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organizational ladder {sg} [Am.] Hierarchieebenen {pl} [in einer Firma, Behörde etc.]
organizational law Organisationsrecht {n}
organizational levelOrganisationsebene {f}
organizational literatureOrganisationsliteratur {f}
organizational maintenanceTruppeninstandhaltung {f}
organizational maintenance [Air Force]Flugbetriebswartung {f}
organizational management Organisationsmanagement {n}
organizational matters {pl} Organisatorisches {n}
organizational measuresorganisatorische Maßnahmen {pl}
organizational measuresOrganisationsmaßnahmen {pl}
organizational memory <OM> Organisationsgedächtnis {n}
organizational power Organisationsmacht {f}
organizational principle Organisationsprinzip {n}
organizational problemOrganisationsproblem {n}
organizational psychologist Organisationspsychologe {m}
organizational psychologist [female] Organisationspsychologin {f}
organizational psychology Organisationspsychologie {f}
organizational sizeOrganisationsgröße {f}
organizational skills {pl}Organisationstalent {n} [Talent zum Organisieren]
organizational socialization Organisationssozialisation {f}
organizational sociologyOrganisationssoziologie {f}
organizational strategy Organisationsstrategie {f}
organizational structureAufbauorganisation {f}
organizational structureOrganisationsstruktur {f}
organizational studiesOrganisationswissenschaften {pl}
organizational success [success of an / the organization] Organisationserfolg {m}
organizational talent Organisationstalent {n}
organizational taskGestaltungsaufgabe {f}
organizational theatre [Br.] Unternehmenstheater {n}
organizational theory Organisationstheorie {f}
organizational unbundling organisatorische Entflechtung {f}
organizational unit <OU>Organisationseinheit {f} <OE>
organizational work Organisationsarbeit {f}
organizational-level agreement <OLA> [less common] Operational Level Agreement {n} <OLA> [Vereinbarung auf Betriebsebene]
organizationally organisatorisch
organizationsOrganisationen {pl}
organizations Verbände {pl} [Organisationen]
organized organisiert
organized geordnet
organized ausgestaltet
organized veranstaltet
organized [methodical] planvoll
organized capital market organisierter Kapitalmarkt {m}
organized crimeorganisiertes Verbrechen {n}
organized crime <OC> organisierte Kriminalität {f}
organized labor {sg} [Am.]gewerkschaftlich organisierte Arbeitnehmer {pl}
organized labour {sg} [Br.] gewerkschaftlich organisierte Arbeitnehmer {pl}
organized labour [Br.]organisierte Arbeiterschaft {f}
organized market organisierter Markt {m}
organized resistance organisierter Widerstand {m}
organized smuggling organisierter Schmuggel {m}
organized stock market geregelter Börsenmarkt {m}
organized strikeorganisierter Streik {m}
organized tour [in a group] Gesellschaftsreise {f}
organized youth Verbandsjugend {f}
[organized colonisation of depopulated areas in the Hungarian part of the Habsburg empire in the 18th century] Schwabenzug {m}
organizer Organisator {m}
organizer Organisierer {m}
organizer [female] Organisatorin {f}
organizer of a fair Messeveranstalter {m}
organizer of exhibitions Ausstellungsmacher {m}
organizer of exhibitions [female] Ausstellungsmacherin {f}
organizing organisierend
organizing organisatorisch
organizing Organisation {f} [das Organisieren]
organizing ability Organisationstalent {n}
organizing committeeOrganisationsausschuss {m}
organizing committee Organisationskomitee {n}
organizing permit Veranstaltungsgenehmigung {f}
organizing principle Ordnungsprinzip {n}
organizing principleOrganisationsprinzip {n}
organizing team Organisationsteam {n}
organocatalysis Organokatalyse {f}
organochlorides <OCs>chlororganische Verbindungen {pl}
organochlorine compound Organochlorverbindung {f}
organochlorineschlororganische Verbindungen {pl}
organogenesis Organogenese {f}
organogenous organogen
organogram [spv.]Organigramm {n}
organographic organographisch
organographically organographisch
organographically organografisch
organographyOrganographie {f}
organography Organografie {f}
organohalogen compound organische Halogen-Verbindung {f}
organoidOrganoid {n}
organolead compounds bleiorganische Verbindungen {pl}
organoleptic organoleptisch
organoleptic properties sensorische Eigenschaften {pl}
organolithium bond [C-Li bond] lithiumorganische Verbindung {f}
organolithium bond [C-Li bond]Organolithium-Verbindung {f}
organolithium bond [C-Li bond] Lithiumorganyle {f}
organologyInstrumentenkunde {f}
organologyOrganologie {f} [Instrumentenkunde, bes. Orgel]
organologyMusikinstrumentenkunde {f}
organomegaly Organomegalie {f}
« orgaorgaorgaorgaorgaorgaorgaorieorieorieOrig »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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