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old town quarter Altstadtteil {m}
Old Town Square [Prague]Altstädter Ring {m}
Old traditions are disappearing.Altes Brauchtum geht verloren.
Old Trafford [The Theatre of Dreams (nickname)] Old Trafford {n} [Fußballstadion in England, Heimstadion von Manchester United]
old trouble alte Beschwerde {f}
old trouble [ailment] altes Leiden {n} [Gebrechen, Krankheit]
old trouble [ailment]altes Übel {n} [Leiden, Krankheit]
old trout [coll.] [pej.] alte Schachtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
old trout [coll.] [pej.] alte Schaßtrommel {f} [österr.] [derb] [pej.] [alte Frau]
old trout [sl.] alte Schabracke {f} [unansehnliche Frau]
old tub (of a ship) [coll.] [hum.] Zossen {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Schiff]
old (tuberculin) tine test <OT, tine test with OT>Tinetest {m} mit Alttuberkulin <Tine-Test mit AT>
Old Turkic [also: East Old Turkic, Orkhon Turkic, Old Uyghur] Alttürkisch {n} [auch Orchon- oder Runen-Türkisch]
old twit [coll.] [pej.]alter Trottel {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
old tyres [Br.]Altreifen {pl}
old version alte Version {f}
old Viennese alt-wienerisch
old waste deposits Altablagerungen {pl}
old well sidetracked <OWST> alte Bohrung abgelenkt
old well worked over <OWWO>alte Bohrung aufgewältigt
Old West Norse altwestnordisch
old wife [Enoplosus armatus] Doppel-Rückenflosser {m}
old wine-growing country altes Weinland {n}
old witch alte Hexe {f}
old wives' taleAltweibergeschwätz {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
old wives' tale Ammenmärchen {n}
old woman Alte {f} [alte Frau]
old womanOlsch {f} [nordd.] [Alte, alte Frau]
old woman Schrumpel {f} [landsch.]
old woman [Artemisia maritima]Strand-Beifuß {m}
old woman [Artemisia maritima] [sea wormwood]Meer-Wermut / Meerwermut {m}
old woman [Artemisia stellerina] [dusty miller sagewort] Chrysanthemum-Wermut {m}
old woman / oldwoman [Artemisia stelleriana] Silberwermut {m}
old woman angelfish [Pomacanthus rhomboides] Trapez-Kaiserfisch {m}
Old World [attr.]altweltlich
old world / Old World leaf-nosed bats [family Hipposideridae]Rundblattnasen {pl}
Old World (African) bollworm [Helicoverpa armigera, syn.: Heliothis armigera, Chlordea armigera] [moth] Baumwoll-Kapseleule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Old World (African) bollworm [Helicoverpa armigera, syn.: Heliothis armigera, Chlordea armigera] [moth] Baumwolleule {f} [Nachfalterspezies]
Old World (African) bollworm [Helicoverpa armigera, syn.: Heliothis armigera, Chlordea armigera] [moth]Resedaeule {f} [Nachfalterspezies]
Old World (African) bollworm [Helicoverpa armigera, syn.: Heliothis armigera, Chlordea armigera] [moth] Schädliche Maiseule {f} [Nachfalterspezies]
Old World arrowhead [Sagittaria sagittifolia]Pfeilblatt {n}
Old World arrowhead [Sagittaria sagittifolia] Spitzes Pfeilkraut {n}
Old World arrowhead [Sagittaria sagittifolia] Echtes Pfeilkraut {n}
Old World arrowhead [Sagittaria sagittifolia]Gewöhnliches Pfeilkraut {n}
Old World babblers [Timaliidae]Timalien {pl}
Old World black vulture [Aegypius monachus] Mönchsgeier {m}
Old World black vulture [Aegypius monachus]Kuttengeier {m}
Old World bollworm [Helicoverpa armigera, syn.: Chloridea armigera, Chloridea obsoleta, Heliothis armigera, H. obsoleta] Altweltlicher Baumwollkapselwurm {m}
Old World camelids Altweltkamele {pl}
Old World comb duck [Sarkidiornis melanotos, syn.: S. melanota] Höckerglanzgans {f}
