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oath of allegianceFahneneid {m}
oath of allegiance Treueschwur {m}
oath of allegiance Treueid {m}
oath of allegianceLehnseid {m}
oath of allegiance Treueeid {m}
oath of allegiance [ceremonial public pledge of loyalty to a new monarch]Huldigungseid {m}
oath of citizenship Bürgereid {m}
oath of disclosureOffenbarungseid {m} [veraltet] [noch ugs.]
oath of enlistmentFahneneid {m}
oath of fealty Lehnseid {m}
oath of fidelity to Führer and Reich [Führereid] Führereid {m} [Nazideutschland ab 1934]
oath of loveLiebesschwur {m}
oath of manifestationOffenbarungseid {m} [veraltet] [noch ugs.]
oath of officeAmtseid {m}
oath of office Diensteid {m}
oath of purgation Reinigungseid {m}
oath of revengeRacheschwur {m}
oath of secrecy Verschwiegenheitseid {m}
oath of vassalageVasallitätseid {m}
oath of vengeanceRacheschwur {m}
oath takingEidesleistung {f}
oath to the constitution Verfassungseid {m}
[oath of allegiance of the German Forces from 1919 to 1934] Reichswehreid {m}
oathbreaker Eidbrecher {m}
oathbreaker [also: oath breaker]Schwurbrecher {m}
oathsEide {pl}
oaths Schwüre {pl} [Eide]
oath-taking ceremony Gelöbnisfeier {f}
oatlage Hafer-Ganzpflanzen-Silage {f}
oatmeal Hafermehl {n}
oatmeal {sg}Haferflocken {pl}
oatmeal [Am.] Haferbrei {m}
oatmeal [color] Hellbeige {n}
oatmeal [color]hellbeige
oatmeal bath Hafermehlbad {n}
oatmeal cookie [Am.] Haferkeks {m}
oatmeal duck [Stictonetta naevosa] Affenente {f}
oatmeal duck [Stictonetta naevosa]Affengans {f}
oatmeal duck [Stictonetta naevosa] Pünktchenente {f}
oatmeal gruelHaferschleim {m}
oats [short for: porridge oats, oat flakes]Haferflocken {pl}
oats [treated as sg. or pl.] [Avena sativa] Hafer {m}
oats thrips [Stenothrips graminum] Hafer-Blasenfuß / Haferblasenfuß {m}
Oaxaca hummingbird [Eupherusa cyanophrys]Blaustirneupherusa {m}
Oaxaca hummingbird [Eupherusa cyanophrys] Blauscheitelkolibri {m}
Oaxaca mud turtle [Kinosternon oaxacae]Oaxaca-Klappschildkröte {f}
Oaxaca screech owl [Megascops lambi] Oaxaca-Kreischeule {f}
Oaxaca sparrow [Aimophila notosticta] Oaxacaammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Oaxacan black-striped snake [Coniophanes piceivittis]Oaxaca-Schwarzstreifennatter {f}
Oaxacan black-striped snake [Coniophanes piceivittis] Schwarzstreifennatter {f}
Oaxacan black-tailed rattlesnake [Crotalus molossus oaxacus]Oaxaca-Schwarzschwanz-Klapperschlange {f}
Oaxacan burrowing snake [Adelphicos latifasciatum]Oaxaca-Grabennatter {f}
Oaxacan caecilian [Dermophis oaxacae] Lafrentz-Hautwühle {f}
Oaxacan centipede snake [Tantilla oaxacae] Oaxaca-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Oaxacan dwarf boa [Exiliboa placata] Oaxaca-Zwergboa {f}
Oaxacan earth snake [Geophis sallaei] Oaxaca-Erdnatter {f}
Oaxacan hook-nosed snake [Ficimia ramirezi]Oaxaca-Hakennasennatter {f}
Oaxacan small-headed rattlesnake [Crotalus intermedius gloydi] Oaxaca-Schmalkopf-Klapperschlange {f}
Oaxacan spiny-tailed iguana [Ctenosaura oaxacana]Oaxa-Schwarzleguan {m}
Ob Bay Obbusen {m}
Ob' Bay Ob' Bay {f}
Ob (River) Ob {m} [sibirischer Strom]
Oba of BeninOba {m} von Benin
ObadiahObadja {m}
Obama mania [fervent admiration of Barack Obama] Obamania {f} [Obama-Mania]
Obamania [portmanteau of Obama and -mania] Obamania {f}
Obamania [portmanteau of Obama and -mania] Obamanie {f}
Obatala Obatala {m}
Obatzda [Bavarian cheese spread]Obatzda {m} [auch: Obatzter, Obazda]
Obbia lark [Spizocorys obbiensis]Obbialerche {f}
obbligato hauptstimmig
obbligato [often postpos.] obligat
obbo [sl.]Beobachtung {f}
obconical verkehrt-kegelförmig
obdiplostemonous obdiplostemon
obdiplostemony Obdiplostemonie {f}
obdormitionObdormition {f}
obdormition Einschlafen {n} [ugs.] [das Einschlafen der Glieder]
obduction Überschiebung {f} [kontinentale Platte über eine andere Platte]
obduction Obduktion {f}
obduction [autopsy] Obduktion {f}
obduracyVerstocktheit {f}
obdurate verstockt
obdurate hartgesotten [fig.] [ugs.]
obdurate hartnäckig
obdurate starrsinnig
obdurately verstockt
obduratenessVerstocktheit {f}
obeah [Carib.] [Westindischer Schamanismus]
obeche [Triplochiton scleroxylon] Abachi {n} [Holz]
obeche (wood) [Triplochiton scleroxylon] Obeche / Obeche-Holz {n}
obeche (wood) [Triplochiton scleroxylon] Samba / Sambaholz {n}
obeche (wood) [Triplochiton scleroxylon] Wawa / Wawaholz {n}
obedience Folgsamkeit {f}
obedience Gehorsam {m}
obedienceGehorsamkeit {f}
obedienceGehorchen {n}
obedience Gehorsamsein {n}
obedience Gefügigkeit {f} [Gehorsamkeit]
« NystO[asoakdoaktoar oathobedobfuobjeobjeobje »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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