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English-German Dictionary

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oil showErdölanzeichen {n}
oil sight glass Ölschauglas {n}
oil sketch Ölskizze {f}
oil skimmer Skimmer {m} [zur Ölbekämpfung bei Ölpest]
oil skimmer Ölschöpfer {m} [zum Einsatz bei Ölpest]
oil slick Ölfleck {m}
oil slickÖlteppich {m}
oil slickÖlschlick {m}
oil slinger Schleuderscheibe {f}
oil slinger ring Ölschleuderring {m}
oil sludgeÖlschlamm {m}
oil soap cleanerÖlseifenreiniger {m}
oil spike Ölpreisanstieg {m}
oil spill verschüttetes Öl {n} [auf dem Boden]
oil spill Ölteppich {m}
oil spill Ölpfütze {f}
oil spill Öllache {f}
oil spill Ölkatastrophe {f}
oil spill Ölpest {f}
oil splash guardÖlspritzblech {n}
oil springÖlquelle {f}
oil squash Ölkürbis {m}
oil squirtÖlkanne {f} [Spritzkanne]
oil squirt Ölkännchen {n} [Spritzkännchen]
oil stain Ölfleck {m} [auf Stoff, Papier etc.]
oil state Ölstaat {m}
Oil State [nickname] [Commonwealth of Pennsylvania] Ölstaat {m} [Spitzname für Pennsylvania, USA]
oil stocks Erdölvorräte {pl}
oil stoneÖlstein {m}
oil stoneAbziehstein {m}
oil stopÖlsperre {f}
oil storageÖllagerung {f}
oil storage room Öltanklager {n}
oil stove Ölofen {m} [Haustechnik]
oil strainer Ölsieb {n}
oil suction pipe Ölsaugrohr {n}
oil suction tube Ölsaugrohr {n}
oil sumpÖlwanne {f}
oil sump [esp. Br.] Ölsumpf {m}
oil supplies [deliveries] Erdöllieferungen {pl}
oil supplyÖlvorrat {m}
oil supply Ölhaushalt {m}
oil supply Ölzufuhr {f}
oil supplyÖlversorgung {f}
oil supply systemÖlversorgungsanlage {f}
oil swishingÖlkur {f}
oil swishingÖlziehen {n}
oil syringe Ölspritze {f}
oil tankÖltank {m}
oil tank cap Öltankverschluss {m}
oil tank cleaningÖltankreinigung {f}
oil tankerÖltanker {m}
oil tar Erdölteer {m}
oil temperature Öltemperatur {f}
oil temperature gaugeÖltemperaturanzeige {f}
oil testerÖlprüfmaschine {f}
oil testing machine Ölprüfmaschine {f}
oil throwerÖlschleuder {f}
oil trade Ölhandel {m}
oil transfer drawing Ölpause {f}
oil transformerÖltransformator {m}
oil transformer Öltrafo {m}
oil transshipmentÖlübergabe {f}
oil trap Erdölfalle {f}
oil trapÖlfang {m} [Abwassertechnik]
oil trap Ölabscheider {m}
oil trappingQuetschölbildung {f}
oil trapping Ölquetschen {n}
oil tray Ölauffangwanne {f}
oil troughÖlwanne {f}
oil vacuum pumpÖlvakuumpumpe {f}
oil vacuum pump Ölluftpumpe {f}
oil vapor [Am.]Öldampf {m}
oil vaporisation [Br.]Ölverdampfung {f}
oil vaporisation burner [Br.] Ölverdampfungsbrenner {m}
oil vapour [Br.] Öldampf {m}
oil varnishÖllack {m}
oil viscosityÖlviskosität {f}
oil wastesÖlabfälle {pl}
oil wealthÖlreichtum {m}
oil wedgeSchmierkeil {m}
oil well Ölsonde {f}
oil wellErdölsonde {f}
oil well Erdölbohrung {f} [Resultat]
oil well Ölquelle {f}
oil wellÖlbrunnen {m}
oil well drilling Erdölbohrung {f} [Vorgang]
oil wiper Ölabstreicher {m}
oil worker Ölarbeiter {m}
(oil) dipstick Ölmessstab {m}
(oil) filter wrench Ölfilterschlüssel {m}
(oil) pad lubrication Polsterschmierung {f}
(oil) pan gasket [Am.]Ölwannendichtung {f}
(oil) pan guard [Am.] Ölwannenschutz {m}
(oil) sump gasket [Br.]Ölwannendichtung {f}
(oil) sump guard [Br.] Ölwannenschutz {m}
oil-basedauf Ölbasis [nachgestellt]
oil-based paint Ölfarbe {f}
oil-based power generationÖlverstromung {f}
oilbath [spv.]Ölbad {n}
« Ohsnoilboildoilloilpoilsoil-oilloilyOkieOldB »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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