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ouzoOuzo {m}
ouzo effect Ouzo-Effekt {m}
ova Eizellen {pl}
oval Oval {n}
oval eirund
oval abalone [Haliotis ovina, syn.: H. caelata, H. latilabris] Schafsohr {n} [Meeresschneckenart]
oval butterflyfish [Chaetodon lunulatus]Pazifischer Rippen-Falterfisch {m}
oval cockle [Parvicardium ovale, syn.: P. pinnulatum, Cardium fasciatum, C. ovale, C. pinnulatum, Cerastoderma pinnulatum, Goethemia pinnulata]Ovale Herzmuschel {f}
oval eye Langauge {n}
oval eye head fittings with threaded shank Langaugen {pl} mit Gewindeschaft [DIN 82006]
oval eyeplate / eye plate [ISO 8146]Augplatte {f} mit Langloch [DIN 82025, ISO 8146]
oval eyeplate / eye plate [ISO 8146]Langaugplatte {f} [selten] [Augplatte mit Langloch]
oval faceovales Gesicht {n}
oval file Baskulierfeile {f} [Büchsenmacherwerkzeug]
oval (finishing) burovaler Finierer {m}
oval frameOvalrahmen {m}
oval kumquat [Fortunella margarita, syn.: Citrus japonica, Fortunella japonica]Zwergorange {f}
oval kumquat [Fortunella margarita, syn.: Citrus japonica var. margarita, C. margarita]Ovale Kumquat {f}
oval kumquat [Fortunella margarita, syn.: Citrus japonica var. margarita, C. margarita]Oval-Kumquat {f}
oval leaf privet [Ligustrum ovalifolium]Ovalblättriger Liguster {m}
oval piddock [Zirfaea crispata, syn.: Mya crispata, Pholas bifrons, P. crispata] Krause Bohrmuschel {f}
oval piddock [Zirfaea crispata, syn.: Mya crispata, Pholas bifrons, P. crispata] Raue Bohrmuschel {f}
oval pistonOvalkolben {m}
oval piston drive Ovalkolbenantrieb {m}
oval purse / ovalpurse [Hymenolobus procumbens, syn.: Capsella procumbens, Hutchinsia procumbens]Niederliegende Salzkresse {f}
oval sedge [Carex ovalis, syn.: Carex leporina] Hasenpfoten-Segge {f}
oval sedge [Carex ovalis, syn.: Carex leporina] Hasen-Segge {f}
oval sedge [Carex ovalis, syn.: Carex leporina] Hasenfuß-Segge {f}
oval shepherd's purse [Hymenolobus procumbens, syn.: Capsella procumbens, Hutchinsia procumbens]Niederliegende Salzkresse {f}
oval temple Ovaltempel {m}
oval type wedge gate valve Keilovalschieber {m}
oval venus [Timoclea ovata] Ovale Teppichmuschel {f}
oval venus [Timoclea ovata]Ovale Venusmuschel {f}
oval window [Fenestra ovalis] ovales Fenster {n}
[oval basin with handle(s)]Gelte {f} [schweiz.] [oberdeutsch] [Gefäß, auch Hohlmaß]
ovalbumin <OVA>Eieralbumin {n} [Ovalbumin]
ovalbumin <OVA>Ovalbumin {n}
ovalene Ovalen {n}
oval-head countersunk wood screwLinsensenkholzschraube {f} (mit Längsschlitz)
oval-head screw Linsenschraube {f}
ovalityOvalität {f}
ovalization Ovalisierung {f}
oval-leaf knotweed [Polygonum arenastrum, syn.: P. aequale, P. aviculare subsp. aequale, P. aviculare subsp. depressum, P. polyneuron] Gewöhnlicher Vogelknöterich {m}
oval-leaf knotweed [Polygonum arenastrum, syn.: P. aequale, P. aviculare subsp. aequale, P. aviculare subsp. depressum, P. polyneuron] Trittrasen-Knöterich {m}
oval-leaved privet [Ligustrum ovalifolium]Ovalblättriger Liguster {m}
ovally oval
ovalocyte Ovalozyt {m}
ovalocytes Ovalozyten {pl}
oval-shaped eiförmig
oval-shaped casseroleSaftbräter {m}
oval-shaped tomato Eitomate {f}
ovalspot / oval-spot butterflyfish [Chaetodon speculum] [mirror butterflyfish]Einfleck-Falterfisch / Einfleckfalterfisch {m}
ovalspot butterflyfish [Chaetodon ulietensis] Pazifischer Doppelsattel-Falterfisch {m}
oval-spot coralfish [Chaetodon speculum]Einfleck-Falterfisch / Einfleckfalterfisch {m}
Ovaltine ® Ovomaltine {f}
Ovambo [also Owambo]Wambo {pl}
Ovambo language [also Oshiwambo] Oshivambo {n}
Ovambo sparrowhawk [Accipiter ovampensis] Ovambosperber {m}
ovamboite [Cu20(Fe,Cu,Zn)6W2Ge6S32] Ovamboit {m}
ovarial cycle [less frequent] ovarieller Zyklus {m}
ovarialgia Ovarialgie {f}
ovarialgiaEierstockschmerz {m}
ovarialgia {sg}Eierstockschmerzen {pl}
ovariandes Eierstocks / der Eierstöcke [nachgestellt]
ovariandes Fruchtknotens
ovarian Ovarial-
ovarian Eierstock-
ovarian abscess Ovarialabszess {m}
ovarian abscess Eierstockabszess {m} [österr. auch {n}]
ovarian artery <OA> [Arteria ovarica]Eierstockarterie {f}
ovarian artery <OA> [Arteria ovarica] Ovarialarterie {f} <OA>
ovarian biopsy Ovarialbiopsie {f}
ovarian cancer Eierstockkrebs {m}
ovarian cancer <OC>Ovarialkrebs {m}
ovarian cancer <OC>Ovarialkarzinom {n} <OK>
ovarian cancer <OC> Ovarialcarcinom {n} [Rsv.]
ovarian cancer <OC> Eierstockkarzinom {n}
ovarian cancer vaccine Eierstockkrebsimpfstoff {m}
ovarian cortex <OC> [Cortex ovarii] Eierstockrinde {f}
ovarian cycleOvarialzyklus {m}
ovarian cycle Eizyklus {m} [Ovarialzyklus]
ovarian cycle <OC> ovarieller Zyklus {m}
ovarian cyst Zyste {f} im Eierstock
ovarian cyst Ovarialzyste {f}
ovarian cyst Eierstockzyste {f}
ovarian enlargement Eierstockvergrößerung {f}
ovarian fibromaOvarialfibrom {n}
ovarian follicle Eifollikel {m} [auch {n}]
ovarian haemorrhage [Br.] Ovarialblutung {f}
ovarian hemorrhage [Am.]Ovarialblutung {f}
ovarian hernia [Hernia ovarialis]Ovarialhernie {f}
ovarian hormone Ovarialhormon {n}
ovarian hormones Ovarialhormone {pl}
ovarian hypoplasiaOvarialhypoplasie {f}
ovarian insufficiency Ovarialinsuffizienz {f}
ovarian ligament [Ligamentum ovarii proprium]Eierstockband {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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