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English-German Dictionary

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organic wasteorganischer Abfall {m}
organic waste {sg}organische Abfälle {pl}
organic waste collection bin Biotonne {f}
organic waste disposal [service]Grünabfuhr {f} [schweiz.]
organic whole organisches Ganzes {n}
organic wineBiowein {m}
organic wine Ökowein {m}
organic wines Bioweine {pl}
organic woolBiowolle {f}
(organic) heart defect [Vitium cordis] Herzfehler {m}
(organic) heart trouble (organisches) Herzleiden {n}
organically organisch
organically bound organisch gebunden
organically farmedaus biologischem Anbau
organically grownbiologisch angebaut
organically grown potatoesBiokartoffeln {pl}
organically produced biologisch erzeugt
organically produced leather Ökoleder {n}
organicism Organizismus {m}
organigramOrganisationsschaubild {n}
organigram Organigramm {n}
organigramOrganisationsplan {m} [Organigramm]
organisation [Br.] Gliederung {f}
organisation [Br.] Ordnung {f}
organisation [Br.]Organisation {f}
organisation [Br.] Einrichtung {f}
organisation [Br.]Veranstaltung {f} [das Veranstalten]
organisation [Br.]Verband {m} [Organisation]
organisation [Br.] Gestaltung {f} [des Tagesablaufs, eines Festes etc.]
organisation [Br.] Ausgestaltung {f} [des Tagesablaufs, eines Festes etc.]
organisation [Br.] [association etc., also company, enterprise]Gesellschaft {f} [Vereinigung, auch Firma, Unternehmen]
organisation [Br.] [organizing]Organisierung {f}
organisation [Br.] [personnel and resources] Apparat {m} [Personen und Hilfsmittel]
organisation and methods analysis / study [Br.]Refastudie {f} [ugs.]
organisation and methods study [work-time study] [Br.]Organisations- und Arbeitsablaufstudie {f} [Arbeitszeitstudie]
organisation chart [Br.] Organigramm {n}
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe <OSCE> [Br.]Organisation {f} für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa <OSZE>
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons <OPCW> Organisation {f} für das Verbot chemischer Waffen <OPCW>
organisation of distribution [Br.]Organisation {f} des Vertriebs
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States <OECS> Organisation {f} Ostkaribischer Staaten
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation <OIC>Organisation {f} für Islamische Zusammenarbeit
organisation of production [Br.] Organisation {f} der Produktion
organisation of working time [Br.] Arbeitszeitgestaltung {f}
organisation problem [Br.]Organisationsproblem {n}
organisation programme [Br.]Organisationsprogramm {n}
organisation programmer [Br.] Organisationsprogrammierer {m}
organisation research [Br.]Organisationsforschung {f}
organisation secretary [female] [Br.] Organisationssekretärin {f}
organisation sector [Br.]Organisationsbereich {m}
organisational [Br.] organisatorisch
organisational approach [Br.]organisatorischer Ansatz {m}
organisational area [Br.] Organisationsbereich {m}
organisational blindness [Br.]Betriebsblindheit {f}
organisational chart [Br.]Organigramm {n}
organisational communication [Br.]Organisationskommunikation {f}
organisational complexity <OC> [Br.]Organisationskomplexität {f}
organisational culture [Br.] Organisationskultur {f}
organisational development [Br.] Organisationsentwicklung {f}
organisational environment [Br.] Organisationsumwelt {f}
organisational environment [Br.]Organisationsumgebung {f}
organisational environment [Br.] organisatorisches Umfeld {n}
organisational forms [Br.] Organisationsformen {pl}
organisational imperative [Br.]organisationaler Imperativ {m}
organisational level [Br.] Organisationsebene {f}
organisational matters {pl} [Br.]Organisatorisches {n}
organisational memory <OM> [Br.]Organisationsgedächtnis {n}
organisational principle [Br.] Organisationsprinzip {n}
organisational problem [Br.] Organisationsproblem {n}
organisational procedure [Br.] Ablauforganisation {f}
organisational psychologist [Br.] Organisationspsychologe {m}
organisational psychologist [Br.] [female] Organisationspsychologin {f}
organisational psychology [Br.] Organisationspsychologie {f}
organisational skills {pl} [Br.]Organisationsvermögen {n}
organisational skills {pl} [Br.] Organisationstalent {n}
organisational skills {pl} [Br.]Organisationsgeschick {n}
organisational sociology [Br.]Organisationssoziologie {f}
organisational strategy [Br.] Organisationsstrategie {f}
organisational structure [Br.] Organisationsstruktur {f}
organisational structure [Br.] Aufbauorganisation {f}
organisational talent [Br.] Organisationstalent {n}
organisational task [Br.]Gestaltungsaufgabe {f}
organisational theatre [Br.] Unternehmenstheater {n}
organisational theory [Br.] Organisationstheorie {f}
organisational work [Br.] Organisationsarbeit {f}
organisationally [Br.] organisatorisch
organisations [Br.] Organisationen {pl}
organisation's secretary [female] [Br.] Organisationssekretärin {f}
organised [Br.] organisiert
organised [Br.] geordnet
organised [Br.] veranstaltet
organised [Br.] ausgestaltet
organised [Br.] [methodical]planvoll
organised crime <OC> [Br.] organisierte Kriminalität {f}
organised crime <OC> [Br.]organisiertes Verbrechen {n}
organised dive [Br.]geführter Tauchgang {m}
organised immigration crime [Br.] Schlepper-Kriminalität {f} [auch: Schlepperkriminalität] [bes. österr.]
organised immigration crime [Br.] Schleuser-Kriminalität {f} [auch: Schleuserkriminalität]
organised immigration crime [Br.] Schleusungskriminalität {f}
organised market [Br.] organisierter Markt {m}
organised youth [Br.]Verbandsjugend {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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