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overall dimensionäußere Abmessung {f}
overall dimensions Gesamtmaße {pl}
overall dimensionsAußenabmessungen {pl}
overall disease severity Gesamtschwere {f} der Erkrankung
overall documentationGesamtdokumentation {f}
overall duration Gesamtdauer {f}
overall earnings {pl}Gesamtverdienst {m}
overall economic gesamtwirtschaftlich
overall economic equilibrium gesamtwirtschaftliches Gleichgewicht {n}
overall economic planRahmenplan {m}
overall economic structure Gesamtwirtschaft {f}
overall economyGesamtwirtschaft {f}
overall economy [efficiency] Gesamtwirtschaftlichkeit {f}
overall effect Gesamtwirkung {f}
overall effect Gesamteffekt {m}
overall efficiencyGesamtwirkungsgrad {m}
overall efficiency Gesamteffizienz {f}
overall energy efficiency Gesamtenergieeffizienz {f}
overall environmental protection ganzheitlicher Umweltschutz {m}
overall equipment effectiveness <OEE> Gesamtanlageneffektivität {f} <GAE>
overall European gesamteuropäisch
overall evaluationGesamtwürdigung {f}
overall evaluation Gesamtbewertung {f}
overall experience Gesamterlebnis {n}
overall exposure Gesamtexposition {f}
overall exposure [to harmful substances]Gesamtbelastung {f} [durch Schadstoffe]
overall expression Gesamtausdruck {m}
overall fat consumptionGesamtfettverzehr {m}
overall fat consumption Gesamtfettkonsum {m}
overall feedback Gesamtfeedback {n}
overall fieldGesamtfeld {n}
overall findings Gesamtbefund {m}
overall fish consumption Gesamtfischverzehr {m}
overall form Gesamtform {f}
overall gain Gesamtgewinn {m}
overall gain Gesamtverstärkung {f}
overall goal Gesamtziel {n}
overall goal übergeordnetes Ziel {n}
overall gradeEndnote {f}
overall gradeGesamtnote {f}
overall growth Gesamtwachstum {n}
overall guidelineRahmenrichtlinie {f}
overall health allgemeine Gesundheit {f}
overall health Gesamtgesundheit {f}
overall heightGesamthöhe {f}
overall history Gesamtgeschichte {f}
overall ideaGesamtidee {f}
overall imageGesamtbild {n}
overall impactGesamtwirkung {f}
overall impact Gesamteffekt {m}
overall impressionGesamteindruck {m}
overall indexGesamtindex {m}
overall industry Gesamtindustrie {f}
overall interpretationGesamtdeutung {f}
overall investment Gesamtinvestition {f}
overall judgementGesamturteil {n}
overall judgmentGesamturteil {n}
overall knowledgeAllgemeinwissen {n}
overall labor agreement [Am.] Mantelvertrag {m}
overall labour agreement [Br.] Mantelvertrag {m}
overall layout Gesamtübersicht {f}
overall lead [cycling]Gesamtführung {f}
overall leader Gesamtführender {m}
overall leader [female] Gesamtführende {f}
overall length Gesamtlänge {f}
overall load Gesamtlast {f}
overall lossGesamtverlust {m}
overall lossesGesamtschäden {pl}
overall majorityabsolute Mehrheit {f}
overall management Gesamtleitung {f}
overall managementOberleitung {f} [Gesamtleitung]
overall mark Endnote {f}
overall mark Gesamtnote {f}
overall market gesamter Markt {m}
overall marketGesamtmarkt {m}
overall marketing program [Am.]Gesamtabsatzplan {m}
overall massGesamtmasse {f}
overall meat consumptionGesamtfleischverzehr {m}
overall meat consumption Gesamtfleischkonsum {m} [auch: Gesamt-Fleischkonsum]
overall medal countMedaillenwertung {f}
overall medal ranking Medaillenwertung {f}
overall mortality Gesamtmortalität {f}
overall mortality Gesamtsterblichkeit {f}
overall network Gesamtnetz {n}
overall objective übergeordnetes Ziel {n}
overall objective Gesamtziel {n}
overall objectiveHauptziel {n}
overall objectives übergeordnete Ziele {pl}
overall organisation [Br.] Gesamtorganisation {f}
overall organizationGesamtorganisation {f}
overall outcomeGesamtergebnis {n}
overall packageGesamtpaket {n}
overall pattern Gesamtmuster {n}
overall patternGesamtbild {n}
overall performanceGesamtleistung {f} [einer Maschine, Person]
overall performanceGesamtperformance {f}
overall performance Gesamterfolg {m}
overall perspectiveGesamtperspektive {f}
overall picture Gesamtbild {n}
overall pictureGesamteindruck {m}
« ouzoovarovenoveroveroveroveroveroveroverover »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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