Old World comb duck [Sarkidiornis melanotos, syn.: S. melanota] Glanzente {f}
Old World deer {pl} [Cervinae, Plesiometacarpalia]Echte Hirsche {pl}
Old World deer {pl} [Cervinae, Plesiometacarpalia] Echthirsche {pl}
Old World deer {pl} [Cervinae, Plesiometacarpalia] Altwelthirsche {pl}
Old World flying squirrels [genus Pteromys] Echte Gleithörnchen {pl}
Old World flying squirrels [genus Pteromys]Altweltliche Gleithörnchen {pl}
old world fruit bats [family Pteropodidae] Flughunde {pl}
Old World hamsters [genus Mesocricetus] Mittelhamster {pl}
old world hornet [Vespa crabro]Hornisse {f}
Old World kestrel [Falco tinnunculus] Turmfalke {m}
Old World leishmaniasisaltweltliche Leishmaniasis {f}
Old World locust (tree) [Ceratonia siliqua] [carob tree]Johannisbrotbaum {m}
old world mice Altweltmäuse {pl}
old world mice [subfamily Murinae]Echte Mäuse {pl} [Altweltmäuse]
Old World moles [subfamily Talpinae] Altweltmaulwürfe {pl}
Old World monkeys [Catarrhini]Altweltaffen {pl}
Old World monkeys [Catarrhini]Schmalnasenaffen {pl}
old world monkeys [family Cercopithecidae] Meerkatzenverwandte {pl}
old world monkeys [family Cercopithecidae] Hundsaffen {pl}
Old World otter [Lutra lutra]Eurasischer Fischotter {m}
Old World porcupine [family Hystricidae] (Altweltliches) Stachelschwein {n}
Old World porcupine [genus Hystrix] (Eigentliches) Stachelschwein {n}
Old World porcupines [family Hystricidae](Altweltliche) Stachelschweine {pl}
Old World porcupines [genus Hystrix] (Eigentliche) Stachelschweine {pl}
Old World primates [subfamily Catarrhini] Altweltaffen {pl}
Old World primates [subfamily Catarrhini]Schmalnasenaffen {pl}
old world rats and mice [subfamily Murinae, family Muridae] Altweltmäuse {pl} [Unterfamilie der Langschwanzmäuse (Muridae)]
Old World ruddy duck [Oxyura leucocephala] Altwelt-Ruderente {f}
Old World sucker-footed bat [Myzopoda aurita] Madagassische Haftscheibenfledermaus {f}
Old World sucker-footed bats [family Myzopodidae] Madagassische Haftscheiben-Fledermäuse {pl}
Old World swallowtail [Papilio machaon] [butterfly]Schwalbenschwanz {m} [Tagfalterspezies]
Old World sycamore [Platanus orientalis]Morgenländische Platane {f}
Old World vultures [Aegypiinae] Altweltgeier {pl}
Old World vultures [family Accipitridae]Greifvögel {pl}
Old World vultures [family Accipitridae]Habichtartige {pl}
Old World vultures [family Accipitridae] Accipitriden {pl}
old world webworm (moth) [Hellula undalis] Südeuropäischer Kruziferenzünsler {m}
(Old World) climbing fern [Lygodium microphyllum, syn.: L. scandens, L. scandens var. microphyllum, Ugena microphylla] Schlangen-Kletterfarn / Schlangenkletterfarn {m}
(Old World) flycatcher [family Muscicapidae] Fliegenschnäpper {m}
(old world) orioles [family Oriolidae] Pirole {pl}
(old world) royal fern [Osmunda regalis] Königsfarn {m}
(old world) royal fern [Osmunda regalis]Königsrispenfarn {m}
(old world) royal fern [Osmunda regalis] Gewöhnlicher Rispenfarn {m}
(old world) sand boas [genus Eryx](Echte) Sandboas {pl}
(Old World) silversides [family Atherinidae] Altweltliche Ährenfische {pl}
(Old World) silversides [family Atherinidae]Atheriniden {pl}
(Old World) silversides [family Atherinidae]Ährenfische {pl}
Old Year's Day [dated] [New Year's Eve]Altjahrstag {m} [schweiz.] [regional] [Silvester]
Old Yeller Sein Freund Jello
[old Austrian measure of capacity, ca. 550 litres] Startin {m}
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