button, key] Bedienelement {n} [z. B. Knopf, Taste]
operator control and monitoring systemBedien- und Beobachtungssystem {n}
operator control areaBedienzone {f}
operator control module <OCM> Bedieneinheit {f}
operator control panel Bedienfeld {n}
operator control panel Bedientafel {f}
operator control routine Bedienungsprogramm {n}
operator convenience Bedienerfreundlichkeit {f}
operator error Bedienfehler {m}
operator formalismOperatorformalismus {m}
operator functionOperatorfunktion {f}
operator function Bedienfunktion {f}
operator guidanceBedienerführung {f}
operator idealOperatorideal {n}
operator initiated termination vom Bediener eingeleiteter Abbruch {m}
operator interventionmanueller Eingriff {m}
operator manual <OM> Gebrauchsanweisung {f} <GA>
operator norm Operatornorm {f}
operator of a showpiece enterprise Leiter {m} eines Vorzeigeunternehmens [ugs.]
operator on incentiveAkkordarbeiter {m}
operator overloadingOperatorüberladung {f}
operator panelBedienfeld {n}
operator platformBedienbühne {f}
operator precedenceOperatorpräzedenz {f}
operator sequence Operatorsequenz {f}
operator setVermittlungsapparat {m}
operator terminal Bedienterminal {n} [selten: {m}]
operator training Operatorausbildung {f}
operator unit Bediengerät {n}
operators Bediener {pl}
operatorsBetreiber {pl}
operators {pl}Bedienungspersonal {n}
operators {pl} Betriebspersonal {n} [Bediener]
operator's console Bedienungsplatz {m}
operator's duty Betreiberpflicht {f}
operator's guideBedienungsanleitung {f}
operator's manual Bedienungshandbuch {n}
operator's obligations Betreiberpflichten {pl}
operator's panel Bedienpult {n}
operator's responsibilities Verantwortlichkeiten {pl} des Betreibers
operator's responsibilityVerantwortlichkeit {f} des Betreibers
operatory light Behandlungsleuchte {f}
operculum Operculum {n}
operculumOperkulum {n}
opere citato <op cit> op. cit.
operetta Operette {f}
operetta festival {sg} Operettenfestspiele {pl}
operetta singerOperettensänger {m}
operetta singer [female] Operettensängerin {f}
operonOperon {n}
operon model Operonmodell {n}
operon model Operon-Modell {n}
operose [rare] arbeitsaufwendig
Opet Festival [ancient Egypt] Opet-Fest {n}
o-phenylenediamine <OPD> [1,2-diaminobenzene]o-Phenylendiamin {n} <OPD> [1,2-Diaminobenzol]
Ophian [Ophite] Ophianer {m}
ophicleide Ophikleide {f}
ophidian Schlangen-
ophidian schlangenartig
ophidiiforms [order Ophidiiformes] Eingeweidefischartige {pl}
ophidiophobia Ophidiophobie {f}
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis (sensu lato) [(a complex of many species of) an ant-parasitizing pathogenic fungus] Ophiocordyceps unilateralis (sensu lato) [ohne Artikel] [pathogene Ameisen parasitierende Pilz-Art, bzw. ein Komplex solcher Arten]
ophiolite Ophiolit {m} [Rsv.] [veraltet]
ophioliteOphiolith {m}
ophiologyOphiologie {f}
ophiophagous ophiophag
ophiophagyOphiophagie {f}
ophite Ophit {m}
OphiteOphit {m}
OphitesOphiten {pl}
Ophites Schlangenanbeter {pl} [Ophiten]
« operoperoperoperoperoperOphiopinopisoppooppo »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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