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English-German Dictionary

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office (space) occupancy rate Büroflächenbelegungsrate {f}
office specs {pl} [coll.] Bürobrille {f} [ugs.]
office spectacles {pl} [one pair] [esp. Br.] Bürobrille {f}
office sphereBürobereich {m} [Aufgaben-, Tätigkeitsbereich]
office staffBürobelegschaft {f}
office staff Büropersonal {n}
office stationeryBürobriefpapier {n}
office stockBürobestand {m} [einer räumlichen Einheit]
office stool Bürohocker {m}
office suitBüroanzug {m}
office suit [for women] Bürokostüm {n}
office suiteBüroetage {f}
office suiteOffice-Paket {n}
office supervisorBüroleiter {m}
office suppliesBürobedarfsartikel {pl}
office supplies Büroartikel {pl}
office supplies Bürowaren {pl}
office supplies {pl} Büromaterial {n}
office supplies {pl} Bürobedarf {m}
office supplyBürobedarf {m}
office supply storeBürobedarfsgeschäft {n}
office swivel armchair Bürodrehsessel {m}
office swivel chair Bürodrehstuhl {m}
office systemBürosystem {n}
office table Bürotisch {m}
office tart [Br.] [sl.] Büronutte {f}
office tattleBürotratsch {m}
office tattleBüroklatsch {m}
office technology Bürotechnik {f}
office technologyBürotechnologie {f}
office telephone number dienstliche Telefonnummer {f}
office tenantBüromieter {m}
office tenant [female]Büromieterin {f}
office terminal Büroterminal {n}
office tittle-tattle [coll.] Bürotratsch {m}
office tittle-tattle [coll.]Bürogeschwätz {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
office togs {pl} [coll.] Bürokluft {f}
office tower Bürohochhaus {n}
office tower Büroturm {m}
office traineeshipBüropraktikum {n}
office trousers {pl} [one pair]Bürohose {f}
office twaddle [coll.](dummes) Bürogeschwätz {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
office typewriterBüroschreibmaschine {f}
office unit Büroeinheit {f}
office use Büronutzung {f}
office utensil Büroutensil {n}
office utensils Büroutensilien {pl}
office vacancy Büroleerstand {m}
office vacancy rate Büroleerstandsquote {f}
office vacancy rateBüroleerstandsrate {f}
office visitor Bürobesucher {m}
office wardrobe Bürogarderobe {f} [Bekleidung]
office wardrobe Büro-Kleiderschrank {m}
office wardrobeBürogarderobe {f} [Kleiderschrank]
office waste Büroabfall {m}
office windowBürofenster {n}
office wingBüroflügel {m}
office wingBürotrakt {m} [Gebäudeflügel]
office woman Bürofrau {f}
office women Bürofrauen {pl}
office work Innendienst {m}
office work Büroarbeit {f}
office work Bürotätigkeit {f}
office work {sg} Büroarbeiten {pl}
office work analysis Büroarbeitsanalyse {f}
office worker Büroarbeiter {m}
office workerBüromensch {m} [ugs.]
office worker Kanzleikraft {f}
office workerBüroangestellter {m}
office workerBürolist {m} [schweiz., veraltend]
office workerBürokraft {f}
office worker [female]Büroangestellte {f}
office worker [female] Büroarbeiterin {f}
office worker [female]Bürolistin {f} [schweiz., veraltend]
office workersBüroangestellte {pl}
office workers Bürolisten {pl} [schweiz.]
office workers {pl} [collectively]Büropersonal {n}
office working hours {pl} Büroarbeitszeit {f}
[office of a (district) physician] Physikat {n} [veraltet]
(office) closing time Büroschluss {m}
(office) desk Bürotisch {m} [Schreibtisch]
(office) grapevine [coll.] Flurfunk {m} [ugs.]
(office) junior [female] Bürogehilfin {f}
(office) junior [male] Bürogehilfe {m}
(office) stationeryBüromaterial {n}
office-based applicationBüroanwendung {f}
office-bearerAmtsinhaber {m}
office-hands Bürohilfen {pl}
office-hands {pl} Büropersonal {n}
officeholder Amtsträger {m}
office-holder Amtsinhaber {m}
office-holderFunktionsträger {m}
officeholder Amtsinhaber {m}
office-holder [female]Funktionsträgerin {f}
officeholder [female] Amtsinhaberin {f}
officeholder [female]Amtsträgerin {f}
office-hoursDienststunden {pl}
officerBeamter {m}
officerOffizier {m}
« off-offioffioffiOffioffioffiOffioffioffioffi »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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