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O.K.O. K.
O.K. okay
OK in Ordnung <i. O.>
OK [coll.]richtig
OK [coll.] [not too bad / badly] einigermaßen (gut)
OK [coll.] Zustimmung {f}
OK [coll.] Okay {n} [ugs.]
OK, if you like. Ok, von mir aus.
OK message Gutmeldung {f}
OK ok, you've made your point! Ja, ich hab's jetzt verstanden! [ugs.]
OK parts [have passed quality inspection] Gutteile {pl}
OK result Gutmeldung {f}
OK, that's settled then.OK, es ist beschlossen.
OK, that's settled then. OK, abgemacht!
OK then. Also gut.
Ok. We do it the hard way. O. k. / O. K., dann eben auf die harte Tour.
OK! Gut!
OK! Klaro! [ugs.] [ja]
oka [Oxalis tuberosa] Knolliger Sauerklee {m}
oka [Oxalis tuberosa] Peruanischer Sauerklee {m}
okadaic acid Okadainsäure {f}
O'Kane CanyonO'Kane Canyon {m}
O'Kane Glacier O'Kane-Gletscher {m}
okanoganite-(Y) [(Na,Ca)3(Y,Ce)12Si6B2O27F14] Okanoganit-(Y) {m}
okaoka [NZ] [Māori] [Urtica ferox] [ongaonga] Ongaonga {f}
okapi [Okapia johnstoni] Okapi {n}
okapi [Okapia johnstoni]Waldgiraffe {f} [Okapi]
Okapi (knife) Okapi {n} [Messer]
Okapi (knife) Okapi-Taschenmesser {n} [Okapi-Messer, Okapimesser]
Okarito (brown) kiwi [Apteryx rowi] Okaritokiwi {m}
Okarito (brown) kiwi [Apteryx rowi] Rowi {m} [Okaritokiwi]
Okarito (brown) kiwi [Apteryx rowi]Okarito-Streifenkiwi {m}
Oka's theorem [theorem of Oka]Satz {m} von Oka
Okavango Delta Okavangodelta {n}
Okavango mud turtle [Pelusios bechuanicus] Okavango-Pelomeduse {f}
okavirusOkavirus {n}
Okay. Einverstanden.
okayO. K.
okayo. k.
okay Zustimmung {f}
okayOkay {n} [ugs.]
Okay. Passt.
Okay. Okidoki. [ugs.]
okay [coll.] richtig
okay <OK> in Ordnung <i. O.>
okay guy [coll.] netter Kerl {m}
Okay, if you're twisting my arm. [idiom]Okay, bevor ich mich schlagen lasse. [Redewendung]
(Okay,) you win! [coll.]Okay, du hast gewonnen! [ugs.]
okayamalite [Ca2B [BSiO7]] Okayamalith {m}
okayed [coll.]genehmigt
okaying [coll.] genehmigend
Okazaki fragment Okazaki-Fragment {n}
OK'd [coll.] genehmigt
oke Okka {f}
OK'ed [coll.]genehmigt
Okefenokee pygmy sunfish [Elassoma okefenokee]Okefenokee-Zwergschwarzbarsch {m}
okenite [Ca10(Si6O16/(Si6O15)2)·18 H2O] Okenit {m}
Oker (river) Oker {f}
Okey-doke. [coll.] Das ist gebongt! [ugs.]
Okey-dokey! [coll.] Okey-dokey! [ugs.]
Okey-dokey! [coll.] Tutti paletti! [ugs.]
Okhotsk PlateOchotsk-Platte {f}
okhotskite [Ca8(Mn,Mg)4(Mn,Al,Fe)8Si12O46(OH)12]Okhotskit {m}
Okie [Am.] [coll.] Einwohner {m} von Oklahoma
Okinawa goby [Gobiodon okinawae] Gelbe Korallengrundel {f}
Okinawa goby [Gobiodon okinawae] Okinawagrundel {f} [auch {m}]
Okinawa pine [Pinus luchuensis] Okinawa-Kiefer {f}
Okinawa pine [Pinus luchuensis] Luchu-Kiefer {f}
Okinawa pitviper [Ovophis okinavensis]Okinawa-Habuschlange {f}
Okinawa principle Okinawa-Prinzip {n}
Okinawa rail [Hypotaenidia okinawae, syn.: Gallirallus okinawae] Okinawaralle {f}
Okinawa Shima frog [Babina holsti, syn.: Rana holsti] Dolchfrosch {m}
Okinawa woodpecker [Dendrocopos noguchii, syn.: Sapheopipo noguchii]Okinawaspecht {m} [auch: Okinawa-Specht]
Okinawan woodpecker [Dendrocopos noguchii, syn.: Sapheopipo noguchii]Okinawaspecht {m}
Okishio's theorem Okishio-Theorem {n}
Oklahoma <OK> [Sooner State] Oklahoma {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
Oklahoma brown tarantula [Aphonopelma hentzi]Texas-Vogelspinne {f}
Oklahoma Cityan [from Oklahoma City (USA)] aus Oklahoma City [nachgestellt]
Oklahoma Crude [Stanley Kramer]Ölrausch in Oklahoma
(Oklahoma) collared lizard [Crotaphytus collaris] Halsbandleguan {m}
Oklahoman Einwohner {m} von Oklahoma
Oklahomian [spv.] Einwohner {m} von Oklahoma
okonomiyakiOkonomiyaki {n}
okra Okra {f}
okra Okraschote {f}
okra [Abelmoschus esculentus, syn.: Hibiscus esculentus] Essbarer Bisameibisch {m}
okra [Abelmoschus esculentus, syn.: Hibiscus esculentus]Ocker {m} [Okra]
okra [Abelmoschus esculentus, syn.: Hibiscus esculentus] Griechenhorn {n} [Okra]
okra [Abelmoschus esculentus] Essbarer Eibisch {m}
okra [Abelmoschus esculentus]Gemüse-Eibisch {m}
okra [genus Abelmoschus] [also ochra] Bisameibisch {m}
okroshka Okroschka {f}
Oktoberfest [annual festival in Munich, Germany]Oktoberfest {n}
Oktoberfest [beer festival in Munich] die Wiesn {f} [bayer. für: das Münchner Oktoberfest]
Oktoberfest hats Oktoberfesthüte {pl}
Oktoberfest terror attack Oktoberfestattentat {n} [München 1980]
Oktyabrsky Oktjabrski {n}
« oilmoilroilsoil-oil-O.K.Ol'MOldColdfoldmolds »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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