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observer status Beobachterstatus {m}
observer theory Beobachtertheorie {f}
observer trial Beobachterversuch {m}
observers Beobachter {pl}
observer's perspective Beobachterperspektive {f}
observer's seat Beobachterplatz {m} [auch: Beobachter-Platz]
observing beachtend
observingunter Beachtung
observing (of) the Sabbath Heilighaltung {f} des Sonntags [für Christen]
obsessedvon Gedanken gequält
obsessed with detail [postpos.] detailversessen
obsessed with details [postpos.] detailbesessen
obsessed with medalsordenssüchtig [selten] [besessen von Medaillen]
obsessed with sex [postpos.] sexbesessen
obsessionBesessenheit {f}
obsession fixe Idee {f}
obsession Zwangsvorstellung {f}
obsession Manie {f}
obsessionVerranntheit {f}
obsession Obsession {f} [geh.]
obsession Sucht {f} [unwiderstehliches Verlangen]
Obsession [Jonathan Kellerman] Post Mortem
obsession [whim] Spleen {m} [Fimmel]
obsession with beauty Schönheitswahn {m}
obsession with cleaning Putzfimmel {m} [pej.]
obsession with cleaningPutzsucht {f} [Putzfimmel]
obsession with cleanlinessSauberkeitsfimmel {m} [ugs.]
obsession with cleanliness Reinlichkeitswahn {m}
obsession with details Detailbesessenheit {f}
obsession with dressing upPutzsucht {f} [veraltet]
obsession with optimization Optimierungswahn {m}
obsession with orderOrdnungswahn {m}
obsession with personal hygiene Putzsucht {f}
obsession with sex Sexbesessenheit {f}
obsession with slenderness Schlankheitswahn {m}
obsession with youth Jugendwahn {m} [pej.]
obsessional besessen
obsessional [behaviour, personality] zwanghaft
obsessional [love, hatred, jealousy] obsessiv
obsessional jealousyzwanghafte Eifersucht {f}
obsessional neurosis Zwangsneurose {f}
obsessional neuroticZwangsneurotiker {m}
obsessional ritual Zwangsritual {n}
obsessional ruminationGrübelzwang {m}
obsessional thoughtZwangsgedanke {m}
obsessional washing Waschzwang {m}
obsessionist Besessener {m}
obsessionsBesessenheiten {pl}
obsessive obsessiv
obsessive besessen
obsessive [male] Besessener {m}
obsessive about cleaning [postpos.]putzsüchtig
obsessive behaviour [Br.]zwanghaftes Verhalten {n}
obsessive featureszwanghafte Züge {pl}
obsessive ideaZwangsvorstellung {f}
obsessive thinkingZwangsdenken {n}
obsessive thought Zwangsgedanke {m}
obsessive thoughtzwanghafter Gedanke {m}
obsessive thought [a particular obsessive idea, not a thought process] Zwangsvorstellung {f}
obsessive thoughtsZwangsgedanken {pl}
obsessive-compulsive disorder <OCD> Zwangsstörung {f}
obsessive-compulsive disorder <OCD> Zwangserkrankung {f}
obsessive-compulsive disorder <OCD>Zwangsneurose {f} [ugs.]
obsessive-compulsive disorder <OCD>zwanghafte Verhaltensstörung {f}
obsessive-compulsive hoarder <OCH>obsessiv-kompulsiver Sammler {m}
obsessive-compulsive neurosis Zwangsneurose {f}
obsessive-compulsive symptoms Zwangssymptome {pl}
obsessively obsessiv
obsessivelywie besessen
obsessivenessBesessenheit {f}
obsidian Obsidian {m}
obsidian aus Obsidian [nachgestellt]
obsidian Glasachat {m}
obsidian ball Obsidiankugel {f}
obsidian bladeObsidianklinge {f}
obsidian flakes Obsidianabschläge {pl}
obsidian hydration dating <OHD>Obsidianhydrationsdatierung {f} [auch: Obsidian-Hydrations-Datierung]
obsidian knifeObsidianmesser {n}
obsidian sphere Obsidiankugel {f}
obsolescence Veralterung {f}
obsolescence Obsoleszenz {f}
obsolescenceVeralten {n}
obsolescence Veraltern {n}
obsolescenceVeralterung {f} eines Gebrauchsgegenstandes
obsolescenceÜberalterung {f}
obsolescence [process]Obsoletwerden {n} [geh.] [auch: Obsolet-Werden]
obsolescence of stock Veralten {n}
obsolescence of stockVeralterung {f} der Lagerbestände
obsolescence rate Alterungsgeschwindigkeit {f}
« obliobnoobscobseobseobseobsoobstobstobtuocca »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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