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English-German Dictionary

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oxheart tomatoOchsenherztomate {f}
ox-heart tomato [also: ox heart tomato] Ochsenherztomate {f}
oxherd Ochsenhirt {m}
oxhideRindsleder {n}
ox-hide [also: ox hide] Ochsenhaut {f}
oxhide ingot Ochsenhautbarren {m} [bronzezeitliche (Kupfer-)Barrenform]
oxi [abbr. from Portuguese oxidado] Oxi {n} [oder Oxidado]
oxic oxisch
oxicamOxicam {n}
oxiconazoleOxiconazol {n}
oxidantOxydationsmittel {n}
oxidant Oxidans {n}
oxidant Oxidationsmittel {n}
oxidantsOxidantien {pl}
oxidase reactionOxidasereaktion {f}
oxidase systemOxidasesystem {n} [auch: Oxidase-System]
oxidase testOxidase-Test {m}
oxidase-positive Oxidase-positiv
oxidation Oxydation {f} [Rsv.]
oxidationOxidierung {f}
oxidationOxydierung {f}
oxidation by air Luftoxidation {f}
oxidation catalyst Oxidationskatalysator {m}
oxidation chamberOxidationskammer {f}
oxidation conditions Oxidationsbedingungen {pl}
oxidation degreeOxidationsgrad {m}
oxidation ditch Oxidationsgraben {m}
oxidation enzyme Oxidationsenzym {n}
oxidation firingoxidierender Brand {m}
oxidation inhibitor Oxidationsinhibitor {m}
oxidation inhibitorOxidationsverhinderer {m}
oxidation number Oxidationszahl {f}
oxidation phenomenonOxidationsphänomen {n}
oxidation potential Oxidationspotential {n}
oxidation process Oxidationsvorgang {m}
oxidation processOxidationsprozess {m}
oxidation process Oxidationsprozeß {m} [alt]
oxidation productOxidationsprodukt {n}
oxidation reactorOxidationsreaktor {m}
oxidation resistanceOxidationsbeständigkeit {f}
oxidation stabilityOxidationsbeständigkeit {f}
oxidation stability <OS> Oxidationsstabilität {f} <OS>
oxidation stageOxidationsstufe {f}
oxidation state Oxidationsstufe {f}
oxidation state Oxidationszustand {m}
oxidation zone Oxidationszone {f}
oxidation-sensitive oxidationsempfindlich
oxidative oxidativ
oxidative oxydativ
oxidative burstoxidativer Burst {m}
oxidative cleavage oxidative Spaltung {f}
oxidative decarboxylationoxidative Decarboxylierung {f}
oxidative degradation oxidativer Abbau {m}
oxidative phosphorylationAtmungskettenphosphorylierung {f}
oxidative phosphorylation <OXPHOS>oxidative Phosphorylierung {f}
oxidative protein folding oxidative Proteinfaltung {f}
oxidative stressoxidativer Stress {m}
oxidative vulnerabilityoxidative Lädierbarkeit {f}
oxidatively oxydativ
oxidatively oxidativ
oxidatively drying oxidativ trocknend
oxidator [obs.] [oxidizer]Oxidator {m}
oxide Oxid {n}
oxide Oxyd {n} [Rsv.]
oxide ceramicOxydkeramik {f} [Rsv.]
oxide ceramicOxidkeramik {f}
oxide coating Oxidschicht {f}
oxide damageOxidschaden {m}
oxide film Oxidschicht {f}
oxide film [layer] Oxidfilm {m} [Schicht]
oxide film [layer] Oxidhaut {f} [Schicht]
oxide layerOxidschicht {f}
oxide masking Oxidmaskierung {f}
oxide phosphate Oxidphosphat {n}
oxide red oxydrot
oxide redoxidrot
oxide red [RAL 3009]Oxidrot {n} [RAL 3009]
oxide sideSchichtseite {f}
oxide sinteringOxidsinterung {f}
oxide surface Oxidoberfläche {f}
oxide wallOxidwand {f}
oxide-coated cathodeOxydkathode {f} [Rsv.]
oxide-coated cathode Oxidkathode {f}
oxides Oxide {pl}
oxidesOxyde {pl}
oxidic oxidisch
oxidimetryOxidimetrie {f}
oxidisable [esp. Br.]oxidierbar
oxidised [Br.] oxydiert
oxidised [Br.]oxidiert
oxidised polyethylene wax [Br.] [E-914] Polyethylenwachsoxidate {pl}
oxidised starch [Br.] [E-1404] oxidierte Stärke {f}
oxidiser [Br.] Oxidationsmittel {n}
oxidising [Br.] oxydierend
oxidising [Br.]oxidierend
oxidising agent [Br.] Oxidationsmittel {n}
oxidizability Oxydierbarkeit {f}
« ovipOwenownfowneoxwaoxheoxidoxyfoxygoxymoyst »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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