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organometallic organometallisch
organometallic chemistry Organometallchemie {f}
organometallic chemistrymetallorganische Chemie {f}
organometallic compoundOrganometallverbindung {f}
organon Organon {n}
organon [Greek for: organ]Organum {n}
organon [Greek for: organ]Organ {n}
organophosphate <OP> Organophosphat {n} <OP>
organophosphate <OP>Alkylphosphat {n}
organophosphate intoxication Organophosphatintoxikation {f}
organophosphate intoxication Organophosphatvergiftung {f}
organophosphate poisoning Organophosphatvergiftung {f}
organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy <OPIDN>Organophosphat-induzierte verzögerte Neuropathie {f} <OPIDN>
organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy <OPIDP> Organophosphat-induzierte verzögerte Polyneuropathie {f} <OPIDP>
organophosphates Phosphorsäureester {pl}
organophosphine Organophosphin {n}
organophosphine oxide Organophosphinoxid {n}
organophosphorous phosphororganisch
organophosphorus pesticide Organophosphor-Pestizid {n}
organosedimentary organosedimentär
organosilicon compound Organosiliciumverbindung {f}
organotin compoundszinnorganische Verbindungen {pl}
organotropism Organotropie {f}
organotropism Organotropismus {m}
organotypic organotypisch
organovaite-Mn [K2(Zn,Mn)(Nb,Ti)4 [(O,OH)2|Si4O12]2·6H2O]Organovait-Mn {m}
organovaite-Zn [K2Zn(Nb,Ti)4 [(O,OH)2|Si4O12]2·5-6H2O] Organovait-Zn {m}
organpipe coral [Tubipora spp.] Orgelkoralle {f}
organpipe coral [Tubipora spp.] Orgelpfeifenkoralle {f}
organ-preserving [e.g. therapy, surgery] organerhaltend [z. B. Therapie, Operation]
organ-programmed organprogrammiert [Aufnahmetechnik]
organs Organe {pl}
organsOrgeln {pl}
organs in the mediastinumMediastinalorgane {pl}
organs of speech Sprachorgane {pl}
organs of speech Sprechorgane {pl}
organs of speech Sprechwerkzeuge {pl}
organ-saving [treatment, concept, etc.] organerhaltend [Behandlung, Konzept usw.]
organ-sparing [e.g. therapy, surgery]organerhaltend [z. B. Therapie, Operation]
organum Organum {n}
organyl groupOrganylgruppe {f}
organza Organza {m}
organzine Organsin {m} {n} [ein bei Seidengeweben als Kettgarn verwendeter Zwirn aus Naturseide]
Orgaos cotinga [Tijuca condita]Grauflügelkotinga / Grauflügel-Kotinga {f}
Orgaos cotinga [Tijuca condita]Grauflügeltijuca {f}
orgasm Orgasmus {m}
Orgasm [cocktail] Orgasmus {m} [Cocktail]
orgasm balls Orgasmuskugeln {pl}
orgasm wave Orgasmuswelle {f}
orgasmic orgasmisch
orgasmic orgastisch
orgasmic disorderOrgasmusstörung {f}
orgasmic dysfunction Orgasmusstörung {f}
orgasmic phase Orgasmusphase {f}
orgasmic platformorgastische Manschette {f}
orgasmic wave Orgasmuswelle {f}
orgasms Orgasmen {pl}
OR-gate ODER-Schaltung {f}
Orgburo [Organizational Bureau, Soviet Union] Orgbüro {n} [Organisationsbüro, Sowjetunion]
Orgel's rule Orgels Regel {f}
orgiastic orgiastisch
orgiastic orgienhaft
orgiastically orgiastisch
orgiesOrgien {pl}
orgies of sex Sexorgien {pl}
orgoneOrgon {n}
orgone energy Orgonenergie {f}
orgulous [archaic or literary] [haughty] arrogant
orgwareOrgware {f}
orgware {sg} Organisationsmethoden {pl}
orgy Orgie {f}
orgyOrgiasmus {m} [geh.]
orgy of noiseLärmorgie {f}
orgy of sex Sexorgie {f}
orgy of violence Gewaltorgie {f}
oribatid mites [order / suborder Oribatida, formerly: Cryptostigmata] Hornmilben {pl}
oribi [Ourebia ourebi] Bleichböckchen {n}
oribi [Ourebia ourebi] Oribi {n}
orickite [2CuFeS2·H2O]Orickit {m}
orielErker {m}
oriel windowErkerfenster {n}
OrientOrient {m}
orient Osten {m}
orientMorgenland {n} [veraltet]
Orient ExpressOrientexpress {m}
orient red [RAL 3031] Orientrot {n} [RAL 3031]
orientable orientierbar
oriental orientalisch
oriental östlich
Oriental [female] Orientalin {f}
Oriental [from a Near or Middle Eastern country] Orientale {m}
Oriental [pej.] [Asian]Schlitzauge {n} [pej.]
Oriental [pej.] [Asian] Reisfresser {m} [pej.]
Oriental [pejorative term for an Asian people] Fidschi {m} [pej.] [ugs.] [bes. ostd.]
« orgaorgaorgaorgaorgaorgaorieorieorieOrigorig »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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