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orangutan [Pongo pygmaeus] Orang-Utan {m}
orang-utan crab [Achaeus japonicus]Orang-Utan-Krabbe {f}
orang-utang [Pongo pygmaeus]Orang-Utan {m}
orangutang [Pongo pygmaeus] Orang-Utan {m}
orangutang crab [Achaeus japonicus, syn.: Inachus (Achaeus) japonicus, I. japonicus] Orang-Utan-Krabbe {f}
orangyorangig [ugs.]
Oranienburg [Brandenburg, Germany] Oranienburg {n}
Oranje [nickname for the Netherlands national football team]Oranje-Team {n}
Oranjestad Oranjestad {n}
orans postureOrantenhaltung {f}
orarion Orarion {n}
orating eine Rede haltend
oratingReden schwingend [pej.]
orationRede {f}
orationAnsprache {f} [Rede]
orationsReden {pl}
orator Redner {m}
oratorOrator {m}
Oratorian College Oratorianerkolleg {n}
Oratorians <C.O.> [members of the Oratory congregation]Oratorianer {pl}
oratorical rednerisch
oratorical style Redestil {m}
oratories Andachtsräume {pl}
oratorio Oratorium {n}
oratorio choir Oratorienchor {m}
oratorio chorus Oratorienchor {m}
oratorio-like oratorisch
oratorios {pl} Oratorien {pl}
oratorsRedner {pl}
oratory Redekunst {f}
oratoryKapelle {f}
oratory Oratorium {n} [Loge in e-r Kirche]
oratory Betchor {m}
oratory Betkapelle {f}
oratoryBeredsamkeit {f} [Redekunst]
oratoryBetsaal {m}
oratory [small chapel] Betraum {m}
Oratory (of St. Philip Neri) Oratorium {n} (des hl. Philipp Neri)
orature [oral literature] mündliche Literatur {f}
orb Himmelskörper {m}
orb Kugel {f}
orb Gestirn {n}
orbGeisterfleck {m}
orb [astrology] Orbis {m} [Astrologie]
orb [imperial/royal/sovereign's] Reichsapfel {m}
orb [literary] [eyeball]Augapfel {m}
orb of confusion [SpongeBob SquarePants] Kugel {f} der Verwirrung [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
orb weavers [family Araneidae] (Echte) Radnetzspinnen {pl}
orb web Radnetz {n}
orb web spiders [family Araneidae](Echte) Radnetzspinnen {pl}
orbicular kugelförmig
orbicular ark [Glycymeris glycymeris] Meermandel {f}
orbicular ark [Glycymeris glycymeris] Gemeine Samtmuschel {f}
orbicular ark [Glycymeris glycymeris]Mandelmuschel {f}
orbicular ark [Glycymeris glycymeris]Archenkammmuschel {f}
orbicular ark [Glycymeris glycymeris] Englisches Pastetchen {n} [Meermandel]
orbicular batfish [Platax orbicularis] Rundkopf-Fledermausfisch {m}
orbicularis oculi (muscle) [Musculus orbicularis oculi, Musculus orbicularis palpebrarum]Musculus orbicularis oculi {m}
orbicularis oculi (muscle) [Musculus orbicularis oculi, Musculus orbicularis palpebrarum]Augenschließmuskel {m}
orbicularis oculi (muscle) [Musculus orbicularis oculi, Musculus orbicularis palpebrarum] Augenringmuskel {m}
orbicularis oculi (muscle) [Musculus orbicularis oculi] Ringmuskel {m} des Auges
orbicularis oris (muscle) [Musculus orbicularis oris]Musculus orbicularis oris {m}
orbicularis oris (muscle) [Musculus orbicularis oris]Mundschließmuskel {m}
orbicularis oris (muscle) [Musculus orbicularis oris]Ringmuskel {m} des Mundes
orbiculate cardinalfish [Sphaeramia orbicularis]Gürtel-Kardinalbarsch {m}
orbifold Orbifaltigkeit {f}
orbiform [curve of constant width] [geometry]Orbiforme {f} [„Kreisförmige“]
orbing [zorbing] Zorbing {n}
orbitAugenhöhle {f}
orbitKreisbahn {f}
orbitUmlaufbahn {f}
orbit Rundweg {m}
orbit Umlauf {m}
orbitUmkreisung {f}
orbitOrbit {m}
orbitKreis {m}
orbitBahn {f}
orbitUmrundung {f} [im Weltraum]
orbit [fig.] [e.g. to move in somebody's orbit] Dunstkreis {m}
orbit [sphere of influence] Einflusssphäre {f}
orbit [sphere of influence] Machtbereich {m}
orbit accuracy Bahngenauigkeit {f} [in der Umlaufbahn]
orbit altitude Bahnhöhe {f}
orbit around the earth Erdumlaufbahn {f}
orbit around the earthErdumkreisung {f}
orbit of a / the planet Planetenumlauf {m}
orbit of a planet Planetenbahn {f} [Umlaufbahn eines Planeten]
orbit of Saturn Saturnbahn {f}
orbit of the moon Mondbahn {f}
orbit of the planet Planetenbahn {f} [Umlaufbahn des Planeten]
orbit radiusBahnradius {m}
orbital auf die Kreisbahn bezogen
orbital kreisend
orbitalOrbital {n}
orbital orbital
« oranoranoranoranoranoranorbiorbiorchorchorde »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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