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orange ground-thrush [Zoothera piaggiae, syn.: Geokichla piaggiae]Orangedrossel {f}
orange ground-thrush / ground thrush [Zoothera gurneyi, syn.: Geokichla gurneyi]Gurneys Grunddrossel {f}
orange groveOrangenhain {m}
orange grove spurge [Euphorbia amygdaloides] Mandel-Wolfsmilch {f}
orange grove spurge [Euphorbia amygdaloides] Mandelblättrige Wolfsmilch {f}
orange hawkweed [Hieracium aurantiacum, syn.: Pilosella aurantiaca] Gold-Habichtskraut / Goldhabichtskraut {n}
orange hawkweed [Pilosella aurantiaca, Hieracium aurantiacum] Orangerotes Habichtskraut {n}
orange haze [Am.] [sl.]LSD {n}
orange honeysuckle [Lonicera ciliosa] Bewimpertes Geißblatt {n}
orange hoofsnail [Hipponix subrufus] Orange Hufschnecke {f}
orange hydnellum [Hydnellum aurantiacum]Orangegelber Korkstacheling {m}
orange jellyOrangengelee {n} {m}
orange jessamine [Murraya paniculata]Orangenraute {f}
orange jessamine [Murraya paniculata] Orangenjasmin / Orangen-Jasmin {m}
orange juice Orangensaft {m}
orange juiceApfelsinensaft {m} [bes. nordd.]
orange juice Orangenjus {m} [bes. schweiz.]
orange juiceOrangenjuice {m} {n} [bes. österr.]
orange juice production Orangensaftproduktion {f}
orange juice spritzerOrangensaftschorle {f}
orange juice stainOrangensaftfleck {m}
orange knight [Tricholoma aurantium] Orangeroter Ritterling {m}
orange koafinch / koa-finch [Rhodacanthis palmeri, syn.: Loxioides palmeri, Psittirostra palmeri] [extinct] Palmers Papageischnäbler {m} [ausgestorben]
orange koafinch / koa-finch [Rhodacanthis palmeri, syn.: Loxioides palmeri, Psittirostra palmeri] [extinct] Großer Koafink {m} [ausgestorben]
orange ladybird [Halyzia sedecimguttata]Sechzehnfleckiger Marienkäfer {m}
orange ladybird [Halyzia sedecimguttata] Sechzehnfleckiger Pilz-Marienkäfer {m}
orange lantern [Abutilon pictum, also A. striatum]Bunte Samtpappel {f}
orange leaf notcher [Artipus floridanus] [beetle] Florida-Weißrüssler {m} [Käferart]
orange lily [Lilium bulbiferum subsp. bulbiferum, or var. bulbiferum]Eigentliche Feuerlilie / Feuer-Lilie {f} [Wiesenfeuerlilie]
orange lily [Lilium bulbiferum subsp. croceum, also. L. bulbiferum var. croceum] Gelbe Feuer-Lilie / Feuerlilie {f}
orange lily [Lilium bulbiferum subsp. croceum, also. L. bulbiferum var. croceum] Acker-Feuer-Lilie / Acker-Feuerlilie / Ackerfeuerlilie {f}
orange lily [Lilium bulbiferum]Feuer-Lilie / Feuerlilie {f}
orange lily [Lilium bulbiferum] Wiesen-Feuer-Lilie / Wiesen-Feuerlilie {f}
orange liqueur Orangenlikör {m}
orange liqueur recipe Orangenlikörrezept {n}
orange lumpy sponge [Acanthella acuta]Kaktusschwamm {m}
orange lumpy sponge [Acanthella acuta] Schwefelgelber Stachelschwamm {m}
orange lumpy sponge [Acanthella acuta]Orangener Stachelschwamm {m}
orange marked goby [Amblygobius decussatus]Querstreifen-Grundel {f}
orange marmaladeOrangenmarmelade {f}
orange marmalade recipe Orangenmarmeladenrezept {n} [auch: Orangenmarmeladen-Rezept]
orange milkcap / milk cap (mushroom) [Lactarius deterrimus, syn.: Lactarius deliciosus var. deterrimus] [false saffron milk cap]Fichten-Reizker / Fichtenreizker {m}
orange milkcap / milk cap (mushroom) [Lactarius deterrimus, syn.: Lactarius deliciosus var. deterrimus] [false saffron milk cap] Nadelwaldreizker {f} [Fichtenreizker]
orange milkcap / milk cap (mushroom) [Lactarius deterrimus, syn.: Lactarius deliciosus var. deterrimus] [false saffron milk cap]Nadelreizker {m} [Fichtenreizker]
orange minivet [Pericrocotus flammeus] Scharlachmennigvogel {m}
orange mint [Mentha aquatica] Wasserminze {f}
orange moon snail [Polinices aurantius, syn.: P. (Polinices) aurantius, P. mellosum, P. stramineai, Natica jukesi, N. mellosa, N. straminea, N. sulphurea, N. virginea] Orangefarbene Mondschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
orange moon snail [Polinices aurantius, syn.: P. (Polinices) aurantius, P. mellosum, P. stramineai, Natica jukesi, N. mellosa, N. straminea, N. sulphurea, N. virginea]Goldene Mondschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
