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English-German Dictionary

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ocelot cubOzelotjunges {n} [auch: Ozelot-Junges]
ocelot gecko [Paroedura picta, syn.: P. oviceps, P. pictus, Diplodactylus pictus, Phyllodactylus pictus]Madagaskar-Großkopfgecko {m}
ocelot kitten Ozelotbaby {n} [auch: Ozelot-Baby]
ocelot kittenOzelotjunges {n} [auch: Ozelot-Junges]
oche [Br.] [darts]Wurflinie {f}
ocher [Am.]ocker
ocher [Am.]Ocker {m} {n}
ocher brown bundle [Am.] [Lyophyllum decastes] [clustered domecap]Büscheliger Rasling {m}
Öcher Platt [Aachen dialect] Oecher Platt {n} [gesprochen: Öscher Platt]
ocher-colored [Am.] ockerfarben
ocher-colored [Am.]ockerfarbig
ochery [Am.] ockerig
Ochimus Ochimos {m}
ochlocracy Ochlokratie {f}
ochlophobia Ochlophobie {f} [Angst vor Menschenmengen]
ochraceous attila [Attila torridus] Ockerattila {f}
ochraceous bearded bulbul [Alophoixus ochraceus]Rostbauchbülbül {m}
ochraceous bulbul [Alophoixus ochraceus] Rostbauchbülbül {m}
ochraceous pewee [Contopus ochraceus]Ockerbrusttyrann {m}
ochraceous piculet [Picumnus limae] Ockerzwergspecht {m}
ochraceous wave [Idaea serpentata, syn.: Acidalia perochraria, A. serpentana, A. similata, Geometra similata, Phalaena trifasciata] [moth] Rostgelber Zwergspanner {m}
ochraceous wave [Idaea serpentata, syn.: Acidalia perochraria, A. serpentana, A. similata] [moth] Rostgelber Magerrasen-Zwergspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
ochraceous wave [Idaea serpentata, syn.: Acidalia perochraria, A. serpentana, A. similata] [moth]Rostgelber Magerrasenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
ochraceous wave [Idaea serpentata, syn.: Acidalia perochraria, A. serpentana, A. similata] [moth] Rostgelber Magerrasen-Kleinspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
ochraceous wren [Troglodytes ochraceus]Fahlstreif-Zaunkönig {m}
ochraceous-bellied Bornean maxomys [Maxomys ochraceiventer, syn.: Rattus perasper] Ockerbauch-Rajah-Ratte {f}
ochraceous-breasted flycatcher [Myiophobus ochraceiventris] Goldkehltyrann {m}
ochraceous-headed scimitar-babbler [Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps] Rotschnabelsäbler {m}
ochratoxicosisOchratoxikose {f}
ochratoxinsOchratoxine {pl}
ochre ocker
ochre Ocker {m} {n}
ochre [Aus.][Erdfarbe zur Körperbemalung austral. Aborigines]
ochre brittlegill [Russula ochroleuca] Zitronen-Täubling {m}
ochre brittlegill [Russula ochroleuca] Zitronentäubling {m}
ochre brittlegill [Russula ochroleuca]Ockerweißer Täubling {m}
ochre brittlegill [Russula ochroleuca] Ocker-Täubling {m} [auch: Ockertäubling]
ochre brittlegill [Russula ochroleuca]Ockergelber Täubling {m}
ochre brown [RAL 8001] Ockerbraun {n} [RAL 8001]
ochre bush squirrel [Paraxerus ochraceus]Ockerfarbiges Buschhörnchen {n}
ochre bush squirrel [Paraxerus ochraceus] Ocker-Buschhörnchen {n}
ochre clematis [Clematis ochroleuca] Gelb-weiße Waldrebe {f}
ochre club [Clavariadelphus ligula] Zungen-Keule {f} [auch: Zungenkeule]
ochre club [Clavariadelphus ligula] Zungen-Riesenkeule {f}
ochre club [Clavariadelphus ligula]Zungen-Herkuleskeule {f}
ochre jelly club [Leotia lubrica, syn.: Elvella lubrica, Helvella gelatinosa, Peziza cornucopiae] (Gemeines) Gallertkäppchen {n}
ochre mill [Br.] Ockermühle {f}
ochre mole rat [Fukomys ochraceocinereus] Zentralafrikanischer Graumull {m}
ochre pitOcker-Mine {f}
ochre scalycap [Pholiota subochracea] Schwefelkopf-Schüppling {m}
ochre seastar [Pisaster ochraceus, syn.: P. fissispinus, Asterias conferta, A. fissispina, A. ianthina, A. janthina, A. margaritifera, A. ochracea] Ocker-Seestern / Ockerseestern {m}
