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Pascal's paradoxpascalsches Paradoxon {n}
Pascal's theorem [also: Pascal theorem, theorem of Pascal] Satz {m} von Pascal
Pascal's theorem [also: Pascal theorem, theorem of Pascal]Pascal'scher Satz {m}
Pascal's theorem [also: Pascal theorem, theorem of Pascal]pascalscher Satz {m}
Pascal's triangle pascalsches Dreieck {n}
Pascal's triangle Pascal'sches Dreieck {n}
Pascal's Wager pascalsche Wette {f}
Pascal's Wager Pascal'sche Wette {f}
paschachurda [Tashkent ulcer] Paschachurda {n} [Taschkentgeschwür]
paschal österlich
paschal candle Osterkerze {f}
Paschal candleOsterkerze {f}
Paschal controversyOsterfeststreit {m}
Paschal cycle Paschal-Zyklus {m}
Paschal feastPassahfest {n}
Paschal feast Paschafest {n}
Paschal festivalPassahfest {n}
Paschal homily Passa-Homilie {f}
Paschal lamb Osterlamm {n}
Paschal lamb [also paschal lamb] Paschalamm {n} [ökumenisch] [Passah-, Passalamm]
Paschal mystery Passamysterium {n}
Paschal mysteryPaschamysterium {n}
Paschal vigilOsternacht {f}
Paschen bodiesPaschen-Körperchen {pl}
Paschen bodies [rarely also: Paschen elementary bodies]Paschen-Elementar-Körperchen {pl}
Paschen seriesPaschen-Serie {f}
Paschen-Back effectPaschen-Back-Effekt {m}
pascoite [Ca3V10O28·17H2O] Pascoit {m}
pasear [Am.] Spaziergang {m}
paseo [Am.] gemütlicher Spaziergang {m}
paseo [Am.] Fußgängerweg {m}
paseroite [PbMn(Fe,)2(V,Ti,)18O38]Paseroit {m}
pash [Aus.] [sl.] [French kiss]Zungenkuss {m}
pash [Br.] Verknalltsein {n}
pasha Bassa {m} [veralt.: Pascha]
pasha [title used during the Ottoman Empire]Pascha {m} [osmanischer Titel, nachgestellt]
pashmina Pashmina {m} [Breitschal aus Kaschmir und Seide]
Pashto Paschtunisch {n}
Pashto alphabet paschtunische Schrift {f}
Pashto (language) Paschtu {n} [auch: Paschto, Paschtunisch]
Pashtun Paschtune {m}
Pashtunian paschtunisch
PashtunsPaschtunen {pl}
Pasig (River) Pasig {m}
Pasiphae [Pasiphaë, Pasiphaa] Pasiphae {f} [Pasiphaë]
Paska's blue-eye [Pseudomugil paskai]Paskais / Paskas Blauauge {n}
pasodoble Paso doble {m}
Pasqualini syndrome Pasqualini-Syndrom {n}
pasque flowerKuhglocke {f}
pasquil Pasquill {n} [seltener {m}] [geh.] [veraltend]
pasquinade Pasquill {n} [seltener {m}] [geh.] [veraltend]
pasquinader Pasquillant {m} [geh.] [veraltend]
pasquinader [female] Pasquillantin {f} [geh.] [veraltend]
pass Ausweis {m}
passDurchgang {m}
pass Durchlauf {m}
pass Arbeitsgang {m}
passZuspiel {n}
passAusgeherlaubnis {f}
pass Ausgang {m}
pass Durchfahrt {f}
pass [a short single sweep by an aircraft] Vorbeiflug {m}
pass [an iteration through a software loop]Schleifendurchgang {m}
pass [authorized absence up to 72 hours] Urlaub {m}
pass [coll.]Annäherungsversuch {m}
pass [e.g. in football, soccer]Pass {m} [Abspiel / Zuspiel bei Ballspielen]
pass [entry card] Eintrittskarte {f}
pass [football / soccer] Abspiel {n} [Pass (im Fußball)]
pass [mountain pass] Pass {m} [Bergpass]
pass [of the ball, etc. to a teammate]Anspiel {n} [Zuspiel]
pass [passport] Reisepass {m}
pass [permit to enter, travel through] Passierschein {m}
pass [steel rolling] Kaliber {n} [Walzen]
pass [successful completion of an examination] Bestehen {n} [einer Prüfung ohne Auszeichnung]
pass [written authority] Urlaubsschein {m}
pass account Anschreibekonto {n}
pass across the Alps Pass {m} über die Alpen
pass band Durchlassbereich {m}
pass book Sparbuch {n}
pass by reference Referenzparameter {m}
pass by referenceundsooReferenzparameter {m}
pass for severely disabled / handicapped person Schwerbehindertenausweis {m}
pass gate Einlassschleuse {f}
pass in review [Am.] Vorbeimarsch {m}
pass in review [Am.] Parademarsch {m}
pass interference [in American football] Passbehinderung {f} [beim American Football]
pass key Generalschlüssel {m}
pass log Durchlaufprotokoll {n}
pass mark [Br.] Mindestpunktzahl {f} [bei Prüfung]
Pass me the book! Reich mir das Buch!
Pass me the salt! Reich mir das Salz herüber!
pass sheets Kontoauszug {m}
Pass the PlateSo isst die Welt!
(pass) completion rate [football]Passquote {f}
passability Wegsamkeit {f} [selten] [Begeh-, Befahr-, Passierbarkeit]
passable erträglich
passable leidlich
passable ertragbar
« partpartpartpartpartPascpasspasspasspasspass »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers