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English-German Dictionary

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otologically otologisch
otologicals Otologika {pl}
otologistOhrenarzt {m}
otologist Otologe {m}
otologist Otiater {m} [fachspr.] [Ohrenarzt]
otologist [female] Ohrenärztin {f}
otologist [female] Otologin {f}
otology Ohrenheilkunde {f}
otology Otologie {f}
otologyOtiatrie {f} [veraltend] [Otologie]
otome gameOtome-Game {n}
otome game Otome-Spiel {n}
Otomi {pl} Otomi {pl}
otomycosis Otomykose {f}
otomycosis [Otitis externa (diffusa)] Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa]
otomycosis [Otitis externa (diffusa)] Taucherohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa]
otoneuralgia Ohrneuralgie {f}
otopathyOtopathie {f}
otopexy Otopexie {f}
otophyma Otophym {n}
otoplasties Otoplastien {pl}
otoplasty Ohrplastik {f}
otoplasty [plastic surgery of the external ear] Otoplastie {f}
otopyorrhea [Am.] [discharge of pus from the ear]Otopyorrhoea {f} [veraltet] [Eiterausfluss aus dem Ohr]
otopyrrhoea [Br.] [otopyorrhea]Otopyorrhoea {f} [veraltet] [Eiterausfluss aus dem Ohr]
otorhinolaryngologistOtorhinolaryngologe {m}
otorhinolaryngologist [female] Otorhinolaryngologin {f}
otorhinolaryngologyOtorhinolaryngologie {f}
otorhinolaryngology Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde {f}
otorhinolaryngology <ORL> Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie {f} <ORL>
otorrhagia Ohrblutung {f}
otorrhagia Otorrhagie {f}
otorrhea [Am.]Ohrenfluss {m}
otorrhea [Am.]Otorrhoe {f}
otorrhea [Am.]Otorrhö {f}
otorrhoea [Br.] Otorrhoe {f}
otorrhoea [Br.] Ohrenfluss {m}
otorrhoea [Br.] Otorrhö {f}
otosclerosis Otosklerose {f}
otoscope Ohrenspiegel {m}
otoscopeOtoskop {n}
otoscope Ohrlupe {f}
otoscope cone Ohrtrichter {m}
otoscope set Otoskopiebesteck {n} [auch: Otoskopie-Besteck]
otoscopy Otoskopie {f}
otoscopy Ohrspiegelung {f}
otoscopyOhrenspiegelung {f}
otoscopy Trommelfellbesichtigung {f} [veraltet] [Ohrenspiegelung]
otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia <OSMED>oto-spondylomegaepiphysäre Dysplasie {f} <OSMED>
otostroboscopy Otostroboskopie {f}
otosurgical [rare]otochirurgisch
ototomy [incision of the ear]Ohreröffnung {f}
ototoxic ototoxisch
ototoxic [substances]gehörschädigend
ototoxicity Ototoxizität {f}
Ott burnerOtt-Brenner {m}
ottava rima [with eleven-syllable lines] Stanze {f} [Verslehre]
ottava rimas [with eleven-syllable lines]Stanzen {pl} [Verslehre]
ottava sign <8va, 8vb>Oktavierungszeichen {n} <8va, 8vb>
ottava symbol <8va, 8vb> Oktavierungszeichen {n} <8va, 8vb>
ottavation Oktavierung {f}
ottavinoOttavino {m} {n}
Ottawa Ottawa {n}
Ottawan aus Ottawa [nachgestellt]
Ottawan Ottawaer {m} [ugs.]
ottemannite [Sn2S3] Ottemannit {m}
ottensite [Na3(Sb2O3)3(SbS3)·3H2O]Ottensit {m}
otter Otter {m} [Marderart]
otter {pl} [rare]Otter {pl}
otter civet [Cynogale benettii] Mampalon {n}
otter civet [Cynogale bennettii]Otterzivette {f}
otter fishing [traditional fishing technique]Otterfischerei {f} [traditionelle Fischfangmethode]
otter fur Otterfell {n}
otter scat [spraint] Otterlosung {f} [Fischotter]
otter shrew [Microgale mergulus, syn.: Limnogale mergulus]Wassertenrek {m}
otter shrew [Microgale mergulus, syn.: Limnogale mergulus] Wassertanrek {m}
otter shrew [Microgale mergulus, syn.: Limnogale mergulus] Wasser-Borstenigel {m}
otterhound Otterhound {m}
otterhound [also: Otterhound]Otterhund {m} [Hunderasse]
otters [subfamily Lutrinae] Otter {pl} [Wassermarder]
otters [subfamily Lutrinae] Wassermarder {pl}
Ottertail Pass saxifrage [Am.] [Saxifraga tenuis] Schlanker Steinbrech {m}
Otto configuration [SPR spectroscopy]Otto-Anordnung {f} [SPR-Spektroskopie]
Otto cycle Gleichraumprozess {m}
Otto cycleOtto-Zyklus {m}
Otto engineOttomotor {m}
Otto I the Great [912 - 973] Otto I. {m}
Otto I the Great [912 - 973] Otto {m} der Große
otto of rosesRosenöl {n}
Otto the Child [Otto I, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg] Otto {m} das Kind [Otto I., Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg]
Otto the GreatOtto {m} der Große
Otto the Illustrious [Otto I, Duke of Saxony] Otto {m} der Erlauchte
Otto the Merry [Otto IV, Duke of Austria] Otto {m} der Fröhliche [Otto IV., Herzog von Österreich]
Otto the Mild [Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg] Otto {m} der Milde [Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg]
Otto the Strict [Otto II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneberg]Otto {m} der Strenge [Otto II., Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneberg zu Lüneberg]
Ottocar II Ottokar II. {m}
ottoite [Pb2TeO5] Ottoit {m}
Ottokar I of Bohemia Ottokar I. Přemysl {m}
« osteosteostrotheotheotolOttoOureOursoutlouto »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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