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orange-fin / orangefin anemonefish [Amphiprion chrysopterus] Orangeflossen-Anemonenfisch {m}
orange-fin anemonefish [Amphiprion chrysogaster] [Mauritian anemonefish] Mauritius-Anemonenfisch {m}
orange-fin clownfish [Amphiprion chrysopterus]Orangeflossen-Anemonenfisch {m}
orange-finned loach [Botia modesta] Grüne Schmerle {f}
orange-flanked bush-robin [Tarsiger cyanurus, syn.: Luscinia cyanura, Erithacus cyanurus] Blauschwanz {m}
orange-flavored [Am.] mit Orangengeschmack [nachgestellt]
orange-flavoured [Br.] mit Orangengeschmack [nachgestellt]
orange-footed megapode [Megapodius reinwardt] Reinwardthuhn {n} [auch: Reinwardt-Huhn]
orange-footed megapode [Megapodius reinwardt] Lombok-Großfußhuhn {n}
orange-footed scrub fowl [Megapodius reinwardt] Reinwardthuhn {n}
orange-footed scrubfowl [Megapodius reinwardt] Reinwardthuhn {n}
orange-footed scrubfowl / scrub fowl [Megapodius reinwardt] Lombok-Großfußhuhn {n}
orange-fronted barbet [Capito squamatus] Weißnacken-Bartvogel {m}
orange-fronted barbet [Megalaima armillaris, syn.: Psilopogon armillaris]Temminckbartvogel {m} [auch: Temminck-Bartvogel]
orange-fronted conure [Aratinga canicularis]Elfenbeinsittich {m}
orange-fronted fruit dove [Ptilinopus aurantiifrons]Goldstirn-Fruchttaube {f}
orange-fronted fruit dove [Ptilinopus aurantiifrons]Gelbstirn-Fruchttaube {f}
orange-fronted hanging parrot [Loriculus aurantiifrons] Goldstirnpapageichen {n}
orange-fronted parakeet [Aratinga canicularis] Elfenbeinsittich {m}
orange-fronted parakeet [NZ] [Cyanoramphus malherbi] [Malherbe's parakeet]Alpensittich {m} [Malherbe-Sittich]
orange-fronted parakeet [NZ] [Cyanoramphus malherbi] [Malherbe's parakeet] Malherbesittich {m} [auch: Malherbe-Sittich]
orange-fronted parrot [Aratinga canicularis]Elfenbeinsittich {m}
orange-fronted plushcrown [Metopothrix aurantiaca]Goldschlüpfer {m}
orange-fronted yellowfinch / yellow-finch / yellow finch [Sicalis columbiana]Zwergsafranammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Zwerg-Safranammer]
orange-fronted yellowfinch / yellow-finch / yellow finch [Sicalis columbiana]Zwerggilbammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
orange-fruited eggplant [Solanum macrocarpon]Afrikanische Eierpflanze {f}
orange-fruited eggplant [Solanum macrocarpon] Afrikanische Aubergine {f}
orange-fulvous daylily [Hemerocallis aurantiaca]Orangegelbe Taglilie {f}
orange-gorgeted flycatcher [Ficedula strophiata] Zimtkehlschnäpper {m}
orange-gorgetted flycatcher [Ficedula strophiata]Zimtkehlschnäpper {m}
orange-headed blackbird [Amblyramphus holosericeus] Rotkopfstärling {m} [auch: Rotkopf-Stärling]
orange-headed (ground) thrush [Geokichla citrina, syn.: Zoothera citrina] Damadrossel {f}
orange-headed parrot [Pionopsitta aurantiocephala]Nacktkopfpapagei {m}
orange-headed pigmy [Stigmella svenssoni]Svenssons Eichen-Zwergminierfalter {m}
orange-headed tanager [Thlypopsis sordida]Orangekopftangare {f}
orange-legged hermit crab [Ciliopagurus strigatus]Ringelsocken-Einsiedlerkrebs {m}
orange-lined angelfish [Centropyge eibli] Eibls Zwergkaiserfisch {m}
orange-lined triggerfish [Balistapus undulatus] Orangestreifen-Drückerfisch {m}
orange-lipped keelback [Macropisthodon flaviceps] Rotkopf-Kielrückenwassernatter {f}
orange-lipped keelback [Macropisthodon flaviceps]Gelbkopf-Kielrückennatter {f}
Orangeman Mitglied {n} des Oranierordens
orange-milk tree [Harungana madagascariensis] Drachenblutbaum {m} [Haronga]
orange-naped snake [Furina ornata] Nördliche Rotnackenotter {f}
orange-naped tanager [Tangara ruficervix]Goldnackentangare {f}
orange-naped tanager [Tangara ruficervix]Rotnackentangare {f} [auch: Rotnacken-Tangare]
orange-naped whipsnake [Furina ornata] Nördliche Rotnackenotter {f}
orangeneck keelback [Macropisthodon flaviceps] Gelbkopf-Kielrückennatter {f}
