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Ol' Man River [Am.] [coll.] Mississippi {m}
Ol' Reliable [SpongeBob SquarePants]Oller Zuverlässiger {m} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
Ol' Sparky [coll.] [ugs. Name für den elektrischen Stuhl]
Olaf Liljekrans [Henrik Ibsen]Olaf Liljekrans
olanzapine Olanzapin {n}
Olathe quail [Callipepla gambelii, syn.: C. gambeli, Lophortyx gambelii, L. gambeli] Helmwachtel {f}
Olathe quail [Callipepla gambelii, syn.: C. gambeli, Lophortyx gambelii, L. gambeli]Gambelwachtel {f}
Olbers' paradoxonOlbers'sches Paradoxon {n}
Olbers' paradoxonolberssches Paradoxon {n}
Olbers' paradoxon Olberssches Paradoxon {n} [alt]
oldoll [ugs.] [bes. nordd.]
old bejahrt [geh.]
old [person: of advanced age]betagt [geh.]
old acquaintancealter Bekannter {m}
Old Acquaintance [Vincent Sherman] In Freundschaft verbunden
old adversary alter Gegner {m}
old ageGreisenalter {n}
old age hohes Alter {n}
old ageBetagtheit {f} [geh.]
old age Alter {n} [hohes Alter]
old age assurance [esp. Br.] Altersversicherung {f}
old age beneficiariesVersorgungsempfänger {pl}
old age beneficiary Versorgungsempfänger {m}
old age benefits {pl} Altersruhegeld {n}
old age exemption Altersfreibetrag {m}
old age homeAltersheim {n}
old age homeSeniorenheim {n}
old age pensionAltersruhegeld {n}
old age pension scheme [Br.] Altersversicherung {f}
old age pension scheme [Br.]Rentenversicherung {f}
old age pensionerRentner {m} [Bezieher einer Altersrente in D und CH] [österr.: veraltet]
old age pensioner Pensionist {m} [österr.] [Rentner]
old age pensioner [female] Pensionistin {f} [österr.] [südd.]
old age pensioner [retired civil servant] Pensionär {m} [südd. auch: Pensionist]
old age pensioner <OAP> Bezieher {m} einer Altersrente
old age provisions Altersrückstellungen {pl}
old age savings {pl}Altersguthaben {n} [schweiz.]
Old Age Security [Canada] Grundsicherung {f} im Alter
Old Akkadian [extinct language of Mesopotamia; 2500-1950 BCE] Altakkadisch {n}
old and feeble [Br.]alt und gebrechlich
old and full of days [Book of Job, King James Bible]alt und lebenssatt [Buch Hiob, Lutherbibel]
Old Apostolic Church Altapostolische Kirche {f}
Old Aramaic Altaramäisch {n}
Old ArmenianAltarmenisch {n}
old as dirt [coll.] uralt
old Austrian altösterreichisch
old Austrian alt-österreichisch
Old Austrian [descendant from historical Austro-Hungarian Empire]Altösterreicher {m}
Old Babylonianaltbabylonisch
old bachelor alter Junggeselle {m}
old bag [coll.] [pej.]alte Schachtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
old bag [coll.] [pej.] altes Weib {n} [pej.]
old bag [coll.] [pej.] Drachen {m} [ugs.] [zänkische Frau] [pej.]
old bag [fig.] alte Ziege {f} [fig.]
old bag [sl.] [pej.] alte Schlampe {f} [ugs.]
Old Bailey [Br.] [Central Criminal Court][englischer Zentral-Strafgerichtshof]
old ball and chain [slang] [fig.] [a burden or restain, e.g. a wife or job][der sprichwörtliche Mühlstein am Hals, z. B. eine Ehefrau oder ein Job]
old banger [Br.] [coll.] alte Klapperkiste {f} [ugs.]
old banger [Br.] [coll.] [car]alter Schlitten {m} [ugs.] [Auto]
old bat [coll.] alte Schrulle {f} [ugs.] [ältere unattraktive Frau]
Old BavariaAltbayern {n}
Old Believer [female] [Russian Orthodox Church] Altgläubige {f}
Old Believer [Russian Orthodox Church] Altgläubiger {m}
Old Believers Altgläubige {pl} [russisch-orthodox]
Old Believers {pl} [collectively] Altgläubigentum {n}
old Berlin [attr.]Alt-Berliner [indekl.]
old biddy [coll.] [fig.] alte Schachtel {f} [fig. für alte Frau] [ugs.]
old biddy [coll.] [pej.] Klatschtante {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
Old Bill [Br.] [sl.] Polizei {f}
old bookSchwarte {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
old book altes Buch {n}
old book shop Antiquariat {n}
old boot [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [dated] [unattractive, aging woman] (alte) Schreckschraube {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
old boot [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [dated] [unattractive, aging woman] Schrapnell {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [regional] [unattraktive ältere Frau]
old boot [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [dated] [unattractive, aging woman](alte) Schrapnelle {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [regional] [Schrapnell]
old boot [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [dated] [unattractive, aging woman] alte Fregatte {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [auch pej.] [ältere Frau]
old boy [address] alter Junge [Anrede]
old boy [Br.]ehemaliger Schüler {m}
old boy [Br.] Ehemaliger {m} [Schüler]
old boy [coll.] [old man]Alter {m} [alter Mann]
old boy [coll.] [old man] [Br.]altes Haus {n} [Mann] [ugs.]
old boy network"Old Boy Network" {n} [Männerfreundschaften, z. B. in Beruf, Politik]
old boy reunion [Br.] Ehemaligentreffen {n}
old boys' network [Br.] Klüngel {m} [ehemaliger Schüler, alter Freunde, usw.]
old boys team [Br.] Altherrenmannschaft {f} [oft pej.]
old British altbritisch
old bufferalter Kauz {m}
old buffer alter Zausel {m}
old building Altbau {m}
old building fabricAltbausubstanz {f}
old building stockAltbaubestand {m}
old building stock Altbausubstanz {f}
old building's window Altbaufenster {n}
Old Byzantine altbyzantinisch
Old Calendarists Altkalendarier {pl}
old campaigner alter Veteran {m}
old campaigner alter Kämpe {m} [veraltet] [noch hum.]
old car altes Auto {n}
old car [ready to be scrapped]Altauto {n}
« oilroilsoil-oil-O.K.Ol'MOldColdfoldmoldsOldW »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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