ochre spreading tooth [Steccherinum ochraceum]Ockerrötlicher Resupinatstacheling / Resupinat-Stacheling {m}
ochre starfish [Pisaster ochraceus, syn.: P. fissispinus, Asterias conferta, A. fissispina, A. ianthina, A. janthina, A. margaritifera, A. ochracea] Ocker-Seestern / Ockerseestern {m}
ochre yellow [RAL 1024]Ockergelb {n} [RAL 1024]
ochreaOchrea {f}
ochre-bellied boobook [Ninox ochracea] Ockerbauchkauz {m}
ochre-bellied dove [Leptotila ochraceiventris] Gelbbauchtaube {f}
ochre-bellied flycatcher [Mionectes oleagineus]Ockerbauch-Pipratyrann {m}
ochre-bellied hawk owl [Ninox ochracea]Ockerbauchkauz {m}
ochre-bellied spindle snake [Atractus ochrosetrus]Ockerbauch-Spindelnatter {f}
ochre-breasted antpitta [Grallaricula flavirostris]Ockerbruststelzling {m}
ochre-breasted antpitta [Grallaricula flavirostris]Ockerbrust-Ameisenpitta {f}
ochre-breasted brushfinch / brush-finch / brush finch [Atlapetes semirufus]Ockerbrust-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
ochre-breasted francolin [Francolinus ochropectus, syn.: Pternistis ochropectus]Dschibuti-Frankolin {m}
ochre-breasted francolin [Pternistis ochropectus]Wacholderfrankolin {m}
ochre-breasted pipit [Anthus nattereri]Ockerbrustpieper {m}
ochre-breasted spinetail [Synallaxis albilora]Ockerbrustschlüpfer {m}
ochre-breasted tanager [Chlorothraupis stolzmanni]Ockerbrusttangare {f}
ochre-browed thistletail [Schizoeaca coryi, syn.: Asthenes coryi]Ockerbrauen-Distelschwanz {m}
ochre-browed thistletail [Schizoeaca coryi]Ockerbrauenschlüpfer {m}
ochre-brown ockerbraun
ochre-cheeked spinetail [Synallaxis scutata] Goldohrschlüpfer {m}
ochre-collared monarch [Arses insularis]Rothalsmonarch {m}
ochre-collared piculet [Picumnus temminckii] Bänderzwergspecht {m}
ochre-collared piculet [Picumnus temminckii] Temminckzwergspecht {m}
ochre-colored [Am.]ockerfarben
ochre-coloured [Br.]ockerfarben
ochre-coloured [Br.] ockerfarbig
ochre-faced tody flycatcher [Poecilotriccus plumbeiceps]Zimtkehl-Spateltyrann {m}
ochre-flanked tapaculo [Eugralla paradoxa] Rostflankentapaculo {m}
ochre-fronted antpitta [Grallaricula ochraceifrons] Ockerkappenstelzling {m}
ochre-gilled cavalier [Melanoleuca cognata]Frühlings-Weichritterling {m} [auch: Frühlingsweichritterling]
ochre-gilled cavalier [Melanoleuca cognata]Falber Weichritterling {m} [auch: Frühlingsweichritterling]
ochre-gilled cavalier [Melanoleuca cognata]Frühjahrs-Weichritterling {m} [auch: Frühjahrsweichritterling]
ochre-hackled starfish [Astropecten aranciacus]Großer Kammseestern {m}
ochre-lored flatbill [Tolmomyias flaviventris]Gelbbauch-Breitschnabel {m}
ochre-marked parakeet [Pyrrhura cruentata] Blaulatzsittich {m}
ochre-naped ground tyrant [Muscisaxicola flavinucha]Gelbnackentyrann {m}
ochre-naped ground tyrant [Muscisaxicola flavinucha] Gelbnacken-Grundtyrann {m}
ochreous pug [Eupithecia indigata] [moth]Kiefern-Blütenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
ochre-rumped antbird [Drymophila ochropyga]Rostbürzel-Ameisenfänger {m}
ochre-rumped antbird [Drymophila ochropyga] Ockerbürzel-Ameisenfänger {m}
ochre-rumped bunting [Emberiza yessoensis]Mandschurenammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
ochre-striped antpitta [Grallaria dignissima] Rostkehl-Ameisenpitta {f}
ochre-tailed flycatcher [Myiagra cervinicauda] San-Cristobal-Monarch {m}
ochre-winged honeyeater [Macgregoria pulchra] MacGregor-Honigfresser {m}
« occuoccuoccuoceaoceaocelochroctaoctooculoddc »
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