orange mosscap [Rickenella fibula, syn.: Gerronema fibula, Mycena fibula, Omphalia fibula]Orangeroter Heftelnabeling {m}
orange mosscap [Rickenella fibula, syn.: Gerronema fibula, Mycena fibula, Omphalia fibula]Gemeiner Heftelnabeling {m}
orange mosscap [Rickenella fibula, syn.: Gerronema fibula, Mycena fibula, Omphalia fibula] Gelber Moosnabeling {m}
orange mosscap [Rickenella fibula, syn.: Gerronema fibula, Mycena fibula, Omphalia fibula]Gelber Heftelnabeling {m}
orange mosscap [Rickenella fibula, syn.: Gerronema fibula, Mycena fibula, Omphalia fibula]Gelber Nabeling {m}
orange mosscap [Rickenella fibula, syn.: Gerronema fibula, Mycena fibula, Omphalia fibula]Gelber Heftelhelmling {m}
orange mosscap [Rickenella fibula, syn.: Gerronema fibula, Mycena fibula, Omphalia fibula] Orangefarbener Heftelnabeling {m}
orange moth [Angerona prunaria] Schlehenspanner {m} [Nachtfalter]
orange moth [Angerona prunaria]Pflaumenspanner {m} [Nachtfalter]
orange moth [Triodia sylvina, syn.: Hepialus sylvina, H. sylvinus, Noctua sylvina, Phalaena sylvina] Malven-Wurzelspinner / Malvenwurzelspinner {m}
orange moth [Triodia sylvina, syn.: Hepialus sylvina, H. sylvinus, Noctua sylvina, Phalaena sylvina] Salatwurzelbohrer {m} [selten]
orange moth [Triodia sylvina, syn.: Hepialus sylvina, H. sylvinus, Noctua sylvina, Phalaena sylvina] [orange swift]Ampfer-Wurzelbohrer / Ampferwurzelbohrer {m}
orange (moth) [Angerona prunaria]Großer Schlehenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
orange mullein [Verbascum phlomoides]Windblumen-Königskerze {f}
orange mullein [Verbascum phlomoides] Gewöhnliche Königskerze {f}
orange mullein [Verbascum phlomoides]Filziges Wollkraut {n}
orange mullein [Verbascum phlomoides]Filzige Königskerze {f}
orange mullein [Verbascum phlomoides] Windlicht-Königskerze {f}
orange mycena [Mycena leaiana, syn.: M. leaiana var. leaiana] Orange-Helmling / Orangehelmling {m}
orange netcrust [Pseudomerulius aureus] Goldgelber Fältling {m}
orange oilOrangenöl {n}
orange oilApfelsinenöl {n} [bes. nordd.]
Orange OrderOranjer {pl} [ugs.]
orange oriole [Icterus auratus] Goldtrupial {m}
orange oxideUrantrioxid {n}
orange paintbrush [Hieracium aurantiacum, syn.: Pilosella aurantiaca] Gold-Habichtskraut / Goldhabichtskraut {n}
orange paintbrush [Hieracium aurantiacum, syn.: Pilosella aurantiaca]Orangerotes Habichtskraut {n}
orange peatmoss [Sphagnum subsecundum]Einseitswendiges Torfmoos {n}
orange peelOrangenhaut {f} [Lackfehler]
orange peelApfelsinenhaut {f} [bes. nordd.] [Lackfehler]
orange peel Apfelsinenschale {f} [bes. nordd.]
orange peelOrangenschale {f}
orange peel [Aleuria aurantia]Orangeroter Becherling {m}
orange peel [Aleuria aurantia] Gemeiner Orangebecherling {m}
orange peel [Aleuria aurantia] Gewöhnlicher Orange-Becherling {m} [auch: Gewöhnlicher Orangebecherling]
orange peel fungus [Caloscypha fulgens] Leuchtender Prachtbecher {m}
orange peel (fungus) [Aleuria aurantia]Orangeroter Becherpilz {m}
orange peel (fungus) [Aleuria aurantia] Orange-Becherling / Orangebecherling {m}
orange peel (fungus) [Aleuria aurantia] Pomeranzenfarbiger Becherpilz {m}
orange peel (fungus) [Aleuria aurantia] Feuerroter Becherpilz {m}
orange peel skin Orangenhaut {f}
orange peelerOrangenschäler {m} [Schälmesser]
orange pekoe <OP>Orange Pekoe {m} <OP> [Teesorte]
orange pekoe <OP>kuckuckOrange Pekoe {m} <OP> [Teesorte]
orange pickerOrangenpflücker {m}
orange picker [female] Orangenpflückerin {f}
orange pickers [female] Orangenpflückerinnen {pl}
orange pip Orangenkern {m}
orange pipe sponge [Leucosolenia botryoides, syn.: Ascaltis botryoides, Ascandra botryoides, A. botrys, A. nitida, Olynthus splendida, Spongia botryoides] Röhrenkalkschwamm {m}
orange plantation Orangenplantage {f}
orange plates orangefarbene Warntafeln {pl}
orange polypore [Pycnoporus sanguineus]Blutroter Zinnoberschwamm {m}
« optoormooraloraloranoranoranoranoranoranorbo »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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