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otter {pl} [rare]Otter {pl}
otter civet [Cynogale benettii]Mampalon {n}
otter civet [Cynogale bennettii] Otterzivette {f}
otter fishing [traditional fishing technique] Otterfischerei {f} [traditionelle Fischfangmethode]
otter furOtterfell {n}
otter scat [spraint]Otterlosung {f} [Fischotter]
otter shrew [Microgale mergulus, syn.: Limnogale mergulus]Wassertenrek {m}
otter shrew [Microgale mergulus, syn.: Limnogale mergulus] Wassertanrek {m}
otter shrew [Microgale mergulus, syn.: Limnogale mergulus] Wasser-Borstenigel {m}
otterhoundOtterhound {m}
otterhound [also: Otterhound] Otterhund {m} [Hunderasse]
otters [subfamily Lutrinae] Otter {pl} [Wassermarder]
otters [subfamily Lutrinae] Wassermarder {pl}
Ottertail Pass saxifrage [Am.] [Saxifraga tenuis] Schlanker Steinbrech {m}
Otto configuration [SPR spectroscopy]Otto-Anordnung {f} [SPR-Spektroskopie]
Otto cycle Gleichraumprozess {m}
Otto cycle Otto-Zyklus {m}
Otto engineOttomotor {m}
Otto I the Great [912 - 973]Otto I. {m}
Otto I the Great [912 - 973] Otto {m} der Große
otto of roses Rosenöl {n}
Otto the Child [Otto I, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg] Otto {m} das Kind [Otto I., Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg]
Otto the Great Otto {m} der Große
Otto the Illustrious [Otto I, Duke of Saxony] Otto {m} der Erlauchte
Otto the Merry [Otto IV, Duke of Austria]Otto {m} der Fröhliche [Otto IV., Herzog von Österreich]
Otto the Mild [Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg]Otto {m} der Milde [Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg]
Otto the Strict [Otto II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneberg] Otto {m} der Strenge [Otto II., Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneberg zu Lüneberg]
Ottocar II Ottokar II. {m}
ottoite [Pb2TeO5] Ottoit {m}
Ottokar I of BohemiaOttokar I. Přemysl {m}
Ottoman osmanisch
ottomanPolsterhocker {m}
ottoman Sitzkissen {n}
OttomanOsmane {m}
Ottoman [female] Osmanin {f}
Ottoman army Osmanenheer {n}
Ottoman armyosmanisches Heer {n}
Ottoman dynastyosmanische Dynastie {f}
Ottoman EmpireOsmanisches Reich {n}
Ottoman EmpireOttomanisches Reich {n}
Ottoman EmpireTürkisches Reich {n}
Ottoman languageosmanische Sprache {f}
Ottoman Porte (Hohe) Pforte {f}
Ottoman ruler Osmanenherrscher {m}
Ottoman saber [Am.]Osmanensäbel {m} [Säbel der Ottomanen]
Ottoman sabre [Br.]Osmanensäbel {m} [Säbel der Ottomanen]
Ottoman turban helmetosmanischer Turbanhelm {m}
Ottoman Turkish (language) Türkei-Türkisch {n}
Ottoman Turkish (language)Osmanisch-Türkisch {n}
Ottoman viper [Montivipera xanthina, syn.: Vipera xanthina] Kleinasiatische Bergotter {f}
Ottoman viper [Montivipera xanthina, syn.: Vipera xanthina] Türkische Bergotter {f}
Ottoman war [one of many]Türkenkrieg {m} [einer von vielen]
Ottoman Wars [in Europe]Türkenkriege {pl}
Ottomanism Osmanismus {m}
OttomansOsmanen {pl}
Ottonian book painting ottonische Buchmalerei {f}
Ottonian dynasty Ottonen {pl}
Ottonian Gospels {pl}Ottonisches Evangeliar {n}
Ottonian periodOttonenzeit {f}
OttoniansOttonen {pl}
Ottos [dynasty]Ottonen {pl}
Otto's sportive lemur [Lepilemur otto]Otto-Wieselmaki {m}
Otto's syndrome [also: Otto's disease] [arthrogryposis]Otto-Syndrom {n} [auch: Otto'sche Krankheit]
ottrélite [(Mn,Fe,Mg)2Al4Si2O10(OH)4]Ottrélith {m} [ein Chloritoid]
Ott's sign Ott-Zeichen {n}
Otway MassifOtway-Massiv {n}
otwayite [Ni2(CO3)(OH)2·H2O]Otwayit {m}
Ötzi the Iceman [hum.]Ötzi {m} [hum., Mann aus dem Eis]
Ötztal Alps Ötztaler Alpen {pl}
ou [Psittirostra psittacea] [also: ʻōʻū] [probably extinct] Ou {m} [vermutlich ausgestorben]
ou [Psittirostra psittacea] [also: ʻōʻū] [probably extinct] Gelbkopf-Kleidervogel {m} [vermutlich ausgestorben]
ouabain [C29H44O12] [also: g-strophanthin] Ouabain {n} [g-Strophanthin]
Ouachita map turtle [Graptemys ouachitensis] Ouachita-Höckerschildkröte {f}
Ouagadougou Ouagadougou {n}
ouananiche [Salmo salar]Atlantischer Lachs {m}
oublietteKerker {m}
oublietteVerlies {n}
oubliette Burgverlies {n}
Ouch! Autsch!
ouchie [coll.] Wehwehchen {n} [ugs.]
Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion Ouchterlony-Doppelimmundiffusion {f}
oudOud {m} {f}
oudUd {m} {f}
oud [agarwood] Oud {n} [Adlerholz]
Oueimadas blackhead [Apostolepis gaboi] Oueimadas-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
oughtSollen {n}
Ought implies can.Sollen impliziert Können.
ought statement Sollsatz {m}
Oughterard [Irish: Uachtar Ard]Oughterard {n}
oughtness [moral obligatoriness] Gesolltheit {f}
oughtness [morally obligatory action] moralische Pflicht {f}
oughts [spv.] [first decade of a century]Nullerjahre {pl} [ugs.] [das erste Jahrzehnt eines neuen Jahrhunderts]
ouija boardHexenbrett {n}
ouija board Ouijabrett {n}
ouija board Ouija-Brett {n}
ouklip [S.Afr.] [hardpan] Ortstein {m}
oul [Irish: old]alt
« osteostrOsweotheotocotteoulaOurpoustoutoouto »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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