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old-age securityAlterssicherung {f}
old-boy network Beziehungen {pl} (von der Schule her)
old-boy networkCliquenwirtschaft {f}
old-boy network Seilschaft {f} [fig.] [etabliert, männlich]
old-boy network [Br.]Netz {n} ehemaliger Schüler
old-boy network [Br.] [Netz / Netzwerk von Personen in hohen Positionen]
old-clothes bagAltkleidersack {m}
old-earth creationist Alte-Erde-Kreationist {m}
old-earth creationist [female]Alte-Erde-Kreationistin {f}
Oldenburg horseOldenburger {m} [auch: Oldenburger Pferd {n}]
Oldenburg sentence test <OLSA test>Oldenburger Satztest {m} <OLSA-Test>
older älter
older ältere
older brotherälterer Bruder {m}
older brothergroßer Bruder {m} [ugs.] [älterer Bruder]
older building Altbau {m} <AB>
older couple Seniorenpaar {n}
older generation friendly altengerecht
older ones ältere Herrschaften {pl} [oft hum.]
older people ältere Leute {pl}
older people Ältere {pl}
older peopleSenioren {pl}
older people alte Herrschaften {pl} [oft hum.]
older peopleältere Menschen {pl}
older personÄlterer {m}
older person Senior {m}
older person [female] Ältere {f}
older person [female] Seniorin {f}
older senior citizen Altsenior {m}
older sisterältere Schwester {f}
older sister große Schwester {f} [ugs.] [ältere Schwester]
older student älterer Student {m}
older than dirt [coll.] uralt
older than dirt [coll.] steinalt
older than the hills [idiom] älter als der Böhmerwald [Redewendung]
older worker ältere Arbeitskraft {f}
older worker älterer Arbeitnehmer {m}
older-model blue Chevroletblauer Chevrolet {m} älteren Modells
oldest am ältesten [nur prädikativ]
Oldest Dryas Älteste Dryaszeit {f}
Oldest Dryas Älteste Tundrazeit {f}
oldest of all allerälteste
oldest preserved dwellingsälteste erhaltene Wohnhäuser {pl}
[oldest member of parliament who presides until the new president takes up office] Alterspräsident {m}
old-established alteingeführt
old-established altansässig [seltener]
old-established [Br.]alteingesessen
old-established firm alteingesessene Firma {f}
old-established trades alteingesessene Geschäftsleute {pl}
oldest-looking person Gesichtsältester {m} [ugs.]
olde-worlde [Am.]auf alt gemacht
old-fashioned altmodisch
old-fashioned unzeitgemäß
old-fashioned zopfig [pej.]
old-fashioned altväterlich [altmodisch]
old-fashionedaltväterisch [altmodisch]
old-fashioned unmodern
old-fashioned [old-style]alter Schule [nachgestellt]
oldfashioned [spv.] [old-fashioned]altväterlich
old-fashioned bleeding-heart [Lamprocapnos spectabilis, formerly Dicentra spectabilis] Tränendes Herz {n}
old-fashioned bleeding-heart [Lamprocapnos spectabilis, formerly Dicentra spectabilis] Zweifarbige Herzblume {f}
old-fashioned bleeding-heart [Lamprocapnos spectabilis, formerly Dicentra spectabilis] Herzerlstock {m}
old-fashioned fish bakeFischauflauf {m} nach alter Art
old-fashioned weigela [Weigela florida, syn.: W. rosea, Diervilla florida, D. rosea]Rosa Weigelie {f}
old-fashionednessAltertümlichkeit {f}
old-fashionedness altmodische Beschaffenheit {f}
oldfield deermouse [Peromyscus polionotus] Küstenmaus {f}
old-field goldenrod [Solidago nemoralis]Graue Goldrute {f}
oldfield mouse [Peromyscus polionotus] Küstenmaus {f}
oldfield pine [Pinus virginiana] Virginia-Kiefer {f}
oldfield pine [Pinus virginiana] Jersey-Kiefer {f}
old-field toadflax [Nuttallanthus canadensis, syn.: Linaria canadensis] Kanadisches Leinkraut {n}
Oldfield white-bellied rat [Niviventer culturatus] Taiwan-Weißbauchratte {f}
old-fogeyish [spv.]verknöchert
old-growth forestPrimärwald {m}
Oldham couplerKreuzschieberkupplung {f}
Oldham coupler Kreuzschlitzkupplung {f}
Oldham couplerOldham-Kupplung {f}
Oldham couplingOldham-Kupplung {f}
Oldham coupling Kreuzschlitzkupplung {f}
Oldham coupling Kreuzschieberkupplung {f}
oldhamite Oldhamit {m} [meteor.]
old-house / old house borer [Hylotrupes bajulus, syn.: Callidium bajulus, Cerambyx bajulus, C. caudatus] Balkenbockkäfer {m}
old-house / old house borer [Hylotrupes bajulus, syn.: Callidium bajulus, Cerambyx bajulus, C. caudatus] Hausbockkäfer {m}
old-house / old house borer [Hylotrupes bajulus, syn.: Callidium bajulus, Cerambyx bajulus, C. caudatus] Balkenbock {m}
old-house borer [Hylotrupes bajulus]Hausbock {m} [Käfer, Holzschädling]
oldiealte Klamotte {f} [Film]
oldie [coll.] [song, person]Oldie {m} [ugs.]
oldish ältlich
old-looking [attr.] alt aussehend [nur attrib.]
oldly alt
old-maid [Catharanthus roseus, syn.: Vinca rosea, Ammocallis rosea, Lochnera rosea]Rosafarbenes Zimmerimmergrün {n}
old-maid [Catharanthus roseus, syn.: Vinca rosea, Ammocallis rosea, Lochnera rosea]Madagaskar-Immergrün {n}
old-maid [Catharanthus roseus, syn.: Vinca rosea, Ammocallis rosea, Lochnera rosea] Rosafarbene Catharanthe {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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