orangeneck keelback [Macropisthodon flaviceps] Rotkopf-Kielrückenwassernatter {f}
orange-necked hill-partridge / hill partridge [Arborophila davidi] Davidwaldrebhuhn {n}
orange-necked hill-partridge / hill partridge [Arborophila davidi]David-Buschwachtel {f} [auch: Davidbuschwachtel]
orange-necked partridge [Arborophila davidi] Davidwaldrebhuhn {n}
orange-necked partridge [Arborophila davidi] David-Buschwachtel {f} [auch: Davidbuschwachtel]
orange-peel bucketPolypgreifer {m} [Fördertechnik]
orange-peel clematis [Clematis tangutica] Gold-Waldrebe {f}
orange-peel clematis [Clematis tangutica] Mongolei-Waldrebe {f}
orange-peel effect Orangenhauteffekt {m} [Lackfehler]
orange-peel effect Orangenschaleneffekt {m} [Lackfehler]
orange-peel effectApfelsinenschaleneffekt {m} [bes. nordd.] [Lackfehler]
orange-peel fungus [Aleuria aurantia] Gemeiner Orangebecherling {m}
orange-peel fungus [Aleuria aurantia] Orangeroter Becherling {m}
orange-peel glaze Kunstglasur {f} mit Nadelstichen
orange-peel grabMehrschalengreifer {m} [Fördertechnik]
orange-peel syndrome [Dermopanniculosis deformans, Adiposis edematosa] [cellulite]Orangenhaut {f}
orange-peel texture Orangenschalenstruktur {f}
orangequit [Euneornis campestris] Braunlätzchen {n}
orange-red gelbrot
orange-red encrusting sponge [Crambe crambe, syn.: C. ambigua, Clathria (Clathria) labyrinthica, Dictyonella labyrinthica, Hemimycale ambigua, Plicatella labyrinthica, Suberites crambe] Roter Krustenschwamm {m}
orange-red encrusting sponge [Crambe crambe, syn.: C. ambigua, Clathria (Clathria) labyrinthica, Dictyonella labyrinthica, Hemimycale ambigua, Plicatella labyrinthica, Suberites crambe] Orangeroter Krustenschwamm {m}
orange-red pigmy grouper [Cephalopholis spiloparaea]Erdbeer-Zackenbarsch {m}
orange-root [Hydrastis canadensis]Kanadische Gelbwurz {f}
orange-root [Hydrastis canadensis] Goldsiegelwurzel {f}
orange-root [Hydrastis canadensis] Kanadische Orangenwurzel {f}
orangeroot [Hydrastis canadensis]Kanadische Orangenwurzel {f}
orangeroot [Hydrastis canadensis] Goldsiegelwurzel {f}
orangeroot [Hydrastis canadensis] Kanadische Gelbwurz {f}
orange-rumped agouti [Dasyprocta leporina, formerly: Dasyprocta aguti] Goldaguti {n}
orange-rumped honeyguide [Indicator xanthonotus]Gelbbürzel-Honiganzeiger {m}
orangery Orangerie {f}
orangery [also: orangerie] Pomeranzenhaus {n} [Hist.]
orangery gardenOrangeriegarten {m}
Orangery Palace [Potsdam]Orangerieschloss {n}
Orangery Palace [Potsdam]Orangerie {f}
Orangery Palace [Potsdam] Neue Orangerie {f}
oranges Orangen {pl}
orange-shouldered blister beetle [Sitaris muralis, syn.: Apalus muralis]Schmalflügliger Pelzbienenölkäfer {m}
orange-sizedin der Größe einer Orange [nachgestellt]
orange-socket surgeonfish [Acanthurus auranticavus] Ringschwanz-Doktorfisch {m}
orange-spike polycera [Polycera atra] Polycera atra {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
orangespine unicornfish [Naso lituratus]Gelbklingen-Nasendoktor {m}
orange-spined hairy dwarf porcupine [Sphiggurus villosus] Orangenrücken-Baumstachler {m}
orange-spot piercer [Cydia aurana, syn.: Pammene aurana] [moth] Bärenklauwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
orangespot surgeonfish [Acanthurus olivaceus] Orangefleck-Doktorfisch {m}
orange-spotted bulbul [Pycnonotus bimaculatus]Goldzügelbülbül {m}
orange-spotted cockroach [Blaptica dubia] Argentinische Schabe {f}
orange-spotted day gecko [Phelsuma guimbeaui] Guimbeau-Taggecko {m}
orange-spotted day gecko [Phelsuma guimbeaui]Guimbeaus Taggecko {m}
orange-spotted diamond [Valenciennea puellaris] Maiden-Schläfergrundel {f}
orange-spotted diamond [Valenciennea puellaris] Diamantgrundel {f} [auch {m}]
orange-spotted emerald [Oxygastra curtisii]Gekielter Flussfalke {m} [Libellenart]
« oraloranoranoranoranoranoranOrbaorbiorchorch »
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