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English-German Dictionary

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osmiridium Osmiridium {n}
osmium <Os> Osmium {n} <Os>
osmium acid [Acidum osmicum] Osmiumsäure {f}
osmium atomOsmiumatom {n}
osmium compound Osmiumverbindung {f}
osmium dichloride [OsCl2]Osmiumdichlorid {n}
osmium dioxide [OsO2]Osmiumdioxid {n}
osmium disulfide [Am.] [OsS2] Osmiumdisulfid {n}
osmium fluoride Osmiumfluorid {n}
osmium hexafluoride [OsF6] Osmiumhexafluorid {n}
osmium isotopeOsmiumisotop {n}
osmium oxide Osmiumoxid {n}
osmium pentacarbonyl [C5O5Os, Os(CO)5]Osmiumpentacarbonyl {n}
osmium pentachloride [OsCl5] Osmiumpentachlorid {n}
osmium pentafluoride [OsF5] Osmiumpentafluorid {n}
osmium tetrabromide [OsBr4]Osmiumtetrabromid {n}
osmium tetrachloride [OsCl4]Osmiumtetrachlorid {n}
osmium tetra-oxide Osmiumtetraoxid {n}
osmium tetroxide [OsO4] Osmiumtetroxid {n}
osmium tribromide [OsBr3] [osmium(III) bromide] Osmiumtribromid {n} [Osmium(III)-bromid]
osmium trichloride [OsCl3] Osmiumtrichlorid {n}
osmium(II) chloride [OsCl2]Osmium(II)-chlorid {n}
osmium(III) bromide [OsBr3]Osmium(III)-bromid {n}
osmium(III) chloride [OsCl3] Osmium(III)-chlorid {n}
osmium(IV) bromide [OsBr4]Osmium(IV)-bromid {n}
osmium(IV) chloride [OsCl4]Osmium(IV)-chlorid {n}
osmium(IV) oxide [OsO2] Osmium(IV)-oxid {n}
osmium(V) chloride [OsCl5] Osmium(V)-chlorid {n}
osmium(VI) fluoride [OsF6]Osmium(VI)-fluorid {n}
osmobiosisOsmobiose {f}
osmoconformer Osmokonformer {m}
osmolality Osmolalität {f}
osmolar osmolar
osmolar gaposmotische Lücke {f}
osmolarityOsmolarität {f}
osmology Osmologie {f}
osmolyte Osmolyt {m}
osmometer Osmometer {n}
osmometry Osmometrie {f}
osmophobiaOsmophobie {f}
osmophore Geruchsträger {m}
osmophore [scent gland in plants] Osmophor {n} [Duftdrüse bei Pflanzen]
osmophoresOsmophore {pl}
osmophoric grouposmophore Gruppe {f}
osmoreceptor Osmorezeptor {m}
osmoreceptorsOsmorezeptoren {pl}
osmoregulation Osmoregulation {f}
osmoregulator Osmoregulierer {m}
osmoregulator Osmoregulator {m}
osmose [archaic] [osmosis] Osmose {f}
osmosis Osmose {f}
osmotaxis Osmotaxis {f}
osmotherapeutic (agent)Osmotherapeutikum {n}
osmotherapeutic agents Osmotherapeutika {pl}
osmotherapeutics Osmotherapeutika {pl}
osmotherapyOsmotherapie {f}
osmotic osmotisch
osmotic adjustmentosmotische Anpassung {f}
osmotic balance osmotisches Gleichgewicht {n}
osmotic diuresis osmotische Diurese {f}
osmotic equilibrium osmotisches Gleichgewicht {n}
osmotic gradient osmotischer Gradient {m}
osmotic pressure <OP>osmotischer Druck {m} <OD>
osmotic valueosmotischer Wert {m}
osmotically activeosmotisch aktiv
osmylids [family Osmylidae]Bachhafte {pl}
Osnabrück resident [male] Osnabrücker {m} [Einwohner]
osnaburg [a kind of coarse linen or cotton used for such items as furnishings and sacks][grober Leinen- od. Baumwollstoff, z. B. für Säcke, Sklavenkleidung]
osphradium Osphradium {n}
osphresis Geruchssinn {m}
osprey [Pandion haliaetus]Fischadler {m}
ospreysFischadler {pl}
Oss and Good acid-based methodSäure-Base-Methode {f} nach Oss und Good
ossature [rare]Skelett {n}
ossature [rare] [also fig.] Ossatur {f} [veraltet, selten noch geh.] [meist fig.] [Knochengerüst]
ossature [rare] [framework that supports a structure] Gerüst {n} [Rahmen]
ossein Ossein {n}
osseointegrationOsseointegration {f}
osseointegrationKnochenverankerung {f} [Osseointegration]
osseotympanic (bone) conduction osseotympanale Leitung {f}
osseous Knochen-
osseous ossal
osseous defectKnochendefekt {m}
osseous knitting knöcherner Durchbau {m}
osseous labyrinth knöchernes Labyrinth {n}
osseous matter Knochenmaterial {n}
osseous metastasis Knochenmetastase {f}
osseous spiral lamina [Lamina spiralis ossea] spiraliges Knochenblatt {n}
osseous structures knöcherne Strukturen {pl}
osseous tissue Knochengewebe {n}
osseous tuberculosis [Ostitis tuberculosa] Knochentuberkulose {f}
Ossetian Ossetisch {n}
Ossetian ossetisch
OssetianOssete {m}
Ossetian [female]Ossetin {f}
« orthorthorthOscaosciosmiOsseosteosteostrothe »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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