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English-German Dictionary

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original precedentPräzedenzfall {m}
original preparationOriginalpräparat {n}
original price Originalpreis {m}
original price Neupreis {m}
original print Originaldruck {m}
original product Originalprodukt {n}
original products {pl}Originalware {f}
original publicationOriginalveröffentlichung {f}
original publisher Originalverlag {m}
original quotationOriginalzitat {n}
original quote Originalzitat {n}
original record sleeveOriginal-Schallplattenhülle {f}
original recordingOriginalaufnahme {f}
original remark originelle Bemerkung {f}
original research originäre Forschung {f}
original researchOriginalforschung {f} [seltener] [originäre Forschung]
original righteousness [iustitia originalis] Urstandsgerechtigkeit {f}
original sampleUrmuster {n}
original sample Urprobe {f} [Primärprobe]
original sample Originalprobe {f}
original sampleOriginalmuster {n}
original scopeursprünglicher Umfang {m}
original score Originalpartitur {f}
original screenplay Originaldrehbuch {n}
original sensor Originalsensor {m}
original series Originalserie {f}
original shade of colour [Br.] Originalfarbton {m}
original shape Ursprungsform {f}
original shape Urform {f}
original shape Originalform {f}
original share capital Stammkapital {n}
original shareholder Altaktionär {m}
original signalQuellsignal {n}
original signatureOriginalunterschrift {f}
original sinErbsünde {f}
original sin Ursünde {f}
Original Sin [P. D. James]Wer sein Haus auf Sünden baut
original size Originalgröße {f}
original size Originalmaß {n} [Originalgröße]
original soundtrack Originalton {m} <O-Ton>
original soundtrack <OST> Original-Soundtrack {m} <OST> [zu Spielfilmen, TV-Serien oder Videospielen]
original source Urquell {m}
original sourceUrquelle {f}
original source Originalquelle {f}
original spare part Originalersatzteil {n}
original spare parts Originalersatzteile {pl} [auch: Original-Ersatzteile]
original speed Anfangstempo {n}
original spelling Originalschreibweise {f}
original spirit Urgeist {m}
original state Urzustand {m}
original state Ursprungszustand {m}
original stateAusgangszustand {m}
original stateUrstand {m}
original state [condition]Originalzustand {m}
original stock Stammaktie {f}
original structureOriginalstruktur {f}
original structureursprüngliche Struktur {f}
original substance Urbrei {m} [ugs.] [Ylem]
original systemOriginalsystem {n}
original text Urschrift {f}
original text Originalwortlaut {m}
original textOriginaltext {m}
original text Urtext {m}
original thinker origineller Denker {m}
original thinker [female] originelle Denkerin {f}
original thoughtorigineller Gedanke {m}
original titleOriginaltitel {m}
original toner cartridgeOriginaltonerkartusche {f}
original toner cartridge Originaltonerpatrone {f}
original typeUrtyp {m}
original type Urtypus {m}
original valueAnfangswert {m}
original value Anschaffungswert {m}
original valueUrsprungswert {m}
original versionOriginalfassung {f}
original versionUrfassung {f}
original version Originalversion {f} <OV>
original version Originalausgabe {f}
original version with subtitles Original {n} mit Untertiteln <OmU> [kurz für: Originalfassung mit Untertiteln]
original version with subtitles <sub>Originalfassung {f} mit Untertiteln <OmU>
original voice Originalstimme {f}
original voicesOriginalstimmen {pl}
original will [primordial will / volition]Urwille {m}
original Wittelbach diamond Blauer Wittelsbacher {m}
original woodcutOriginalholzschnitt {m}
original workOriginalarbeit {f}
original work Originalwerk {n}
original wortStammwürze {f} [Bier]
original wrapping Originalverpackung {f}
[original production plant, based in the company's home region, and still in use] Mutterwerk {n}
[original six-member common market] Sechsergemeinschaft {f}
originalism Originalismus {m}
originalitiesEigenarten {pl}
originalityEchtheit {f}
originalityOriginalität {f}
originality Neuheit {f}
originality Ursprünglichkeit {f}
originality Eigenwilligkeit {f}
originality of an ideaOriginalität {f} einer Idee
originally originell
« orieorieorieOrigorigorigorigorloornaornaorog »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers